A Tall Shadow, a Small light

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After having to weep in tears, I hear a knock on the door. I quickly get up and wipe my tears away. I open the door and see Julia.
"Y/n, thank goodness you're still here!" 
She rushed to give me a tight hug. She looks into the house behind me seeing that most of everything is gone. Her smile had dropped, not knowing what happened. I start to sob lightly, trying not to make a scene in front of her. Her eyes are locked onto mine. I invite her inside since it was freezing outside, and she did.
I made both of us tea, green tea. We sat at the table silently. It had gotten awkward.
"Where's James?" She asked looking down at her hands.
After having to explain everything that happened, the late-night walks, my encounters with HIM. I didn't know why I told her the truth, but she's my friend and trust her.
"Wow, that's insane. How were you able to deal with all that?! And having to see HIM, how were not murdered!?" 
She asked all these questions, maybe it was a bad idea to tell her, but I just couldn't hold it in anymore.
"I'm sorry that I didn't tell you sooner, I didn't know why I had to hide the truth from you. I thought that If I had told you, you wouldn't believe me. I got...scared." I said while walking to look out the window. I could hear her long sigh behind me. All of a sudden I feel arms wrap around my waist. It made me jump a bit, but then I felt calm.
"I will always believe you, no matter what. If something ever happened to you, I wouldn't be able to live with myself anymore. But we need to do something about HIM, he's dangerous, what if he kills you the next time he sees you?"  She said.
"I don't know..." I said with a worried look.

After having to deal with the stress and worry of the situation, I couldn't bare not seeing him again. I couldn't wait any longer. I sensed that he wouldn't hurt me even if he tried, when he tied me to the chair without me knowing, he told me that he used 'but a gentle touch.' But my thoughts got ahead of me. I waited for it to turn midnight.
While I waited, I looked at a recent newspaper, regards to the murders of prostitutes. It showed gruesome details. It was disgusting, but something was off...

As it turned midnight, I made my way outside. I went to a small park that had only one bench. I sat and waited, but then I closed my eyes and felt the cold breeze run along my neck. I knew he was here.

"The web of our life is of a mingled yarn, good and I'll together."

His voice broke the silent breeze and was still. I had grown to have fear but sorrow for the man. I looked to see that he was behind a nearby tree around from where I was sitting. We both stared at each other for a moment, then he slowly walked out from the darkness of the tree. Maybe he was gonna kill me, I sat there, excepting my fate for the 3rd time.
I felt weight against the bench, and I slowly looked to my right, and his dark, slender figure appears on the bench next to me. The bench was small, so he and I were touching arm to arm. I was still befuddled by what he said.


"Oh...? Have you never heard that line? It is Shakespeare." 

"O-Oh, I don't really read much Shakespeare, I've only read Macbeth."

"Ahh~ I see. You seem to be quite frightened by me, is it because of the last time that we met?"

I went quiet for a moment and took a thought. I wanted to ask him something. But I was scared to ask.

" Is there something on your mind, madame?" 

I was still scared, that if I said the wrong thing he would kill me in an instant with his sharp blade. So I chose my words carefully in order to keep myself alive.
But my dumb idiot self had said the opposite of what I had thought in mind.

"Are you going to kill me?"

What was I thinking?? He's a murderer and I asked him that!? This is just another way to get me killed. Welp, goodbye world.

I thought he was going to do something but he didn't do anything. We just both went silent all of a sudden. I wanted to apologize to him for my stupidity. But the only thing he did was laugh. I didn't know if it was a good kind of laugh or a bad kind of laugh. And then he stopped.

"What makes you say that, my dear?"

He had the audacity to ask that after the many murders of many women. It almost made my blood boil. But then we went quiet again. I close my eyes and took a deep breath. It felt like I was going to pass out again and end up in my apartment. But no, I was still here with him.
I had built up the courage to have eye contact with him. His eyes were beautiful. It almost made me a bit jealous. His eyes showed emotion but for mine, it just looked like everyone else's eyes. Seeing reality with no imagination or spark.

"Please forgive me, It was shameful of me to ask," I said having to mind what I'm doing.

With slow movements, he put his gloved hand on my cheek and slowly move his face closer to mine. My face began to blush. I didn't know what he was about to do next. Then he slowly moved his face close to my ear where I can hear his soft breathing.

"Shall we take a walk?" he whispered.

I slowly nodded my head, he then grabbed my hand and brought me along with him under the light of the moon. 

"From now on whenever we meet again, you shall call me Jack," he said while turning his head and smiling at me.

All of a sudden I felt calm.

"And you shall call me, Y/N," I said while smiling back at him.

Jack the Ripper x {Female} ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now