Chapter 12 - Mistake

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I woke up and tiredly looked around, slowly looking out of the window. The sky was different today.. The sky was as red as blood. Something is not right.. I quickly got up and put some clothes on, putting my mask on as well. I grabbed my Enchanted sword and bow nearby before running outside to look around. I noticed black smoke slowly fading into the air. I realized where it was coming from.. "The village." I said under my breath, feeling worried about what happened. I ran through the trees who were slowly turning dark. I got to the village and it was full of burning houses and villagers screaming out for help. I felt my heart drop at the view. The golem was melting on the ground, holding a rose in hand. I couldn't save it from the fire, I am no match for it. Villagers were running around, trying to save their loved ones. Houses started to break as the walls fell onto the dark ground. I ran through the village, saving villagers from burning houses. I looked over to the a big library and knew that someone had to be in there. I ran all the way inside and heard them screaming right under a bookshelf, I quickly lifted the bookshelf up and let them out. They ran out to safety. Before I could take another step, a wooden plank from the ceiling fell onto my head, making my head feel dizzy. I could barely see where I was. Everything was getting very blurry. I slowly made my way to the exit, trying my best to dodge the planks falling from the ceiling due to the fire. Somehow I managed to get out and slowly climb onto a house to see if I could hear anything else. My head was slowly healing from damage. I looked at the burning village from the house I was on. I looked down and noticed a man standing in a house and behind the window. Suddenly I got Deja vu, thinking about the last village that burned down. Every village I visit.. they burn down.. The children.. The innovent villagers.. They all burned down with the village because of.. me.. Herobrine, you will pay for your crimes..

I took my bow out and aimed it at the man with glowing eyes, he was only staring at me. It felt like he wanted to be dead. I held the string tightly, sweating like hell. Soon I let go of it, it broke the window into small pieces and through the man's head. I sighed in relief as the fire grew very fast and burned the house he was inside. Finally.. I killed.. him. I smirked at my success and slowly got off. The villagers were nowhere to be found as I walked through the woods and back to my house. Getting out of the forest, my heart dropped as I saw my house filled with fire. I quickly ran inside and took my backpack, filling it with some of my stuff I could get my hands on without them burning. I looked down and noticed a dark rose on the ground, I never had this before. My body shivered when my skin made contact with it. I knew it was one of his traps. I slammed my foot on the rose, ripping the petals off. I ran back outside and sat against a tree, watching my last house burn. It was all because of that ungrateful ass, Herobrine.. Anger filled my body again, this time it was worse. I was pissed off, I had enough of his little games. He burned the ones I loved and I will take my revenge on him. My eyes grew brighter than the moon through the mask as I felt my own body lifting itself up and making its way to a cave. I will find him and I will kill him. I had enough of him.

《 Time Skip 》

After finding a portal in a cave, I walked past it, ignoring the mobs that tried to attack me. I got to the kingdom and walked past the golems, they looked at me as if they knew I was pissed off so they ignored it. The creatures stared at me as I passed every single one of them and towards the castle. Some of them even tried to attack and hurt me, however I felt nothing. I didn't care about angthing else anymore. I don't care if I will get hurt because my actions. I don't care about the ones I hurt. The only thing I care about now is revenge. Soon enough, I already walked past the bridge and into the castle. There he stood, on his throne. He wore a black crown and his ordinary clothes. He was talking to an enderman till I slammed the huge doors open, startling him. The enderman looke at me who was very focused on the man it spoke to. "Ah Y/N! Welcome back!" He stood up with his arms opened, the enderman left in a second. "How may I be of service for you?" His smile grew wider, does he think I am a joke? "I think you fucking know why am I here!" I yelled at him while anger burned inside my body. He crossed his arms and sat back down. "Are you blaming me for burning the village you thought was yours?" He messed with his hair a bit, feeling all brave and strong. I started moving towards him, giving him a hint that I was furious at his stupid ass. He seemed to notice it and slowly moved a little back on his throne. I slammed my hands on the throne, leaving him less space to move around on. "H-Hey now, I apologize for burning them. It was for fun!" He laughed at his own words. I growled, immediately shutting him up. "You.. FUCKING IDIOT!" My voice echoes through the whole room. "FIRST YOU BURNED THE VILLAGE I GREW UP IN THEN YOU HAD THE AUDACITY TO BURN THE VILLAGE THAT RESPECTED ME FOR WHO I AM!" He was silent, carefully inspecting me. "I DON'T CARE WHO THE FUCK YOU ARE, A GOD OR A FUCKING MURDER! I WILL KILL YOU NO MATTER WHAT!" I panted after screaming at him for a while. He only stared at me, his eyes were wide opened, I guess he was surprised at what I told him.

