Chapter 11 - Winter Festival

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It has been 2 months since the whole Nether situation happened. Honestly I don't feel like I am being stalked or attacked by Herobrine. Something about him tells me that I should trust him but he didn't save me from the mobs and I was still mad at him. I sighed, looking at the fire burning inside the fireplace. The hot chocolate continued to warm my hands. It's snowing outside and the only village near me are too afraid of me because they think I am that stupid Herobrine man. Suddenly the thought of seeing him half naked filled my mind, my face heated up. He does have a lot of muscles. "He could take me out if he wanted to.." I mumble to myself. "I would accept it, I MEAN-" I cover my face with my hand, regretting what I just said. I am such an idiot. It was already winter, the villages would usually throw big festivals by now. Thinking about what happened before, the golem did spare me so maybe it told the villagers that I am not Herobrine. Geez, just thinking about ripped Herobrine makes me blush. Seems like forgetting him won't be easy. I finished my hot chocolate before placing it on the table and lifting myself up. The fire slowly dissapeared, surprisingly faster than I thought. I shrugged to myself as I walked to my bedroom. It was very cold outside so maybe wearing as many clothes I could, it would be warmer. I sighed and took few clothes out before putting them on.

 I sighed and took few clothes out before putting them on

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I looked at myself in the mirror. I smiled at my own beauty, who knew that I could be this beautiful. I started to prepare some stuff to carry with me. I put my eye patch in a secret pocket just incase. I think, showing my true eyes to them and explaining myself would help them understand me. I put my hair into messy buns and covered them with a fluffy trapper hat (winter canadian hat) and headed to the front door. I pulled fluffy gloves out of a drawer and put them on. (I just love fluffy stuff) I took fluffy boots out of a closet of shoes and put them.

(( I am just putting the images on so if anyone wants to go with this outfit, I am completely fine with it

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(( I am just putting the images on so if anyone wants to go with this outfit, I am completely fine with it. Whatever makes you happy :D ))

I walked out and locked the door behind, hiding the key inside a vase. I started making my way to the village, my eyes shined through the snowflakes. I don't think I would be able to even catch a cold with an outfit like this! I chuckle to myself, feeling proud of how pretty I am. It just feels soo nice to have that feeling again. Soon after, I arrived at the village. I noticed they were already hosting a festival. There were a lot of small stores full of delicious food and beautiful clothes. The villagers were dressed nicely, some of them even had good tastes. The iron golem was standing by the entrance, a scarf with roses around its neck. It looked adorable with the scarf. I sighed to myself, feeling very nervous about what could happen. I walked over to the golem and cleared my throat as the golem looked down at me. "H-Hello." I nervously waved at the golem, it seemed to try and figure out if I am Herobrine or not. "R-Remember me?" I took my hat off and showed my face to the golem who looked surprised and nodded. It moved to the sides and led me inside. "Phew.." I put my hat back on as I entered the village. Immediately a villager approached me, he seems to be wearing a long coat and a scarf that covered half of his face. His arms were opened, it looked like he was welcoming me. "Ah Y/N! It's soo great to see you again. I would like to apologize about last time, you just happened to look like.. him because of your eyes." He rubbed his back neck with his hand, he seemed to be embarrassed and akward right now. I nodded a bit "It's completely fine! I have been told the same thing many times!" He smiled and looked over to the other villagers who were already looking at us, most likely me. "EVERYONE! GIVE OUR SPECIAL GUEST A GREAT TIME!" Great time? Out of nowhere, everyone quickly grabbed me and lifted me up above the crowd. They started carrying me to the big table where everyone eats. "GET THE FOOD!" Other villager yelled at the others who quickly ran away to probably get the food ready. They sat me on a chair as the other villagers started to sit down as well. The villager from before, sat across the table in front of me. "May I ask who a-are you?" I asked the villager, he let out a slight chuckle. "I am Norman, the leader of the village." I smiled, it feels nice to feel trusted again. "Mind if I-" before he could say anything else, the other villagers started asking me questions. "How's it like to have glowing eyes!?" I nervously chuckled "I guess it feels great except for the people who always think I am someone else-" Other villager bumped in the conversation "Do you have any abilities!?" I shook my head "As far as I know, nope!" Almost every villager started asking me a lot of questions about me and my eyes. Mostly my eyes.. It was fun to laugh at some jokes that they made. They don't seem so bad after all.

