In Public

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*Spoilers: Having to include a couple of chapters to "Jack the Ripper: Case Files"*
Here's a link to the site for the chapters

I walked to the supermarket to get some groceries, but the prices were getting higher. It was hard to even buy some decent vegetables.
I had only gotten a couple of things that were affordable. I guess people raised their prices so they can get tickets to get out of London, so THEY wouldn't be killed.
I kinda feel bad for Jack, who probably had a troubling childhood.

'Man, poor guy. He isn't as much of a psycho-killer, as people think he is. He can be reasonable without having to resort to something dangerous. I guess in a way he could just blend in with the crowd, and no one would care.'
'-and maybe he could just be sitting at a cafe eating pie and drinking te-'

I stood there, staring at a man. That is sitting at a cafe, DRINKING TEA, AND WITH WHITE HAIR!
I wanted to walk over to see if it was him, but I don't wanna seem like a crazy lady. But without a moment's notice, he waved me and signaled me to come over, So I did. I should've at least waited, but I couldn't wait to see him.
Before I crossed the road, I looked both ways before crossing, so I wouldn't get hit by someone's carriage.
I walked closer and sat in the open chair that was across from him.
He was finishing up what was on his plate, which looked to be Apple pie.
I could even smell the apples, it almost made my mouth water, just to have one tiny bite.

"Would you like to try some, dear? It's still warm."

I looked up at him pushing the plate towards me. My eyes widened at how delicious the pie looked.

"No, no, no! It's okay, you can have it."

"But I insist, it has been a while since I've seen you."

I looked up at him, definitely knowing that it was him. But I wondered, why he's just here in the open. I guess it's because people don't know what "Jack the Ripper" looks like. So he's free to get away with not being caught without doing something drastic. Now I understand.

"Yeah, I guess it has been a while," I say while having to look down at the plate full of pie. All of a sudden there was a fork pointed right at me with a piece of pie at the end.
Jack was holding the fork.
'wait for a minute-is he trying to feed me?'

"Say, 'ahh'~"

In my mind that sounded seductive, but I think he's just trying to be generous. So, I opened my mouth and ate the pie. (Note: I don't know why but I'm literally blushing towards my own writing WTH >w<)
It was so good that it made me giggle out of habit.
" Oh my gosh, that was so good. " I say with a smile.


After a bit of chatting, a mysterious woman sat at the nearest table next to us. She was kinda moody, I think she was going undercover for something.
She passed Jack a file.

"I recommend you leave, girl. This is an important matter that needs to be discussed. ALONE." She said with a cold voice.

"As matter a of fact, she isn't going anywhere."

After he said that, it got quiet.

"So SHE knows...."



I just sat there quietly. Waiting for one of them to speak.
'Maybe I should go-'

"Care on with what you were saying, Ms. Widow."

"*Scoff* very well."

Jack the Ripper x {Female} ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now