From Walking to Running

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Second person pov:
You made your way to the office where you had been working during your business trip.
Your mother had attempted to convince you to not go when you were back home, but you made a promise to yourself.
It was about 45 minutes away from the apartment and close to the bakery. While having to make your way, you stopped by the bakery and said "Hi" to Julia. You and Julia chatted for a bit, but then continued your way.
2 hours later-
You finish up work until your boss walks up to you.
" Y/n, I'm sorry to ask you this, but there are a lot of unwritten documents that I need on my desk by tomorrow, I was hoping that you would do it."
"But-" you say before getting anything out.
" Thank you so much! Have a good night!" He says walking out the door of the office, leaving you alone as the last person in the room.
You look around the space and look at the clock. It was almost midnight.
You sighed and started on the missing paperwork.
2 more hours later:
You were tired, you wanted to go to sleep. You couldn't. But you had one last document to finish up.
After you finished up, you walked out of the building. It was cold and dark, but as long as you were under the lampposts, you weren't completely in the dark. You slowly made your way back to the apartment. You were 30 minutes away by now. You began to hum again. You wanted to get home quickly, but you wanted to look at the moon. It was big and bright, it was like you wanted to look at it all night, until morning.
You began to hear footsteps behind you, you didn't look back. You started to pick up the pace. The footsteps started to get faster, you began to run. As you ran, the lampposts started to go out. You couldn't breathe, you wanted to stop, but you couldn't. You could see the apartment, but if you stopped now, you would get caught, so instead of going to the apartment, you took a left going towards the harbor.
The footsteps started to slow down a bit, but you didn't stop. You made it to the harbor, and with a quick halt, you took a deep breath.

Word count: 399

Jack the Ripper x {Female} ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now