Chapter 9 - Catch

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It was way easier than I expected, watching the locks fall down, making loud noises. I flinched at the sound but ignored it as I looked at the closet and started opening it.

A sword?

It looked like nothing ordinary that people would have. Its blade was very sharp and the material was built with unknown materials. The closest material that would be similar would be obsidian and diamond put together. The sword was filled with Enchanted spells however it was impossible to even spot a single spell. It was filled with soo many Enchanted spells. It reminded me of my sword at home, I miss home.. I quickly grabbed it and placed it in my belt. My clothes were stinking from all the sweats and blood. None of the chests contained any spared clothes. "I guess I have to sneak around then.." the door slowly opened, revealing a big empty hallway. The walls were full of symbols and details, I could just stare at them forever. I started sneaking around, in an attempt to find some new clothes. I noticed a group of zombies slowly coming into view, I need to hide! A door was right next to me, it looked quite familiar but that doesn't matter now!

My body quickly shivered as I felt something cold on my neck, I looked behind and nothing was there. The group of zombies noticed me and stopped right in front of me. Dammit.. I was too distracted from the unknown feeling of coldness.. "Who are you?" A zombie asks me, sweat went through my face. "A-A guard." They started looking me up and down, unsure of if I was lying or not. A wither skeleton came in view and yelled for the zombies to come over. They were very tall and muscular.. Is everyone here big and muscular..? The zombies glanced at me one more time before turning around and running to the wither skeleton. I sighed in relief, I noticed a big staircase where the wither skeleton stood. I ran to the staircase and to the upstairs. As expected, it was a big hallway with a lot of details and symbols. They were colored dark too. The doors were detailed the most. A door slowly opened, however no one stepped outside. I approached the door and stepped inside. It was a big bedroom.

The lamp was in an unique shape and glowed red color, making the room look more romantic. A queen sized bed was in the middle. I blush at the thought of doing something romantic in here. I shook my head and searched the whole bedroom. Only finding boring books, seems like a bookworm owns this bedroom. I slightly chuckle at my own joke. "Who are you?" A voice came from the door. I jumped, realizing I got caught by someone. I slowly turned my head to the person, it was an enderman. Out of nowhere, screeching noises came from the enderman, its mouth was wide opened. I was confused at first, then I realized that I looked it right in the eyes.

It started moving towards me, ready for a fight. I took the Enchanted sword out and hit it with it. It screamed aggressively in pain, my ears felt like they were going to fall off. I took the chance and ran for the exit, sliding past the enderman. Out of nowhere, the halleay was filled with mobs. There were pigmen from before and other mobs that looked more different than the others. The Enderman teleport in front of me and grabbed me by the neck, lifting me up. I was gasping for air. I took a waterbottle from my backpack and threw it right into its eyes. It screeched again and let go of me. I ran through the entrance and to the bridge. Mobs were already preparing to attack me from the other side of the bridge. I stopped in the middle of the bridge, realizing I couldn't escape. Now both sides were full of mobs who wanted me dead or worse.

I leaned onto the strong fence and looked down at the burning lava. If I fall, it would be the end of me. I sighed in defeat and stood in the middle, dropping my sword and raising my hands up in the air to show I mean no harm. A group of three pigmen started walking towards me and stood right in front of me. They looked back at a wither skeleton who nodded at them. The pigman slowly took a potion out of his pocket. The potion was Enchanted and filled with dark red liquid inside. I inspected it, I had a feeling like I had seen it before. Before I could think of anything else, I got a flashback and found out.. They tried to use the potion to kill me because of my condition.. before..

The monsters..

I took a step back, getting them to step closer to me. I was panting and shivering, I don't want to experience the pain again. I am not ready for this. I started running to the edge, the pigmen followed me. I got on top of the fence, looking back at the mobs who were already pointing their bows at me, the three pigmen stood closer. "Just surrender already, human." I shook my head, looking down at the lava then at the Enchanted sword laying on the ground behind a group of mobs. It was too late to get it. I sighed before taking a bow out and holding it tightly.

"I would rather die."

Letting my body fall backwards, I quickly threw my backpack up and pointed my arrow at it, letting an Enchanted arrow appear and prepare to shot right at it. I let go of the string, the arrow was surprisingly very strong to go through a heavy backpack and hit the wall, holding my backpack onto it. I realized that I was close to the lava, the heat was warming my body. I pointed my arrow at the wall and shot right through it, leaving an arrow hanging. I landed on the strong arrow on my feet, panting.

It was silence. Only the sound of the lava burning. A big shadow was towering of me. "Hm?" I looked up, a ghast was towering over me. "Oh shit.." the ghast let out a screeching sound before opening its mouth and forming a fireball to definitely kill me. My bow was pointed right in its eyes, I was ready for a fight. Before it could attack, I shot right in the eyes, making it scream echo through the whole hot world. It started to hit the bridge walls very hard from the pain, the bridge was shaking violently. I was barely holding onto it, the arrow started to slip and closer to the lava. Another ghast came out of the lava and looked at me, it was few inches away from my small body. "Hello there." I nervously smiled at the ghast. Now that I realized.. the ghast looked more like a baby ghast due to it being way smaller than the other ghasts. The small ghast had a scar on its forehead, but it looks soo adorable..

 The small ghast had a scar on its forehead, but it looks soo adorable

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((This is how I think Y/N would look like. If you want to change it, feel free to do so! Also sorry if the drawing isn't good! Anyways back to the story-))

It slowly moved itself under me and slowly lifted me up. I smile, feeling relieved that I am being helped by an adorable ghast. Soon it got to the bridge and patiently waited for me to get off. I looked down and immediately got a potion thrown at me, the liquid started to sink into my skinn creating irritating pain. I screamed very loudly and started scratching myself to stop the pain, it won't get off! My eyes were glowing very bright from the pain, I used to call it 'light for help' whenever it happened while in pain. The mobs couldn't handle my screams and covered their ears. My eyes were getting very blurry, I stood on the fence. I looked over to the ghast that was already holding my backpack for me. I smiled at it, still scratching myself. I grabbed the backpack and gently patted the ghast, earning an adorable purr from it. Out of nowhere, someone grabbed my ankle and slammed me against the ground. I yelped in pain. My eyes were blurry and I could barely make anything out. All I could see is a pink figure who wasrg, of course, tall and muscular. Geez, do they have a gym that they go to every day or something? "You are coming with us!" The pigman screamed at me before dragging me somewhere, I looked over and saw the castle entrance opening. The poor ghast was whining because it knew that I was in big trouble. I realized I was still holding the backpack and took a potion of poison. "Hey pigman." The pigman already irritated with me, looked down at me then at the potion, his eyes opened wide. I grinned at him before throwing it right at him.


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