From Running to Letting Go

416 19 3

First Person Pov:
Damn, that bastard. Was it HIM? I couldn't tell. My mind was puzzled, and my heart was racing. All these questions ran through my mind. I wanted them to stop. I quickly looked behind me, there was nothing, just... darkness.
I walked out to the dock and sat down. Looking down at the water. I began to think again.
'What if... I'm going to be one of those people, never to be seen again...'
I hear the footsteps again, walking along the dock.
Whatever, or whoever it was...
I stood up from the wooden floorboards, looking up at the moon. It was a beautiful night. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath...
and let go...
Everything went so fast that my eyes were still closed. I was hoping to feel the coldness of deep waters, but all I felt... was a warm embrace.

Second person pov:
You were being held, like when you were a child. You felt a gentle hand behind your head, and an arm wrap around your waist. Your arms were dangling like a lifeless ragdoll.
You were afraid to move. You had the urge to push whoever was holding you but also wanted to be held like a gentle baby.
You couldn't help yourself, but you...

First Person Pov:
I hugged back...
I don't know what came over me. But I just couldn't help myself but do it, having my arms around his neck. I finally dared to open my eyes. I saw red fabric...
My second favorite color...
I was scared... but... warm...
I knew who it was... I know what HE had done to those people. I was being lifted off the floorboards. All I could think was.
' Damn, he's so frickin tall!'
I wanted to say something but...
" You are as light as a feather and as bright as a shining star. Let me embrace from now, to forevermore, My fair lady. "

His calming voice gave me chills on my skin. I closed my eyes, once again and fell into a gentle sleep.

Word count: 359

Jack the Ripper x {Female} ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now