Elliott Jr

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I look at my baby and ask if he is going to be okay, he had to be given oxygen after his screams. But they said he was fine after he settled down. Mom said they made sure everything was fine with him after the surprise pregnancy. All of us were shocked and he was a full term baby. All seven pounds six ounces and twenty inches long of him. He looks like me in every way. Kate is still in surgery, we found out that Ethan and Kate aren't related at all. We think he was adopted possibly. He was never told he was adopted though. His birth certificate that he had to have replaced had the same parents as Kate, yet here we are after the blood tests he is not her brother or half brother. Kate finally made it out of surgery they found a donor supply of blood. Mom said it was a good thing she came to the hospital when she had. She is in recovery and looks very pale. I am taking care of little Elliott they found a nursing mother that donates her extra supply to mothers who need it. I am diapering my son when I hear Kate finally wake up. I wash my hands and pick up little Elliott and his bottle and bring him over to meet his momma.
I don't remember much after all the pain and screaming babies everywhere. Elliott brings a small bundle over to me and it is a baby, so I did have a baby. He shows me a carbon copy of him and he is drinking that bottle like he hasn't eaten in a while. He hands me the baby and the bottle. At first I am scared of hurting him, but finally calm down and I am looking at the eyes of Elliott jr and see Elliott taking videos of us. He is so happy and we weren't trying or expecting this bundle of joy. I think of something that I heard but couldn't get a clear handle on, something about a blood transfusion.
Dr Greene
I came to check you over Kate and see if you are okay. What a surprise huh? It happens a lot, I think we are going to check you more often now that we know you are one of the ones it happens to. I check her over and everything seems okay. She can eat after she uses the bathroom number two wise. I leave that in her orders and walk out. Ethan comes in as I leave. He looks so tired.
I finally have to tell Kate what I found out while she was asleep. She says that I am her brother no matter what and always will be. I hug her and ask her if she is okay? She looks pale still, the baby is healthy at least. Elliott picks him up and burps him and I visit with Kate and tell her the rest of the news. It turns out that Richard was my real father and Elena thank God wasn't. But she made sure I couldn't be found by my father or his private investigators. But once she died they were able to dig into everything and found my real birth certificate hidden amongst all her papers. Elliott suggested I have one of Christian's people look into things deeper. I have already been confirmed as Richards son, but my mother is unknown. We know it wasn't Elena, because she had her tubes tied lol no before I was born. The attorney who contacted me had proof. Christian bought the properties from me, because I want nothing to do with it at all. He recommended that we look into who my mother was. It will take a month to have everything done.
I slip in to see my third grandchild and by this time Kate is breast feeding him. She winces as he is really sucking hard to get his milk. I see her change positions and I ask if she is doing better and she says she still hurts but not as badly as before. Ethan has been a bit down, but after what we know it is not unexpected. He is proud of his babies though. He has spoken to dr Flynn about how he is feeling about what he just found out.
Ethan is trying his best to help me with the twins, but he is a bit withdrawn about what he recently found out. I hear him answer the phone even though he was asleep.
They found out that my real mother has family here in Seattle. They want to get a DNA sample to verify I am who I say I am, but it isn't me saying it is the attorneys. We are meeting to get the DNA testing yet again. I head over there after letting Mia know Christian hired her sone help for the babies and they will be brought over in an hour.
I look at Ethan and give him a nod. He is very depressed even the babies can't cheer him up. I think it is because he doesn't want to be related in anyway to the Lincoln family. He sold all the known properties from the Lincoln estate. Apparently he even got Elena's possessions, because he was supposed to get it to begin with and because of that he ended up with hers and his father's assets. Assets even Elena didn't know.
I am just going through the motions as I walk into the attorneys office. Arthur Dugan met me here as moral support. It is nice if him to come. I look at the people and one gasps as I walk by her. She is about my dead mother's age. Sheryl Sullivan gets up and the doors of a conference room opens up and a young man invites us inside and asks us to sit down until the nurse comes in to get the DNA. The rest of the people are my relatives as well.
Three days later I have a huge family I had no idea about and living in Seattle. They show me photos of my mother and they have been looking for me since my birth. My mother was killed and I was cut out of her. They knew Richard was my father he knew about me and tried to find me.

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