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Fire Investigator Adam Duncan
There was no way a kid set this fire, well not an 18 year old who is afraid of flames of any kind. I read the police report if the kid's sister interview and I believe her after looking into the incident at a friends home. Someone has been misleading this investigation and I am looking into it further. I talk to the police chief and the DA and tell them to stop looking for the Kavanagh boy because he didn't do it. They called off the dogs and started looking for someone skilled in this kind of fire. I give them my thoughts on who the arsonist could be.
They called off the hunt for Ethan Kavanagh thanks to the Fire Investigation. I question my friends and they can't do anything to help me locate him at all, because all eyes are on this investigation and they can't lose their jobs or their freedom just because of my needs and wants. I am going to need to tread lightly until this fire investigation is over. Push too far and the cuffs will be on me. I have to just hope Ethan gets in touch with social services to locate Kate. He knows more than he needs to know and probably has no idea. His disappearance is why I suspect he has figured some things out. Now that he isn't being searched for by the authorities he might surface.
Dr. Flynn was very adamant that I take these four children and he said that he wants them to go into two sets of foster parents he trusts so I look into them and they are all that he says they are so I take the files on the children out of the box sitting on Elena's desk. I have no idea where she is or what she is doing half the time. There's a lot of folders on her desk and we are getting odd complaints about her. I have no idea why she is working in this office anyway, well she really doesn't close any files unless they age out or disappear. She is wealthy after her husband died. She has a degree in child welfare. She has admittedly said she hates them in front of everyone in the office. It was at the office Christmas party, granted she was drunk, but truth usually comes out when you let your guard down. Even our boss has voiced concerns to his boss and nothing was done about her lackluster approach to her job. I was called into his office to chat about helping clear the files on her desk, so I didn't hesitate to grab the four that she had taken a special interest in. I get everything going and the two couples are thrilled to be helping out with these four children.
Alice Albertsons
Mini Mouse and Barney Miller are arriving today, Mini is in antibiotics and she has been beat up so she has two black eyes and bruises and scrapes everywhere. I have been warned that Mini has been homeless for a while and is hiding from her mother at least. Until they find out her birth name Mini Mouse it is then. We have special documents to get her into school. We are having both tested to see how much they know. Both were advanced and are at a high school level. We checked on testing them out of courses and both were allowed to test out and got credits for them. Barney had more technical aptitude and Mini had more written and verbal abilities along with science. Both were credit with nearly a college score, but we placed them in senior courses just get them both in a social setting amongst teens. Barney had turned 13 without having his birthday recognized. Roger was trying his best to get Mini to tell us her real name, but she refused and started getting panicked so we stopped. Dr Flynn had to come over and sedate her and we reassured her we wouldn't force her to tell us any more.
Roger Albertsons
I saw how traumatized Mini truly was when I attempted to get her real name from her. She is going by our last name in school so she doesn't get teased about the Mouse name. Kids can be cruel. After seeing how badly she was hurt physically we didn't want to hurt her further emotionally, but we had no idea she would need sedated from just trying to get her real name.
Dr Flynn reported he had to sedate Mini after Roger attempted several times to get her real name. I made notes in her file to not bring up her real name. I read further into her files and it seems there were absolutely no missing persons reports on anyone fitting her description. It makes me wonder if she was abused by her parents and ran away. Something happened to her that's for sure. We had to create a Jane Doe kind of birth certificate for her. I think she was smart enough not to give us the right birthdate or where she was originally from. She caught on to the swabs and refused to allow us to do those. All I know was they found her by a dead military veteran. Raymond Steele died of a heart attack, she fought tooth and nail to get away from the cops. The black eyes we think or hope happened before they got her in cuffs. I think she is a runner, but she didn't run yet. The cold weather and snow might be the reason she hasn't ran yet. If it were summer she would be history. Plus she connected with Barney on some level, which makes me wonder if she has a brother somewhere out there.
Dr Flynn
I finally sedate Mini and head to the hospital to an emergency surgery. I ask them to assure her they won't ask her again about her real name. Eventually she will want to talk to someone and trust is something she needs to be able to trust us and relax. I see long term foster care another reason to place her with my friends. Barney seemed to adjust quickly, but he was on a computer. They said he is brilliant on them and they plan to encourage him in that area.
David Johnson
Jose Rodriguez and Kate Kavanagh are very inquisitive and have asked so many questions about everything. Diane laughed as I was being grilled by them both until they started asking her questions.
Diane Johnson
I can't believe these two have so many questions, but I guess it's normal for teens in foster care to ask so many questions. David is laughing now and I throw the dish towel at him. All of us were doing dishes after cooking a meal together. Kate is not kitchen oriented, Jose however knew how to cook and what things were. Poor Kate burned the only thing she was responsible for cooking, alas not all of us can cook. Dr Flynn Aka to us as Herman Flynn also good friends after meeting him at a charity event. His wife was with him then, but cancer took her from us. His sons are doing better now and they will be attending school with Kate and Jose. They are 13 and 15 years old. Sam and Robert will meet them and help get them through we hope.

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