Almost Done

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I allowed dr Flynn to give me a sedative this time, but I am history next time I am questioned like that about my real name. Mr Albertsons was not going to stop grilling me about my real name. They are enrolling me under their last name. People are trying to test my DNA to see if they can figure out who my family is and that is not going to happen. I refuse to be sold and that was what my evil mother was trying to with me. She sold my baby brother to the highest bidder just had him and left him to some strangers in the hospital. She had a lot of money that day, it didn't last long though. I demanded to know where my baby brother was and she just said he died, I finally got the truth from her during a beating she gave me for burning supper. She said more than that though and that was when I knew I need3d to leave and quickly. I was wandering around and was chased off the park benches by other homeless people who had dibs permanently on them. Finally a guy in a green jacket found me trying to get money for food and he took me to a soup kitchen. He pretended I was his kid and we had my first hot meal in months. We were able to get beds that night. I usually don't trust strangers but this guy had eyes that told me he could be trusted. He was the only one I trusted with my information. Everything and he made sure I learned to defend myself.
Raymond Steele
I have been seeing this little girl sleeping on Wanda's bench and she gets chased off constantly by Wanda and the police, none of them look too closely at her. If they had they would see she is very young and helpless. I finally approach her and at first she was frightened of me, but after a few days she allowed me to talk her into following me to get a hot meal. We are offered beds and clean clothing and a shower. She came in handy as my daughter, so we work something out to our benefit. I call her Mini Mouse and she calls me man of Steele. I finally get her real name from her and it fits her. Anastasia Rose Lambert, she will always be my special friend and the closest thing to a daughter I have had. The military screwed me up badly and I just couldn't cope. My heart is about to give out on me and Mini will be all alone out here. I had to meet with my attorney and settle my estate. We served together in the black ops and he has been keeping things going for me. I just couldn't join society after my wife and four children were killed by a bomb planted by one of my targets. All that was left was ashes of my wife and children. The target was shot and killed by a long range sniper bullet and no one knew who it was. I don't leave evidence anywhere. My family were supposed to have security 24/7, someone got paid off. Diane, Todd, Abraham, Sarah and baby Melissa all were killed instantly is what I am told. They tried to tell me they felt no pain, that's plain bs, the second the bomb hit they felt pain as they were blown apart. It is what they tell you but I don't believe them at all. Mini has just found me and is here for me in my last minutes she has called the ambulance. She told me everything just before she went to call the ambulance. I tell her to get in contact with Arthur Dugan and give her his card. I tell her to call him and tell him that I am dead. We hear the ambulance but it's too late. I see her being grabbed by the cops and that was the last thing I see, until I walk into a bright light where my wife welcomes me with our four babies.
I waited to see him die in front of me, but someone grabbed me and he watches me get tossed in the back of a cops car. I can't breathe and they cover his face up. I was brought to a children's home and they put me in with another girl and two boys we were in the corner of a huge room full of beds and mattresses and not much else.
End of Flashback
Arthur Dugan
Mini Mouse called me today, at first I thought it was a joke, but then I told my secretary to put her through immediately. She tells me Raymond Steele died and needs buried. She doesn't know where he was taken because the cops took her to a children's home and now she is in a foster home. I ask her to give me her number and she says she can't, but she wants to attend his funeral. I tell her I will make arrangements and she can call me back for the details in the next days. I was told that things were bad for her and  we set things up for Mini to be the only heir to Raymond Steele's estate. It is in a trust for now and I had already hired people to run it all. We audit everything and have a tight rein on the company and the estate. We had an issue at first, but they were fired and arrested immediately. Oliver Perry thought he could take over the company by trying to siphon assets from it. Raymond was watching the companies assets via internet. I knew he was out there watching and tracking things and he caught Perry and his scheme very quickly and stopped him from getting one penny. The man ha d major skills.

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