Christian Discovers The Truth

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Arthur Dugan greets me and Christian during the party and Christian knows who he is. I don't recall him, but I only met him once at Carrick's funeral. It was a hard time for all of us, but Christian knows him for other reasons. He is the executor of Raymond Steele's will and trust for the heir. Christian has it on good word that the infamous Mini Mouse is here along with Anastasia Steele. I personally don't know why he is intent of finding Mini Mouse after all Mia could have introduced them years ago. Gail Jones walks in with a nice looking gentleman on her arm. Arthur joins me to greet them.
Jason Taylor
I just moved to Seattle and met Gail on the first day at a deli close to where I interviewed for head of security for GEH. I was hired on the spot and given a week to get moved into staff quarters with my daughter Sophie. Luckily my sister Beatrice Taylor is watching my daughter at the hotel mr Grey set us up at. Gail was invited to the Albertsons party by them and Mini Mouse or Anastasia Steele. I am introduced to Grace but wasn't informed of her last name until a gentleman walks up and introduces himself to Grace as Arthur Dugan. Gail knows him, but Grace barely recalls him since they met at her husbands funeral. Soon we are all in a conversation and Gail is making plans for us to get together for dinner at her home and schedules a time to have the dinner.
Jason and I know things about one another from when we met before but nearly forgot about. But we liked each other immediately and I invited his sister and his daughter along to my home. My family left me with a sizable estate, I just don't flaunt it. Plus unlike Elena I am there because I want to help foster children be placed with good people. I have only been fooled by one couple and that ended quite quickly. I think Grace and Arthur are hitting it off. Jason and I walk around after giving our numbers to Arthur and Grace, she had my number but I gave it to her again.
I see my new head of security walking in with a woman I don't recognize. I finally get to meet Mini Mouse and it turns out she is Anastasia Steele. The only heir of Raymond Steele, I can't believe how young she is, but am young as well. She was the Albertsons foster child and now they all live in the Steele mansion. Elliott was telling me that he was working on this house where he first started out. He met Mini then and I rarely spoke about business so he had no idea I was trying to find her. Neither did Mia because apparently she has been friends with her since high school. Mom is having a good time with mr Dugan. Jason is enjoying himself and here I am trying to impress an 18 year old girl. I can't get over that I have no doubt been in the same place she was at, but looking at her I can see why I failed to see her. Mini is the right name for her. Standing between all those men it would be hard to see her anyplace. At six foot three I tower over her and so do they. I shake her hand and we shock each other. We both laugh as the crackling sound is loud enough for the others to hear. I can't help myself but I want to stay by her side and it isn't business related. I also meet her foster brother Barney Miller. I finally get him to consider joining the GEH staff. I tell Mini or Anastasia that I tried to buy the company, but didn't have the money to buy it. But found out that Elena tried and lost her money to one of the upper management that was fired. Elena was never good at business, her husband was the business genius. They finally found evidence of her killing him during a warrant search of their properties. I finally get Anastasia alone and we get to talk about various things. I pick her up and give her a kiss on the lips. I ask if she might consider wearing heels? She laughs and says Mia is teaching her to wear them. So is Kate Kavanagh. I recognize the name, she has been trying to interview me for a story she is freelancing on. I doubt Anastasia knows about it. I ask her to go out with me soon. Mom comes over and greets Anastasia with a hug and I find out that she knows my mom as well. She met my mom before she met the rest of us. All my family knew her and I had no idea. I was so busy building my company that I was hardly there with my family. Even Elliott knew who Mini Mouse was.
I finally get to meet Kate Kavanagh, her brother and her foster parents. Then meet her foster brother Jose Rodriguez. They seem to be a team of sone sort, she is writing a story and he is taking photos. Something about a successful foster story. I finally get Kate off to the side. I know she knows Mia, because they graduated the same class. I ask her if she would consider going out with an older man?
I guess, but do you know any one that is interested in me? He says I am. Then he asks me out on a date. I give him my number and tell him to give me a call. He gives me his card. We hang around together until the party ends it was a great party.
Jason tells me mr Grey is his boss, starting Monday after the party. We head home with Sophie and Beatrice with us. I think Beatrice was talking to Barney Miller. Sophie was playing with the babies and a new toy Barney had developed for them. Beatrice us the same age as Barney and graduated college like he did. They have a lot in common. Sophie invited him over to visit them. I think that is a good idea. There were a few people who had children Sophie's age but they were interested in all the cool electronics in the Steele mansion.
Jason asked Barney if he had any good updates on the security systems yet?
I spoke with Barney and Beatrice and they made a date to see each other. I pulled him aside and told him he better be nice to my sister and he agreed that he would treat her with respect. The party ended and all of us leave and I drive Gail home and kiss her good night, nothing too heavy in front of my family though. I tell her I will call her later.

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