Lovely Wednesday Evening

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It is a lovely Thursday evening. Not for Gellert Grindelwald, though. After work, he and Albus were supposed to be together, but instead, Albus was at Hogwarts, correcting some useless exam papers. And, what is more, an annoying "Professor Lannister" is helping him. While he is at home, waiting for his husband with a table of already cooled down food. He couldn't wait anymore, so he grabbed the "phelephone" or whatever it is called, and called for the Hogwarts Pedagogy Department.

"Hello, Professor Lannister speaking."

"Oh hello. How happy I am to hear you." Gellert said sarcastically.

"Uh, how can I help you?" The poor man asked, not recognising anything wrong with Gellert's tone.

"Can I please talk to Albus Dumbledore?"

"You must be Gellert Grindelwald, right?"


"I see. But I am afraid he is quite busy. You can talk to him when he finishes, or is there something urgent?"

"Just pass the phone to him." Gellert said impatiently, yet still trying to sound polite. 


"Yes darling?"

"What do you want? I am at work and you are distracting me." 

"I need you."



The professor immediately blushed, making the other professor curious of the conversation.

"No but seriously, what do you want?"

"As I already said before, I need you. It's quarter past seven and you're still at that bloody school. Just come home already. I miss you."

"But I still have to do a lot of correcting..."

"Liebling, I've prepared the dinner."

"I can't. I really can't."

"Oh wait. Don't tell me you ate the dinner with him."

"With who? Oh Gellert can you stop? Newt is in Sicily right now!"

"Who's talking about that salamander? I am referring to Lannister!"


"And you're telling me you don't love him. You are literally thinking about him all the time."

"I am not."

"Yes you are."

"How can I prove you that I only love you?"

"Come home."

"... Oh Gellert. Will you ever stop being so childish?" 

"No, never, not in an eternity."

"Well fine then. Wait 'till I come home and smash your head into pieces."

Professor Lannister lifted his head, frightened of his colleague. 

"Yes my dear. I will be waiting."

7:30pm, at Albus and Gellert's house.

"Süßer, you're finally here."

"Yes I am. Are you prepared for me to smash your head?"

"Dinner's ready. I washed the dishes, the floor, the windows and even the doors. You can't do that." He said with the most serious tone.

"Of course I won't, idiot." He kissed Gellert, softly.

After dinner, Albus sat on the sofa and started reading. Gellert though, as you might expect, was not happy with that.



"I'm bored."

"Grab a book."

"I don't want to."

"Then go for walk or something."


The professor sighed. "Shall we play Truth or Dare?"

"Oh yes." 

"You spin the bottle or the youngest person starts." 

"No, I'll spin the bottle."

The bottle turned to Albus.

"Ha! You start. Truth or dare?"


"Call your first love and tell him to fuck off."

"At this point I don't even need to call him. Fuck off."

"Should I laugh or cry?"

"Do neither."

Albus spun the bottle. It turned to him again.

"Truth or dare?"


"How many children do you want?"

"Two would be just right."


The bottle turned to Gellert.

"Truth or dare?"


"Call Newt and tell him you're sorry for everything that you did to him."

"No bloody way."

"Alright, we can stop playing then."

"Albus you are the Devil..."

"Thank you, you too."

Gellert grabbed the telephone and called for Newt.


"Good evening."

"It's me. Uh, Grindelwald."

"Can I help you with something?" Newt asked carefully, anticipating a jealousy tantrum.

"You know, I just wanted to say, I'm sorry." He looked at his husband, whom was smiling. "Now fuck off." Albus stopped smiling.

"Uh-sorry?" Newt asked, shocked and confused.

But Gellert already put the phone away and started to spin the bottle.

"So you're never going to stop disliking Newt?"

"No. Now spin the bottle."

It turned to Gellert again.

"Truth or Dare?"


"What did you really do to Aberforth, when he stopped you from entering our house that summer?"



"I burned that gift which he wanted to give to that girl. And I also told him he is a loser that's why he can only succeed in dating goats."

"Oh that's why!" Albus exclaimed.

"That's why what?"

"That's why he told me he would never, ever, ever be kind to you in any form."

"And Gellert that's a bit... too much, don't you think?"

"Well, he deserved it."

"But what did he do to you?"

"He always interrupts us kissing, and he hates to see me around you. Once he even told you I am manipulative."

"But you still didn't have to say that."

"But Albus-"

So they spend rest of the night arguing about did Aberforth really deserved it.

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