Soon the food was placed on the tables, immediately everyone started eat the food. I looked down at my plate. It was filled with warm stew. It smelled very nice, I took a sip of it and it was the best stew I ever tried! I quickly started eating it. "Haha! Seems like the guest is pretty hungry!" A villager in dark coat laughed as he continued to eat his food. Others laughed, doing the same thing. I only smiled as I finished eating the stew. "WHO IS READY FOR A DANCING COMPETITION!?" Villagers immediately jumped out of their seats and ran to the dancing floor as they started dancing. Honestly I never loved dancing, it just felt too weird to do so. All of a sudden, someone pulled me from my wrist and into the dancing floor. I looked up at the person, they seem to be wearing a black rope over them. We started dancing together, having a lot of fun. Maybe dancing isn't soo bad after all. We danced for hours and hours. It was already midnight. Everyone slowly started to pack their stuff and clean the place. I said my goodbyes to them and left for my house. I giggled to myself. That was way better than other festivals! Hopefully tomorrow there will be another festival again, or maybe I visit another village. The forest was very dark. After all, it is nightbtime. I took my eye patch on since my eyes started to hurt a bit and continued to walk past tall trees. The sound of footsteps came from behind me, I quickly looked behind me and saw nothing. Hopefully I am not being paranoid. I took one step forward and heard another step closer to me, are they copying my moves? I took another step, earning another step closer. I quickly took a step forward before taking a knife out of a pocket and aiming it behind me. Nothing was there. As I looked forward, I noticed the same eyes from before. "You.." the man spoke in a deep tone, it seemed like he was nice but mad at the same time. "Uh, hey Hero.." I nervously smiled at the muscular man. He slowly started approaching me, I knew I was dead. All of a sudden, he pinned me against the soft ground and got on top of me. He held my wrists tightly and stared at me without even blinking. We made eye contact as the snow started to fall again. I started to feel dizzy from this position. "What do you want?" I asked him, no answer. I opened my mouth to repeat my question but he quickly put a finger on my lips, telling me to be quiet.


"What?" I looked at him, confused. "Apologize for slapping me." His voice became deeper and more creepy, I gulped. "Fine, I'm sorry that you wanted to see what's under my eye patch and didn't listen to me when I told you NO." I raised my voice at the end at him, he stood still. Honestly how annoying can he be? Pinning me against the ground, not even listening when I told him no. "Very annoying.." Of course, you would be more annoying than the children. He groaned at my thoughts, I only grinned at him. "Just let go of me already." He sighed as he stood up and let go of me. I managed to lift myself up without taking the hand he was holding out for me. Time to go home, I guess. Before I left, I had a good idea to mess with him a bit. Of course, I like to make troubles. I put my hands on his face cheeks and held them softly. He stared at me, raising an eyebrow up in confusion and slight interest. I quickly moved his head down a bit and kissed his forehead. I immediately let go of his face and started running away. "Bye!" I waved at him, looking at him for the last time. He had a trace of pink on his cheeks as he was rubbing his forehead. I realized that I left a lipstick mark on his forehead and he tried to remove it. I laughed to myself all the way back to my house. Well today was a fun day! I ran into my house and took my boots off and placed them besides the door. I took everything off and moved to the bathroom, I placed the clothes in a box to wash them later since they were pretty messy. I looked at myself from the mirror, realizing what I did to Herobrine. I blushed at my own joke to kiss him on the forehead. But it was just a prank and won't mean anything else more than that, right? I walked to my bedroom and laid on the warm bed before drifting to sleep. The snow continued to fall from the clouds and the moon continued to shine through the clouds. Tomorrow is going to be a new funny day! Right?

((AAAA thank yall soo much for 100 views! I really appreciate you reading my story even though it isn't the best one!))

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