Chapter 3 - Roses

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The sky was dark from all of the smoke and everything was burnt down. I slowly opened my eyes, the light in my eyes were now dimmer than before. I coughed at the ruined air. I slowly stood up, my legs still hurted but less than before.

I sighed in relief and looked around to see where to go. My backpack was a bit ruined but still in good shape. I grabbed the backpack and started dragging it through the burnt ground, how did I not die?

'I wonder where are the villagers..' I mumble to myself. I hope they got to a safe place due to their precious village being burnt down. Just thinking about the screaming and crying left me traumatized for dear life. It felt like a terrifying nightmare.

I continued to drag myself through the forest until I reached the end of it. Stepping outside, the nature looked beautiful. There was a waterfall, surrounded by the colorful flowers. The sky was clear as day. Everything looked beautiful.

I threw my backpack near the water before taking my clothes off and entering the water. Surprisingly it wasn't cold at all, maybe the sun managed to heat it up, cool~

Suddenly I flinched as I felt pain in my body. I looked down to realize that I have gotten injured from the fall and fire. Luckily I had med-aid with me to keep me healthy.

My eyes slowly closed as I laid even more into the water. The birds were singing and the air was soo clean and healthy to breathe into. I felt something bump into my chest, it felt soft and small. I opened my eyes to see what it was, a rose. A beautiful red rose. It looked too perfect to be in good shape and have such a lovely color.

I gently grabbed the rose and inspected it. "..What a lovely flower.." I mumble to myself before putting the rose above my ears as a decoration. I smiled at the thought of just being beautiful. Dreams these days.

My eyes closed shut again, however something soft bumped into me again, it felt like it was the same thing. My eyes wide opened as I saw another rose in front of me.

I moved my hand to my ear and felt that the rose was still there. I looked around and noticed that there weren't roses at all. Where are the roses even coming from and why do they keep bumping into me?

Sighing again, I was about to grab it till I looked up and noticed more roses in the water but.. they were forming a line that lead to the waterfall. Is this a sign? Is this a prank?

I hesitated to go at first but thinking about being bored for a while and doing apsolutely nothing forced me to change my mind and approach the waterfall. The sound of the water splashing the water from the waterfall got louder and louder and I moved even closer and closer.

Soon I reached the waterfall. Why would it lead me here? Maybe something is behind the waterfall! I quickly dived under and past the waterfall. I gasped for air as I managed to get out of the water. My eyes quickly looked in front of me.

A dark and quiet cave was waiting right in front of me. The only sound I could hear was the waterfall from the distance. Why would there be a cave in here? Maybe it wouldn't hurt to explore.

I stepped in and felt a cold shiver run down my spine. Maybe I should get dressed before entering such a terrifying place.

After going back to my stuff, I dried myself with a towel and started putting my clothes on again. Just the thought of going inside the cave was enough to make me shiver again. Something about the cave made me feel like I shouldn't go there unless I have a death wish.

Finished, I walked beside the water and started climbing onto the rocks and to the waterfall, screaming every time I almost slipped. It took a while before I got to the cave. It looked too dark but my eyes are too damaged to use them as a source of light.

I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my eyes, I grabbed a thick wodden stick and two rocks. I laid the wodden stick on the ground and moved the rocks closer to it. I started hitting them together, trying to create a spark of fire.

"Come on.." I continued to try and try but it didn't work. I guess this is my last try.. I hit them again, creating a spark and making the wooden stick burn a bit. "FINALLY!" I screamed in joy, my voice echoed through the deep cave.

The fire started to form as it was slowly burning the wodden stick. I took my torch and started walking inside the cave. I was too busy trying to create fire, without even noticing the roses on the ground which seem to lead me somewhere again.

I decided to follow them. Luckily I had my Enchanted sword, just incase if I get attacked by a mob.. or someone..

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