Chapter 6 - Him

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The sun shined through my window, reminding me that it was morning and a new day, I sighed before getting up and putting new clothes on that I kept just incase.

Maybe it wouldn't hurt to explore the new forest. I took my Enchanted sword and some food with me and already headed outside.

The fresh air, the nature, everything was perfect.. I put my eye patch on before running deeper into the forest.




After running for a while, I decided to take a break by sitting against a tree and listen to the beautiful sounds.

All of a sudden, I heard some footsteps coming to my direction. I quickly climbed onto the tree and slowly peeked through the leaves.

It was the muscular man I saved yesterday. He looked even more adorable than the last time I saw him. He was wearing the same clothes and was still wrapped with bandages.

His eyes continued to shine like a star.. I slowly moved closer as I was very focused on him. He was walking by me and towards the waterfall.

I slowly got off the tree and hid behind another tree that was closer to where he was at. "Ugh.." His deep voice groaned as he held his chest, I guess his chest still hurts.

He took his shirt off which caused my body to heat up again. His body was even more ripped, I swear one day that he will be the most ripped person ever.

His body slowly laid in the water, slowly calming down and chilling. I wanted to approach him soo bad but I was too scared. But he has the same condition as me! Maybe it wouldn't hu-

The light of his eyes shined brightly as he looked to my direction, I jumped a bit and hid behind the tree. Hopefully he didn't see me.

"I can hear you."

I stopped thinking for a second after hearing that sentence. I slowly got out of the tree and revealed myself to the ripped man.

"Ripped man~?" He laughed at my thoughts. Wait- "You can read minds!?" I gasped in joy, I finally met someone who has cool abilities!

He nodded and smiled at me. I walked towards him and crouch in front of him, he turned to me while he was still in the water.

"Your eyes looks soo pretty!" I moved closer to his face to look closer at his eyes. They shined like a star. "Thank you." I only smiled even wider. "What's with the eye patch?"

Should I tell him..? "Tell me what?" "NOTHING NOTHING, EVERYTHING IS OKAY!" I nervously laughed before slowly getting up. "Wait." He stopped me in my tracks, the soft grass tickled my shoes a bit.

"What's your name?" I looked at him, my eyes were wide opened but he wouldn't see it because of the eye patch. I just met him.. "Y/N." A smirk formed on his face. "Such a lovely name.. I'm hero-"

All of a sudden, there was a loud thunder sound. I jumped at the unexpected sound, my ears hurted from the loud tone. He looked up and frowned a bit.

"I must go." I hummed in confusion, why does he suddenly want to leave? "Look up and you will see."

Another loud thunder sound came out of nowhere. I quickly looked up and gasped. A group of pitch black clouds were coming, a strong wind blew the trees, making the leaves bump into other leaves from other trees.

Everything was slowly turning dark. "I would run away if I were you." He got out, I gasped after realizing that he had no clothes on at all. "DON'T COME OUT YET-" I quickly turned around and covered my face.

"Ah! My apologies!" He said with an embarrassed tone before my ears detected a sound from the direction where the clouds. I turned very pale.

In front of me was only..


It was completely pitch black and was impossible to see through, luckily it was slowly approaching us so we had time to escape it before who knows what could happen if we got caught by the dangerous thunderstorm.

I started running away back home. A deep chuckle came from behind me, I looked behind me to see him grinning very wide at me. His grin gave me 'I will kill you' vibes.

The sky continued to turn darker and darker, I started hearing deep laughing in every direction, my body started shivering and shaking from fear. Why is this happening? Is it him?

I was looking behind me and saw nothing in the darkness. My eyes quickly looked forward to see a big and deep hole that led into darkness. Luckily my body stopped before almost falling.

"That was a close call.." I mumble to myself, sighing in relief. My heart was beating faster, my eyes started to hurt. I slowly turned out, gasping as I saw Hero standing in front of me. His eyes glew even brighter.

He started taking footsteps closer to me, making me slowly walk backwards. I gasped as my body slipped and fell backwards. My hands quickly grabbed the dirt, holding my body for dear life.

I made eye contact with him, now he was close to my hands. "H-HERO, HELP ME!" I screamed at him in panic, my hands started to lose grip.

His deep chuckle echoed, the same chuckle I heard before.. "I am not a hero." His foot slowly raised above my hands. "No no no." I panicked, begging for my life. "I am a villian." A sharp pain went through my arm as he stomped on my hand very hard.

My screams echoed through the hole as I fell into my doom. I reached my hand for someone to save me, but no one was there for me. His maniac laughing was the last sound I heard before hitting the hard ground and slowly passing in the pitch black..

I am.. alone.. again..

I will take my revenge on you..

Mark my.. words, Hero..

. . .

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