Bonus:Fight against friends & lovers

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Y/n Goddess vs. Jack the Ripper

(Context: Instead of Jack fighting Hercules, he fights you. But he tries his best not to hurt you and tries to talk to you, but you continue to fight him so that you can prove that you're stronger than the rest of the gods.)


"I know you as a friend and cherish you the most, but please, you have to wnd this." Jack shouts across the arena, trying to get her attention.
She fights on, not caring for what he has to say, throwing her weapons at him, causing damage to his left arm.
He looks at her color. It's a dark radiant red that almost looks completely black. It's a color he's never seen from someone. It's scared him.

He tries to back up and make space between them, but she keeps getting closer and closer, almost hitting him.

He uses his grappling hook and zips up the side of the building he was next to. She tried to reach for him before he went farther up, but he was too fast.
She's find another way to get to him but having to climb up the building and using a piece of glass to throw at his hand. The glass gets stabbed into his hand, and his gloves turn red from the blood.

"Good aim, my lady. But I'm sorry for what I'm about to do." He says while throwing my knives at her, having 3 hit parts of her body, and 4 miss.

She winces in pain, for a goddess, she scowls herself, and rips them from her body. She continues to stand and throws a nearby lamppost at him. He begins to fall from the building he was on top of.

'What am I doing'

She thinks to herself while he falls far from the building, her heart sank.
She ran to catch him, but she was running out of time to save him.

"I'm coming!" She yells, reaching her arms to him.
As she gets closer, almost being right under him, he falls to the ground.

Everything goes quiet. People who were watching the fight went silent. No one made a sound, as a loud cracking sound came from his body.

"NOO! JACK!" She sobs while seeing his limp body a couple feet away from her.
She continues to run to him and tries to pick him up from the ground. She sees the blood coming from the back of his and froze.

His body is lying on top of her lap, and as they're both on the ground, she forms an ink like dome around them, where no one can see. She sets a blue flame to the ink, and everyone gasps.

As it's silent, she moves a strand of hair from his face, his eyes closed as if he were having a nice dream.

"I'm so sorry...Jack. I'm sorry that I had to ruin everything. I miss the times we've had together, I don't regret having to fall onto your arms. I don't know what's right or what's wrong. Everything  has all gone wrong. There's things I've never gotten to tell you, and I wish I would've before."

She places her hands on both sides of his face, and smiles as her tears start to fall.
"You've changed my life, you've made me see the good in humanity. Thank you. "
She gets her lips close to his, and kisses him on his lips.

She lifts her head up and holds his body to her. She slowly starts to pass out, as she had stabbed herself with one if his knives.

"I was never mad at you, my dear. I've always loved you for who you are."

She opens her eyes and sees him alive and smiling. His eyes are vibrant, even his red eye starts to glow.

The dome starts to disappear, the humans that had hope for humanity, started to cheer that Jack was still alive.

He pulls her in for a passionate kiss, she starts to fade away, before she fully went away, she said her finally words.

"I hope to see you, in the next life. My love..."

His light amongst the dark, had finally burnt out. He cried.

Jack the Ripper x {Female} ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now