Wedding Bells

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Arthur and I got married after six months of dating and Mia threw us a nice reception for our wedding announcement. Grace Dugan is my new name. Arthur's home is nicer so we chose to move into it and Mia is living in our family home. Arthur allowed me to redecorate how I wanted his home so it would be my home as well. He makes good money under contract with the Steele company.
I knew the second I met Grace that I wanted her to be my wife. That party was the beginning of several romances and two marriages so far. Jason Taylor married Gail Jones as well. Invitations to Elliott and Kate's wedding are being sent out today. Christian and Anastasia's engagement made the papers as well as Kate and Elliott's wedding announcement. Kate wrote the story and Jose took all the pictures. The only thing bad about it is Carla Morton and Stephen Morton sent letters to Anastasia insisting she help them get released from jail. I had to contact the wardens by mail with a restraining order against both of them. I made arrangements for one of the companies new lawyers to present the documents to the warden and the Morton's. It didn't go well. But they can't send any letters out at all.
I watch as Elliott and Kate say their I do's and think that will be me and Anastasia soon. I call her Anastasia instead of Mini, because Mini is who she was but Anastasia is who she is now. After seeing those two letters from prison from the Morton's and she read them, we immediately got a restraining order against both of them from any contact at all. Both wardens know to assure they don't get to send any mail out. What I didn't know was that word spread about what The Morton's were incarcerated for and Mrs Lincoln as well as mr Hyde. Things started happening after the word got out. A few of the homeless people ended up in the same prison on trumped up charges. When Carla said she was Anastasia Steele's real mother. The women who were there also found out why she was in there and made sure they knew that her and Mrs Lincoln were trafficking their children and made a lot of money selling them to monsters. With three months all four that were known were found dead of mysterious causes. When you are homeless you use what you can to protect yourselves. Anastasia went to bat for the homeless they locked up and they were leased and she found a building to house them and created a better homeless shelter. A few she knew and we visited them with all kinds of supplies. Sone neighboring building tried to give her a hard time, but couldn't prevent her from using the building for anything she wanted to. Each of the people involved in the child trafficking rings, were found dead in prison or their jail cell while waiting for court. The cops were shot in the line of duty. All of the ones who were going to be tried for their part in all of the trafficking along with other contemptible things they did. Morton and Hyde had certain areas cut off and someone had surgically removed it, so there was minimal blood. That part was never released to the public. I mean the warden would be derelict in his duties after all criminals shouldn't be able to operate on any other criminals. It meant that someone wasn't keeping an eye on them after all.
Christian wants to get married soon and we will but I just want friends and family and we are going to have Mia make up things for our reception and things to go to the homeless shelter as well. A month is all we need to get the wedding done. Mia is working very hard and she hired extra people. A few homeless people were hired and they are excellent cooks and staff. It works for everyone involved. At first one customer realized that she saw two of them on the street begging for food and was angry at Mia and insisted Mia fire them on the spot. Mia said there was no way she would such excellent employees. She told the woman that she has no right to tell her who she employs and since they hadn't started unpacking the food that she could either er accept her staff as is or fire her company and at that point she would leave, but she would still have to pay for everything. Mia stood her ground and the woman was told if she gave a bad review that Mia would make sure that people knew she had done this.
My business is going well except for a few who don't like me hiring homeless people. I know that Anastasia was homeless and look at her now. The ones I hired are exceptional and very respectful of others. Ethan has been working with Dr Flynn and he has been trying to get his degree and it will take a while, but he and I are getting married in a year. Once I have built my business up he can change from a construction worker to an intern.
A lot of wedding bells and I want to wait until I get my internship and Mia is still building her business. Sone are giving her a hard time because she is hiring homeless people and training them. I really don't know why she puts up with those snobs. She does though and she has put her foot down. Finally she has put it on her card and her contracts and her ads that she gives a helping hand to those who can't help themselves. It has brought in a lot of work for her from philanthropist and they pass the word on good the catering is and so on. Her hiring more people includes homeless people. I knew how that felt, not as much as Anastasia has though.

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