Chapter 13 - I'm Here For You

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Silence.. Herobrine knew what he said to Y/N who was only furious because he burned the villages that she loved. He loves burning villages and seeing the faces of the people. However he messed with the wrong human or.. creature. Before Herobrine could answer the question, an arrow sliced through his cheek and landed on the ground. The guards quickly looked to the direction and saw Y/N making her way towards them. "Herobrine.." she spoke with a deep tone, making Herobrine shiver down his spine. "Herobrine, you are the only one who can defeat her! SO DO IT NOW!" The guards ran inside and inside their towers to prepare for an attack. The gates closed, leaving Herobrine outside with the monster he had created. "Hey.. I'm sorry what I said before. I didn't mean to-" Before he could finish his apology, Y/N already attacked him with her sword. He quickly dodged it, taking his sword out too. They were both ready for a battle. In a second, they both started hitting their swords against each other's swords, creating loud noises with it. Herobrine stared at Y/N's mask. The mask was full of cracks, it looked like the mask was about to break like an old material. "I HAVE DONE NOTHING BUT PLAY YOUR LITTLE GAMES! YOU ONLY CARE ABOT YOURSELF, YOU SELFISH MAN!" She screamed at Herobrine, making him flinch at the sudden loud tone. He accidentally slipped his sword a bit, giving Y/N a chance to stab him. Blood started to spill out of the opened wound as the sword was slowly pulled out. Herobrine stopped and looked down at his new wound. Blood spilled onto the snow, coloring the white ground with his own blood. Y/N stared at her sword, slightly laughing at what she has done.

She did it.

She killed the man she despised.


You can't kill a god..

Herobrine laid on bloody ground, slowly looking up at Y/N. Her mask broke, revealing her glowing eye. Dark scar started to appear around her eye, is this who she really is? Herobrine's eyes widened as he saw her eyes. He never knew that a person would have the same eyes as his. Y/N slowly stood up straight, holding the bloody sword in hand, the blood dripped onto her face. Herobrine burried his head into the snow, ready to scream for the pain that was awaiting him. Or so he thought. Out of nowhere, the sound of something hard falling on the ground came right in front of Herobrine. He looked at the unconscious Y/N, now laying on him. He blushed at the feeling of letting someone sleep on his body. Her face was now calm, breathing very slowly. She wasn't dead, she was still alive. Well.. barely alive. The guards came out of the gate and told Herobrine to move away from Y/N so they could take her away and imprison her. However Herobrine refused to do so and took Y/N into his arms before slowly getting up and teleporting away. The guards were furious how they couldn't get the dangerous being when they had the chance. However they have a lot to plan on how to get Y/N to where she belongs.

《 Herobrine's POV 》

I told one of the maids to get Y/N a comfortable bedroom so she can stay with us for a couple of days. The maid nodded and teleported Y/N away with her. I sat on my throne, thinking about what just happened. How can someone as a human like her, be this strong? Clearly she cannot be a human, however she looks and acts like one. Everyone else said she is a human, but I think she is more than that. An Enderman with the maid uniform teleport in front of me, bowing down. "Sir, we have a problem with Y/N." I quickly looked up at the maid, worried about Y/N now. "She has been having issues sleeping and keeps panicking. She won't let anyone touch her without hitting them." I quickly stoos up and excused the maid. They teleported away as I teleported myself to Y/N's bedroom. She was holding her head with her hands, aggressively pulling her hair down. She was panting as if she ran 100 miles per hour. Her screams filled the bedroom, the scream of pain. The light of her eyes brightened even more than anything else I could imagine. I walked over to her and sat on the bed beside her, worried as hell. Y/N tried to hit me, however I grabbed her wrist and pulled it behind me as I pulled her into a hug. She kept scratching my back aggressively, I held my arms around her body. She continued to tear my shirt apart before she started to lose energy to continue. Her head rested on my chest as I patted her head. Her breathing was very calm and quiet, she looked very adorable. I slowly rested my eyes as I fell asleep as well.

《 Time Skip 》

[ Y/N's POV ]

My head was laying on a very warm pillow.. I squeezed the pillow, to earn a slight moan from it. I continued to squeeze it, earning even more moans from it. Wait.. Since when does a pillow moan? I slowly opened my eyes as I looked up to see- "AGH!" I jumped back a little, only to be pulled onto a laying position on Herobrine again. He was still sleeping, his hand gently patting my back. My body turned red and heated up from the embarrassment. "H-He-Herobrine.." I tried to wake him up by pushing him away a bit. He groaned as he slowly sat up straight, making me lay down on his legs and look up at him. His hair went through his fingers and he rubbed his head, making it messy. "What..?" He stared at me, looking very tired. "C-Can you tell me why was I sleeping on you..?" He smiled as he gently patted my head, messing my hair up. Dummie.. "You had a nightmare and couldn't sleep, so I helped you fall asleep." "By sleeping on you?" He nodded "Pretty much." I sighed, I slowly got up to free myself from his grip and sat beside him. He laid down on his sides and stared at my eyes. "Your eyes are beautiful.." He said with a dreamy tone, as if he was trying to flirt with me. "I am~" I looked over to him with a slight blush on my cheeks, he chuckled before winking at me. "T-Thanks, yours too.."

I quickly looked around, immediately realizing where I was. It was one of his guest rooms. The room was filled with flower decorations. The walls were colored in dark purple. The lamps were shaped like a rose. The closets were in front of the queen sized been. The blankets and pillows were dark purple, pictures of flowers on them. The wooden floor was painted in dark color. Honestly he has great taste in deciding which furniture to use for this room. "Thank you." He smiled while his arms were still opened, I wonder if he is trying to ask me to lay on him again. "Maybe~" his flirty tone caught me off guard, I blushed more than ever. "I been get going.. back home, of course." I said as I started moving to the closed door. "What home?" He said with a slight 'trying not to laugh' tone. I looked over to his silly face, I knew he was trying not to laugh. My head suddenly reminded me of my burning house and village. I was still furious at him but for now, I have to go with the flow till I can strike my revenge. "Revenge-!?" Out of nowhere, he bursts into laughter, tears slowly coming out of his glowing eyes. "OH PLEASE! YOU CAN NEVER TAKE YOUR REVENGE ON A GOD LIKE ME! SOO PATHETIC!" His laugh continued to get louder and louder. I growled at him, before grabbing a book and aiming at him. "A god has their weaknesses and I will find out what are yours." He groaned as the book hit right into his forehead. I slammed the door open and started making my way to the exit. Who does he think I am? I am not a toy, I am not someone he should laugh at, I don't handle that well. I better start planning my revenge on him.. A hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me back, catching me off guard. I looked over to the glowing eyes behind me, Herobrine stared through my eyes. "Before you go.." he held my wrist tightly "I want you to know that.."

"I'm here for you."


((Apologies if the chapter wasn't well written! I hope you enjoyed it at least! Also I am making a new story, it's a Herobrine x reader too!))

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2022 ⏰

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