Cold and Dark

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First Person Pov:
A rainy day, another killing.
It's like it happens every night, I don't bother reading the news. Because I already know what happened.
I can hear gossip and whispers, talking about the rapid killings.

Second person pov:
As you make your way to the bakery to pick up some bread, you can hear a music box, playing your favorite song/tune.

You loved the sound of a music box. It would always bring you joy.
You finally made your way into the bakery. The lady that owned the bakery welcomed you warmly.

First Person Pov:
"Hello, Julia!" I said.
" Hi, Y/N! Your bread is ready for pick up!" Julia says loudly.
" Thank you so much!" I said while receiving the bread from Julia. I grabbed my money and paid for the two loaves of bread. I wave and say goodbye, but before I could walk out the door, Julia runs up to me and lightly held my arm.
"Please be careful, you're like, my closest friend I've had in a while. I don't... wanna lose you too..." Julia says while looking at the floor.
" Don't worry, I'll be okay," I reassured her and gave her a big hug.

Second person pov:
You make your way out the door, and onto the sidewalk. You slowly make your way to the apartment. You hear the music box again, still playing your favorite tune. You start humming. You think about what Julia said.

'Please be careful, you're like, my closest friend I've had in a while. I don't... wanna lose you too...'

You think about one of her friends, Maria. You've only met her once or twice, and haven't met her in a while. You thought back to the previous victims that were killed. That mentioned a girl that was killed near the place she was working at.
And Maria did work in the fish industry by the harbor.
You shook your head and pushed all that stuff away. You got caught up in your thoughts, that it was already getting dark. You quickly make your way to the apartment.
The wind started to blow, and you began to feel cold. You tried to keep yourself warm but failed. You were a block away from the front door. You start to speed and walk your way to the door.
As the wind started to blow harder, it began to push up on your body. You slowly made your way. Your scarf had been blown away by the wind, but you didn't look back to get it.
You finally make it to the door and unlock it.

Word count: 440

Jack the Ripper x {Female} ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now