Chapter 5 - Misunderstood

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The village was full of different villagers. There were soo many flowers and gardens around the place, the children were playing around, their happy giggles made my day even more happier!

As I stepped closer, a villager with blue rope approached me and looked down at me. I hate to be reminded that I am very short. (If you are tall then sorry) "H-Hello!" I nervously waved at the villager.

"What are you doing here?" He asked me with a soft tone. I was sweating in fear. I was too weak to even try and fight a villager since their golem could kill me.

"I-I would like t-to ask if there is any s-spare houses for me to stay in.." I gulped after finishing my sentence. The villager laughed a bit. "W-What's soo f-funny?"


Another villager quickly screamed at us, interrupting the nice villager. "HEROBRINE!" The villager pointed at me, everyone looked at me and started screaming. "W-Wh-What?"

"SOMEONE GET THE GOLEM TO GET RID OF HIM!" Another villager yelled out to the others, they nodded in response and quickly ran to find their golem. I was shaking in fear.

"B-BUT I AM N-NOT HI-" Loud footsteps could be heard, coming to my direction. "GET THIS DISGUSTING THING OUT OF HERE!" Tears started forming in my eyes when they mentioned the 'disgusting thing'.

"WE HAVE TOLD YOU TO NEVER COME BACK HERE, NOW LEAVE OR WE WON'T HESITATE TO KILL YOU!" I quickly ran away as the golem came in view.

Tears started forming in my eyes, it was too blurry and hard to see where I was going. Loud footsteps were coming from behind me, I looked behind me to see a big iron golem chasing me. It broke everything that came in the way.

"I AM NOT HEROBRINE! I DID NOTHING WRONG!" I tried to stop the golem by telling the truth but it didn't listen and continued to run even faster.

Soon I started to get very tired, my foot got caught on a branch and made me fall on the ground. I yelped in pain. The iron golem quickly towered me and hit my left arm multiple times, I was screaming very loud. My screams and tears echoes through the whole forest.

"L-LO-LOOK ME IN T-THE E-EY-EYES" I managed to say something and shakily pointed at my eyes. The iron golem suddenly stopped and look into my eyes with its dark eyes.

It looked like it was inspecting my face. "I-I am Y/N. I-I-I was born with t-this condition.. P-Please don't k-kill me." My voice became even quieter as it was harder to breathe with all the pain in my left arm.

The iron golem slowly got up and bowed its head a bit, was it trying to apologize..? It took a flower nearby and held it out for me. "T-Th-Thanks.." I grabbed the flower with my other arm. "C-Can you t-te-tell me w-where can I f-find a house t-to stay at?"

It nodded and pointed to a direction. I thanked the golem before getting up and heading to the direction. It started walking back to its village. My left arm was still in pain. Hopefully I will manage to heal it when I find the house.






A cabin house was slowly coming into view, it was surrounded by trees, and a lake that was behind the house. The texture looked pretty It looked very welcoming

I slowly walked to the door, limping a bit. I noticed a vase with a rose inside, the rose was colored like blood, it looked creepy but pretty at the same time.

I lifted the vase up to find a key which unlocked the door. I slowly unlocked the door and entered. The house looked very welcoming, it made me finally feel safe for once.

My arm continued to acne, I needed to get medical help, maybe tomorrow.. I locked the doors before my tired body slowly dragged itself to my bedroom.

The door opened and revealed a big room with a bed that could fit two people in it, There were pillows on it. Few plants were on the windowsill, mostly rose. I dropped my backpack on the ground and laid on my stomach.

It felt very comfortable and good to sleep on a soft bed. Way better than my last bed.. My eyes slowly started to shut themselves due to how tired I was. Everything slowly turned pitch black.

The last thing I saw before everything faded to darkness..

Was a figure standing behind the window..

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