A Midnight Cup of Tea, A Morning Cup of Tears

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First-person Pov:
I want to see him again. I didn't know why, but It felt like I needed to. It's like we had a connection. But I didn't want James to know about it, to worry him. I was thinking of sneaking out of the apartment, but...
I rethink to myself, as I was making my way back to work.
'I should write to mom again, she's probably sick about me. Since it has been a while since my last letter.'
While walking to work, I noticed that Julia's Bakery was closed. I wanted to say hi, and see if she's okay. But I guess she's busy somewhere else.
I continue to walk to work and continue with my thinking. I can't stop thinking about what happened that night, and it had only just happened a couple of nights ago. I wanted to tell the police about what happened, but at the same time, I didn't want them to know that I was also there near the harbor.
They would probably think that I HELPED him murder that girl.
As I made it to my workplace, my boss walked up to me.
"Hey, were you able to walk back to your apartment the other night? I heard what happened to that girl. Are you okay?"
He said while passing a cup of coffee to me.
I look at him with a smile.
"I'm fine, I was able to get to my apartment without any casualties, and without HIM having to slice me to bits."
I smile when I shouldn't, even knowing it's lucking having to be alive, but a poor girl had to be killed.
"Well, if you say so, and if you don't feel like doing late work, that's understandable, no one would want to walk in the middle of the night while a madman is on the loose."
He said while walking back to his office.
After a couple more hours of hard work, I decided to make another trip home, alone... In the dark...
As I walk out of the building, being the last one, I had to turn off all the lights and lock the door behind me. I look around the building and made my way back to the apartment, but I didn't fast walk, I didn't run, all I did was just, walk.
I didn't feel scared anymore. I walked along the same road that I always use to get back.
All I wanted to do was take my time and not rush.
While having to walk back, I heard the same music box, with the same melody, it gave me joy.
I followed the melody down an alleyway.
I continued to follow where the music box was and it lead me to a little tea shop, with tea sets.
There was a table outside of the shop, and it had a single-lit candle, a teapot, two teacups, and 1 blue rose in a small vase.
I slowly walked toward the table, looked around the surroundings of the shop, and made my way to the table.
I sat down on the second chair on the right. As I sat down, a pair of gloved hands covered my eyes, softly. I did a small gasp.

"Can you close your eyes for a moment, I don't want to frighten you again."

While hearing his calm voice, I felt safe. I slowly nod my head and closed my eyes.
I felt his hands move from my eyes, and move to the other side of the table. He was walking slowly, not at a rough or heavy pace. 
I hear him pouring tea into both cups on the table, and him taking a seat.

"You can open your eyes now."

As I was a little scared, but at the same time, I wanted to stay in the moment for an eternity. I slowly open my eyes and quickly made my attention toward the tea that was in front of me. I wasn't ready to look up at him, just yet. 
I just stare at the teacup and smelled the tea. It was my favorite tea. It reminded me of my father, he loved tea. He never really liked coffee, like some men.
My body all of a sudden, felt numb. I looked down, and my hands were tied to the chair, including my ankles. I didn't even hear him tie them.
'How the hell did he-'
" I was using but gentle touch, I didn't want them too tight to hurt you."
I looked up at him, and see him drinking tea.
As he finishes his cup and slowly places it on the table, he quickly looked up at me. With the most beautiful eyes, I've ever seen.
Two different colored eyes, something I've never seen before.
I couldn't stop looking at him, he couldn't stop either. 
"Drink up, we wouldn't want your tea getting cold. On such a very, VERY cold night."
I look at my hands as both of them are still tied to the chair. 
"My deepest apologies, I almost forgot..." 
He says while getting up from his chair.
I blink for one second, and my hands wear free from the binds.
I pick up the cup and press it to my lips. 
And then it got dark.

I woke up in my bed again, not remembering what happened after I drank that tea. Did he drug me? My head started to hurt. As if I had fallen 2 flights of stairs. I look around to try and find James, but he had left a letter on the table before I realized that most of his stuff was gone.

Dear Y/n,
     I'm so sorry for leaving you at these dangerous times. But my father told me that I had to run my grandfather's factory. I tried to tell you, but I was scared that you wouldn't understand, and would think of me as a backstabber to you. I do care for you, but I'm scared of thinking that the reaper would kill me in my sleep. If I had the money, I would bring you with me, but I have a wife and newborn son waiting for me at home.
When I come back, I'll get you and bring you back with me. If you'll still be alive.
You're friend,


After having to read the letter, it dropped from my hands. I fell to my knees and cried like there was no tomorrow. I curled up in a ball and hugged my legs to my chest. So no one would hear me.

"I'm going to die..."

Jack the Ripper x {Female} ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now