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After our midnight walk, I was alone again and my apartment. I don't know why I felt so lonely when I only have a couple of friends nearby. Maybe it's because of James leaving that's making me feel this way.
I thought back to the last time I saw Jack, which was two weeks ago. 


The night was chilled and silent. The sounds of the gentle breeze and loud crickets' melody echo through the roads and alleyways of London. As the silence is broken by the clicking heels of our shoes hit against the hard ground.
We walked to a nearby shop that had clothes shown through the glass with lights beaming toward a beautiful green dress.

I had never seen such a gorgeous dress, and I was amazed as a little girl on Christmas day

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I had never seen such a gorgeous dress, and I was amazed as a little girl on Christmas day.
I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I continued to walk while still looking at the dress, but as we walked farther, the dress was out of view.
I looked ahead towards the road, the lampposts lighting the way. I was still scared of him, and his presence. If I were like other women, I would've run while screaming my lungs out like some sort of mad person. But I didn't feel like I was in danger or in a threatening position. We were just walking, peacefully.
I wanted to start a conversation about why he started to kill people, but at the same time, I didn't want to get on his bad side or anything. So I started the conversation with just one tiny itty bitty question.

"So umm...what's your favorite color?"

He all of a sudden just stopped, I turned my head towards him, in a confused but yet concerned way.

'What did I do!?! Did I ask him something that he's sensitive about?! Should I ask him something else??!!!'

While I was mentally scowling myself, the sounds of giggling brought me back from my thoughts. He was the one giggling, which really started to creep me out.

"Hehe, I'm sorry, I do apologize. I don't wish to scare you, not at all. It's just that, I love all colors! They all satisfy me, in the happiest way. Even your color, my dear."

I stood there confused and curious about what he meant by, 'my color'. I walked closer and looked up at him.

" Well, what is my color? "

He looked at me closely, with such patience. Then his eye started to glow brightly. I backed away a little bit.
After a few moments, he smiles lightly.
Without myself knowing, I smiled as well. He walked closer to me and held both my hands in his. His hands were warm. We looked into each other's eyes, with a deep connection.
It felt like hours, but was only a few minutes.
He moved his face close to my ear and say.

" As green as a deep forest"

--Flashback ends--

Green is my second favorite color and I do live near a forest back home.
Hmm, that's some crazy voodoo crap.

Jack the Ripper x {Female} ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now