Chapter 10 - You messed up

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The mobs ran past the room I was in and towards other rooms. They were yelling at each other, basically insulting for being too dumb to let me go and escape. I didn't really want to be here but it's way more fun that I expected. It was way better than staying at home and eating F/F.. I looked around the room I was inside. The furniture were dark colored, the bed was king sized. The curtains were detailed with fire and flowers. The bedroom was connected with a bathroom, the doors were closed. I looked around even more, slightly interested. A working table to the side, filled with papers. Maybe this belongs to a busy perspn. The closet was filled with different clothes. Maybe this could be my chance to change my clothes into something comfortable. I grabbed an outfit and started changing. I threw my old clothes on the floor and replaced it with something more comfortable. While changing, I replaced the mask with an eyepatch which looked similar to the mask but instead it was an eye patch. I stored the mask in my backpack and went back go changing. After finishing, I looked over at the closet mirrors and stared at myself in amazement.

 After finishing, I looked over at the closet mirrors and stared at myself in amazement

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"Damn gurl, I didn't know you could be this hot~" I smirked at my own compliment. I started posing for fun, feeling happier than ever. Not even noticing the man staring at me from the bathroom, WAIT- "You could have just asked to borrow my clothes if you really wanted to." A deep chuckle echoed behind me. I looked over to the now opened bathroom doors to see.. "You.." Hero. "Hello again!" He waved at me, thinking I would fall for it. Anger filled my whole body. I threw my backpack over to the side and started walking towards him, I could see he is starting to feel nervous and slightly worried. I pinned him against the wall, staring deeply into his beautiful eyes. Dammit! I mean stupid! "Thanks." He chuckled at my stupidity. Right.. He got mind reading shit.. "WHY DID YOU THROW ME IN THAT STUPID CAVE!?" I yelled at him, making him flinch at my sudden change of character. "I've mentioned already. I am a villian, not a hero." He chuckled again. I will slap him soo hard that he goes back to the place where he came from. A sweat appeared on Herobrine's face. "HERO MY ASS, YOU UNGRATEFUL ASS!" I slammed his back against the wall again, getting a groan from him in response. I looked down to realize that he was only in a towel that was wrapped around his waist. His body was ripped as hell. He may be hot as hell but that isn't going to stop me from beating his villian ass. "Hey hey, calm down. Maybe I have gotten too excited to.. play with you." Before he could chuckle, I interrupted him again "I swear to gods.. If you chuckle one more time, I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU." Again he flinched. I panted, slowly trying to calm down but my anger just wanted to end this man's whole life. "Y/N, your hands." I stopped thinking and looked at my hands that were on his ripped chests. My face turned red, making me heat up and shift my hands away. I used my hands as a fan to cool myself off a bit. "Do you like me?" He asked, I looked directly into his eyes. Who the fuck does he think I am? Some girl who wants to like a man like him? Fat chance.

"But I-" I grabbed my bow and shot an arrow beside his head, he jumped a bit. Soon he realized that I wasn't playing around. He slowly started moving way to the door, I continued to hold my bow at his head. The arrow shined brightly. His hand slowly grabbed onto the door handle and slowly moved it down, in an attempt to escape. I was ready to shoot at him. All of a sudden, he started running through the door after opening it quicker than I thought. I groaned in annoyance before grabbing an Ender pearl in my backpack and hid it in my pocket. Then I started chasing that stupid man. He was holding tightly onto his towel. I noticed a potion on the ground and grabbed it, without even thinking twice and threw it at Herobrine's ripped back. The man screamed and started moving around like a maniac while screaming out "COLD! COLD! COLD!" Did I just find a potion of coldness? "PROBABLY YES!" I death glared at him, almost realizing something. His towel fell while he was trying to get himself warm from the sudden coldness. His cheeks were blushing. My body turned dark red. "AGH! MY TOWEL!" He blushed as much as I did and quickly snapped his fingers, now wearing his ordinary clothes. I looked at him again before grinning and running towards him again. He jumped a bit and started running away again. I chased him all the way to outside of the castle, already heading to the bridge. Other mobs only stared at us. "I KNOW I MIGHT HAVE MESSED UP BUT PLEASE CALM DOWN!" He screams at me, still running away. He is definitely trying to play around me right now. He would have killed me already. "I WILL END YOU!" I stopped and pointed my bow right at his hand. "AGH!" I earned a groan from him after the arrow shot right through his hand. He quickly teleported away, no where to see. I looked around, already pissed off. I sighed in disbelief before making my way back to his bedroom to take my stuff. Fucking idiot..

