Bonus One Shot!

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Jack x Depressed! Reader
*Jack is actually gonna be Jack the Ripper, except he doesn't kill women, the rest of his personality stays the same*

Y/n =you're name
N/n= nickname

I was so happy to meet up with my fiancee, that I got him a box of chocolates, for both of us to share.
He said that he'd meet me at a fancy restaurant, and he'd pay. I had a casual dress on, not too sexy or anything.
I got to the restaurant and waited, I had gotten a reservation beforehand, a table for two. I had wanted to order something, but all I ordered was a glass of water. I waited for him to arrive, and waited again.
"Miss, a man left you a letter. He told me to deliver it to you." The waiter said as he passed a piece of paper toward me.
"Thank you, sir," I said while taking it.
I opened it up, and I could already feel the tears in my eyes.

My dear,
I'm sorry to leave you like this, but I've met someone that's better for me and more in my league. You have too many issues that I really don't want to deal with right now. You've changed completely. You aren't the same women that I wanted to marry. You're sad about every little thing. I'm sorry.
(Fiancee's name)


I've started to hate that name so much...
I look up to see a waitress standing by the table.
I didn't even notice, but I had tears streaming down my face, completely ruining the make I had on. Made me look kinda like a clown, a complete, and foolish clown.
"I'm sorry, um, I'll cancel my reservation. I'll just go, but I'll pay any fee."
"Miss, there is no fee-"
"That's good, I'll be leaving now."
I left immediately out the door. I looked at the time, and it was almost midnight. I slowly walked back to my apartment, while having to rip open the box of chocolates and start eating them like an animal. 
I started to cry again while having to fall to the ground and throwing away the ring he gave me.
Then there was screaming coming from a nearby alleyway.
I quickly got up, but I was so dumb, that I wanted to go see what happened.
I looked quietly behind a wall to see a man being murdered right in front of me. But, I wanted to get closer.
I had been lied to by the man that I thought loved me. I've been played a fool, I think I'm just about done with my life.
I started walking towards them. The man had his final scream, as the sound of his voice was cut off by the swift blade that had slashed his throat.
The man that killed him, was none other than Jack the Ripper. I felt a bit of fear but wanted to hide it.
As I walked closer, he stood up from the body and turned towards me. I could see one of his eyes, shining a right red, a beautiful color.
I could see him squeeze his knife, and quickly walk up to me.
I stopped walking, and as I stopped he was in front of me.
I slowly looked up at him, with my tired eyes. I glance down at his knife and grabbed his hand, putting it towards my neck.
"Please, I beg of you. Put me into a deep slumber, as you did to that man." 
He quickly stepped back, and his eye dimmed. 
I felt so tired that I almost collapsed on the hard ground, but was caught by warm arms. Then I suddenly felt my legs being lifted up.
Now I was being held by a murderer, but I felt calm. 

I look up at him and see him smiling.
Like a genuine smile.

"There should be no reason for someone as beautiful as you to risk taking your own life."

I gasped and felt tears in my eyes. Someone had actually called me beautiful.
I felt loved for the first time.

Jack the Ripper x {Female} ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now