Mini Mouse Revealed

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Mini Mouse Aka Anastasia Lambert, Aka Anastasia Steele
At 18 I was given my trust and took the reins at Steele company and it was announced that the heir has claimed her rightful position at the helm of the Steele Companies. I changed my name legally to Anastasia Steele after they handed me the papers in my nickname Mini Mouse. I signed it over to my new name immediately after I got my name changed and then all my things changed as well. Birth certificate, drivers license and social security card. Now I am officially Anastasia Rose Steele. My foster parents have added two more foster children to our family. This time they are going to adopt them. Thomas and Juliet Andrews are a set of fraternal twins who were part of the victims Elena had under her thumb. They are babies and the most adorable babies. Elliott came back to put in nurseries close to Roger and Alice's bedroom. They insisted I take the master bedroom and I went with it after they moved my things inside it. Elliott really hadn't heard my name before now and he caught that the person he thought was miss Albertsons, was not only Mini Mouse but Anastasia Steele who is the heir to the Steele estate and fortune along with the Steele companies.
Christian has been wanting to know who Mini Mouse is since Raymond Steele's company and fortune including all his estate was left to them. He wanted to buy the company, but he was short on the funds to get it. So it is bigger than when Raymond Steele was still alive. I ask Miss Steele if she was Mini Mouse? She says that was her name given to her by Raymond Steele. I look at her and see the beginnings of tears and I change the conversation to the designs of the nurseries. She has the Albertsons handle the nurseries and Barney has some gadgets he wants placed it them so the babies will be safe. We get everything ordered and miss Steele pays for everything. I finally ask her if I can call her Mini or Anastasia and she laughs and tells me either will be fine. She says she knows Mia from high school. Mini is still friends with Mia, but she nearly has her college degree, on the other hand Barney has a few degrees. He just got his drivers license. Neither Mini or Barney wanted to be adopted but they were allowed to stay with the Albertsons. Kate Kavanagh, Mia and Jose show up at the Albertsons while we start working on getting the rooms ready for what we need to and after sealing the rooms we head to get everything. Kate and Mia catch up with me and ask if I am coming to a party they are having to celebrate the new additions to the family. I can't stop looking at Kate and I can't say no to the party. It is the day I promised the nurseries to be done.
I can't believe he is joining the party, Ethan thinks I need to get over my crush on Elliott because he is still playing the field. We head to talk to the Albertsons about the party and Mia says she should invite Christian to the party because he has been wanting to know who Mini Mouse was for a while now, but has been too busy to find out for sure who it really is. I guess trying to hit the billionaire status kept him and Roz Bailey hopping and now they are able to allow sone of the work go through other people they employ.
I am trying to get my catering business going and offered to do the party myself just to get my name out there and Mini or Anastasia is good friend to allow me to handle it, she insisted on paying for it. I think it is actually going to be more than a welcome to the family party. I think it is a welcome to the world as Anastasia Steele as well.
Mom has invited me as her plus one to a party at the Steele mansion she says that is a party to welcome new family members it will be including Mini Mouse and Anastasia Steele. I want to meet both of them. Mia is catering it, I hope it goes well for her.

The party
Roger Albertsons
We welcome everyone to the party and the babies are sleeping but we have photos of them at the door. Alice is so happy and I am glad we have found babies who need a home and we have started the adoption and we're told we were about to sign the final documents. Arthur Dugan was the one who did everything to get us the babies. What is strange is that these babies were given up by one of the foster children who was raped by Mini Mouse's step father. Luckily he was never named as the father. Arthur made sure of that and got her into a safe place to live. She is with people who he knew to be kind and they took to her like a duck to water. They were even willing to help raise her babies, but she couldn't do it and they supported her in her decision.
We think of Arthur as our family as well. He doesn't have family of his own yet. I am so thrilled that even though Roger and I have been through a lot to have our own children we haven't given up on it yet, we were blessed with fostering two teens and that brought us to know Arthur which at this point brought us to the babies we will finally call our own. This party is a celebration of all of that and then some. Mia outdid herself and Barney has set some very good things up for us to enjoy. Cameras catching certain things Mia has set up. It looks beautiful.
I finally get to meet Grace Grey and I recall her husband very well. I doubt she remembers me at all. I think the last time we met each other it was at her husbands funeral. My wife and child were killed by one of my clients after he was unhappy with his guilty verdict, had I known his wrapping up personal issues would include breaking into my home to kill my wife and child I would have not worked hard to get him enough time to settle his matters. Raymond knew what he was doing when he dragged me into his life and business as well as putting me in charge of Mini Mouse's trust and his will, along with be the executor of his will it all kept me very busy. He suggested very strongly to find sone trust worthy people to run the company. He pointed out there were sone thieves in the company and he wanted them out. We got lucky when The Albertsons were available and then we got Mini and Barney into the mix. Even though she was new to the business she got up to speed quickly with everyone's help and her college. Barney got all the equipment up to date and it might have costs a nice sum it has paid off in spades.

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