I sighed before slowly getting off him and slowly looking away. "You're soo interesting, Y/N~" His glowing eyes looked at my mask, good thing that he doesn't see my face. "Why~?" I said nothing, I don't even want to talk to this annoying man. He stood up and placed a hand on my shoulder, making me flinch a bit. I looked up at him. What does he want now.. "Join us." "What?" "You heard me right, join my realm and you will get whatever you want to. You won't have to worry about my stupid brother.. Notch." I stood back, thinking about what he just said. I am not going to join someone I hate. You are not going to control me like the others. I am still going to take my revenge. He slightly laughed at my thoughts before turning the laugh into a maniac laugh. "You really think you are all tough and strong!?" He continued to laugh at me, making me feel less myself. "Everyone knows that you are just a pathetic human who thinks they can defeat a GOD!" his laugh echoed through the Hallways. I held my fists tightly, staring at the floor. "You might have saved your kinds from me but we both know you can't defeat me at all! Honestly the others were right about you.."

The others..?


"You'll just be a jackass and a mistake for the entire of your pathetic life."


I will kill you no matter what.

And I am not taking my words back.

《 Third POV 》

The walls started to crack as the rage of Y/N started to fill her whole body with. Herobrine noticed the cracks and stopped laughing, realizing what he had done. He was surprised by it. How can a human do that? Is she really a human? He stood still as he watched Y/N look at him through her mask. The eyes were glowing brighter than light, Herobrine had never seen anything like this before. Who really is this Y/N? He started to retreat from his castle to escape through the portal that led to the overworld, home of the humans. He didn't want his whole kingdom to break, he had worked hard on it. The mobs watched as Herobrine ran towards the portal, they never seen Herobrine so.. worried. As he reached the gates, he looked back and saw Y/N slowly making her way towards him. Her sword was sliding against the hard ground, it was filled with unknown spells. Her mask was slowly breaking from the rage. While Herobrine was feeling worried and a bit interested in Y/N about who really is she and what can she be capable of. Y/N was screaming inside her own body, not wanting to hurt anyone but she was pissed off. She wanted him dead, she wanted to see his blood spill on her sword. She just wanted him dead. Her body felt like it was controlled by someone else, someone who is strong and powerful. She knew that she couldn't force her own body to stop right now, so she watched as she made her way to the muscular man. Herobrine tried to read her mind and communicate through it to command her to stop but he was blocked out. His head started to hurt from reading Y/N's mind that was filled with bloody and raging pictures. He jumped through the portal and onto the snowing outside world. It was beautiful but he knew that it will be soon full of terror because of the furious Y/N who just wanted him gone from this world. He ran through the forest, looking for a village to take cover in. She wouldn't hurt a village, right? As the sky started to turn darker and darker, it was harder to see where he was going. The sky was filled with darkness, blocking any light from the sun and moon. A village started to come into view, Herobrine felt relieved that he had found what he wanted. Before he could step inside, he was quickly aimed at by the guards who were surrounding him. "What are you doing here, Y/N?" Y/N?

A man approached the confused man. He wore a black rope around him and it was hard to see how his face looked like. "Y/N? I am not her. Well she is trying to-" One of the men was about to say something till the black roped man raised a hand up, stopping the guard from saying anything at all. "Trying to what?" Herobrine looked back at the forest, slightly worried about what she would do to him if she caught him. "Kill me.." the guards stood still, surprisingly not moving at all. "I see.. However she might have been told something that wohld piss her off. So.." He stepped closer to Herobrine.

"What mistake did you make?"

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