Warm and bright

570 14 1

Second person pov:
The next morning, you feel the bright sunshine upon your face waking you up. You wanted to stay in your bed a bit longer, but you urged yourself to get out of bed, and so you did. You slowly made your way to the kitchen, to the wonderful delicious smell of Pancakes and Tea. You see your roommate, James. You smiled softly. James runs up to you and gives you a big hug. You groaned as he hugged you VERY tightly.
"Please -let -go -can't - breath." You say trying to grasp for breath.
"Oops, sorry! Haha." He says as he lets you go. You take a deep breath then you began to cough roughly.
"Soo, little women, how was your sleep?" He says while serving you a plate.
You sigh and sit down at the table. "It was... alright. Couldn't stop thinking about yesterday."
"Well, don't dwell too much on the past, aka yesterday, things happen. To be honest, these killings, don't surprise me as much as before. I would be scared shitless thinking about what happened to those poor people. But now, I'm just glad that I'm not one of those people. Having to face...HIM." he says while eating his pancakes.
You look down at your empty plate and think.
'I'm trying to be glad that I'm still living, but I feel guilty for it...' 
" Is something wrong?" James says while touching your hand lightly.
You blink back into reality, shake your head, and smile. " No, I'm just thinking." You say while holding his hand.

Word count: 263

Jack the Ripper x {Female} ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now