🌿 going further: meditation upon an object

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For someone who moves about very quickly, it is hard to meditate at times. In Tibetan Buddhism, there is an emphasis on object-focused meditation. I haven't found it particularly useful until recently, because I have always wanted to empty my head!

The benefit of meditating on an object is that you have something to focus on besides your anxieties. However, if you can't think of any object that is sufficiently complex and interesting, it is hard to focus on it. It becomes boring quickly.

The shape that I have found great success in meditating upon is this one:

The shape that I have found great success in meditating upon is this one:

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I imagine it as just the paths, though, which are gold and spin. I find it extremely difficult to keep all the paths spinning in mind, without the rings falling around or sliding away from the center of my mind's eye. Trying to imagine all the orbits facing me and spinning perfectly is very hard, but it gives me something to focus on and I find it a good "object" to meditate upon.

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