As I got to the bedroom and stepped inside, I was pinned against the wall by someone. I looked up and saw Hero who was pinning me against the wall instead of him. "You've really thought that you could hurt a god without a punishment?" A god? "Allow me to introduce myself properly." He moved away, hand on his chest. "I am Herobrine, god of Nether. You may probably know me as.. Notch's.. brother." He bowed down to me, do I look like a queen to him? He seemed to hesitate to admit that he is Notch's brother, I wonder.. "I'll just call you Dumbass. I still don't forgive you." He chuckled again, I swear- "Of course. Now.." He approached me closely, two hands slammed on the wall, leaving my head in the middle. "What is your purpose to come to my realm?" I thought for a moment. Honestly I just wanted to explore what was that portal from thag stupid cave. So this is Nether, huh.. "You have caused a lot of chaos when you came." Ah, that stuff.. He leaned closer to my face, his eyes shined even brighter than ever. It doesn't hurt my eyes though, used to it. "Why are you wearing an eye patch?" Our faces were few inches away from each other. "Why don't you shut up and give me some personal space? You pervert." He stepped backwards, slightly interested in me. Honestly I didn't care much about him, he is still a jerk to me. "So.. this is your 'castle'?" He nodded at my question. "After all, it is in my realm." I sighed, crossing my arms. He seemed to be very focused on me, either he is trying to make me impatient or planning to do something. "Maybe both~" he smirked at me, his flirty tone made me blush. I slightly looked away. "Maybe I should remove your eye patch to see your beautiful eyes~" he grabbed my eye patch, slowly pulling it off. I gasped, there is no way I am going to let him see my eyes! I slap him and quickly cover my eye patch. He stepped back, holding his cheek which was slowly turning very red. I didn't know my strength is strong enough to hurt a god. He seemed to look at me with a deadly glare, it felt like he was telling me that I have 5 seconds to run away before he attacks me. I quickly grab my backpack and ran out. I ran for the entrance, hearing him opening the door and looking at me. "Fuck this man! I am not going to die tonight!"

I ran throughthe kingdom, getting glares from the creatures and not giving a single care. Before I reached the gate, I looked behind me and noticed Herobrine wasn't chasing me at all. I sighed in relief before turning around and meeting with two glowing eyes. I flinched and accidently slipped, hitting my butt on the hard ground. I groaned before panickly looking at the man. He looked pretty angry, probably because he got slapped by a woman. I started moving backwards, still on the ground. He only took steps closer. Suddenly my body felt like it was something else. I got up and pulled my Ender pearl out of my pocket, I throw it distances away from the kingdom. I looked at the angry man before grinning at him. "You really are an ungrateful ass, Hero~" He looked even more pissed. I almost saw fire coming out of his mouth. "Eat shit?" That really pissed him off. He started running towards me, fire appearing on his hand. Before his hand reached out to my face, I was immediately teleported in front of the portal. I sighed in relief before looking back and going back in the portal and transfer to my world that I can call home. After everything faded away, I pushed myself out of the portal and laid on the soft ground. It was still daytime, the sun shined right at me. I slowly lifted myself up and started walking back to my house. That was really an interesting advneture. Although I think I won't be able to visit the Nether because Herobrine would kill me, I did slap him and I don't think I regret it. I guess, slapping a god felt nice. I nervously laughed at myself and soon after, I was already in my house. I took the stuff out of my backpack and placed them in different chests in my basement. Even though it was more different than my last basement, it was still good enough to keep stuff inside. I laid on the bed, groaning. My body was already tired from all of the stuff that happened. I took my clothes and eye patch off and tossed them on the ground then laid back down. Damn, it feels too good to take the eye patch off. It started to hurt my eyes, probably because of the material that didn't fit me. I slowly closed my eyes, slowly falling asleep. Before sleeping, a voice came from behind me.

"You messed up."

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