Chapter 1 - Ready for A Trip

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The sun shined as bright as it always does, as I finish planting the new plants in my garden. It wasn't that much but it will surely help me a lot with gardening. Just need to prepare some vegetables incase I'll need some. I sighed to myself as I get up and look at the mountain view. The mountains were covered in trees, different kinds of creatures living under them. I looked down at the village below. It was filled with everything that I needed, although it would take a while to get there. Probably an hour or two, however it is definitely worth going there! I looked around myself, only to see more trees and my house from the distance. Trees slowly move their leaves as the wind blew through them, even blowing my long H/C hair away. People always told me that my hair was like a star in the night sky, I don't really believe but it always flatters me whenever they compliment me nicely. I looked down at my dirty gardwn clothes, they were covered in dirt and grass. I returned the supplies back in the storage room and locked the doors before walking back to my house, to the bathroom. I shut the door behind, looking through the small window as the sun shined through it. I opened it for some air. I turned the water on, letting the warm water slowly fill up the empty bath. I threw my old clothes off into a box for 'cleaning later'.

I looked at myself in the clear mirror, my eyes shined back at me. I wonder if my condition will ever go away or if I would have to live like this forever. Guess it doesn't matter anymore, the eyes are useful for some situations, of course. Like using it as a flashlight! Or scaring people. I giggle to myself at the thought of scaring kids during halloween, I wonder why they scream out a name that I am not familiar and look at me with such fear! The people make me feel like I was born as a monster, they told me that I am just a spitting image of a dangerous traitor. Sadly I don't remember the name, I don't think I even want to know the name of the person at all! After the bath filled up with warm water, I hopped inside and laid down to let the warmth go through my body. Only my legs and head was showing out of the water. I closed my eyes, as an attempt to relax at a beautiful day! Thinking about it.. "Maybe it wouldn't hurt to explore the forest and find some useful stuff like fruits.." I tell myself, a quiet chuckle came out, just by thinking about being clumsy in the forest. As usual, I slowly got out of the bath and started drying myself with a towel. The water drained till it left something else behind. I walked over to my bedroom, only ro find it very messy. 'Seems like I forgot to clean my room again!' I thought to myself, smiling. I checked the closet, it was filled with a lot of comfortable clothes, I had a lot of options to choose! I took out a F/C sweater with blue heart shapes and F/C shorts, I started putting them on. It wasn't that hot outside so a sweater is definitely worth wearing during this time of the year. Afterwards I took a backpack out and walked to my secret storage room. Personally I would call it my 'private office'. It's better to take some weapons with me that could be useful.

My private office is located under the house, it used to be a bunker for some reason till the weather was nice and no bad weathers at all. I might as well use it as a storage room since I don't have any avaliable space for my weapons anymore. I put the pincode on, getting the doors to open after writing it. The neon lights shined as the door opens. The view of magical and colorful chests filled the whole room. My colorful armours hung against the wall, shining as the neon lights shined onto them. I looked through the chests, taking an iron axe and pickaxe out. I stored them into ny backpack. "What else.." I quietly questioned my whole life. I looked over to a chest, it was covered with unique symbols and a lock on it. I walked to it before taking a key out and putting it inside the lock. Soon it slowly opened and revealed my Enchanted sword. It was fullf of Enchanted spells and other unknown spells too, but I like to keep it as a secret weapon. It took me ages to get all of the material and they weren't easy to get. I took the sword and hanged it onto my belt before getting up. I continued to take the stuff that I needed, food, drinks and more. After getting all of the items that I needed, I walked outside and locked the doors tightly then hiding it inside a vase dirt by the window. I looked at my house one more, it could be the last time I would see it. "I'm gonna miss you, home. But now.." I looked over to the forest, waiting for me. "I got an adventure waiting for me." Immediately I started running to the forest. I will admit, I am a great runner when it comes to getting away from danger. I got used to carrying a lot of heavy stuff on my back while running. As I entered the forest, it welcomed me with a beautiful view. The trees were covered with plants. The grass was more softer than ever. I knew the forest pretty well so it won't be a trouble to find the stufd that I need. "Time to find some fruits!" I tell myself in determination as I start running again. Going even deeper into the huge forest.

((Sorry if the first chapter wasn't written good, I did mention in the description of the story that I don’t have good writing skills. Anyways I hope you enjoy the other chapters! They will be more interesting!))

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