Chapter 7 - Purple Light

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My scream echoed through the darkness..


I have no hope..


Who would be friends with a monster..

I groaned in annoyance, my body slowly lifted itself up. A sudden sound of crack came from my back as I felt pain. I screamed in pain, only making it echo through the darkness again..

"I will murder that idiot.."

My eye patch fell off my eyes and into the nothingness. I looked under me to realize that I was on a small stone that was right under another hole.

I sat down on the small ground, one wrong move and I'm dead. What else is there to do now.. 'Wait..' I thought to myself, soon realizing that I forgot my backpack.

"FUCK!" I curshed to myself multiple times, for being so stupid. The walls were sharp and had few holes to put my feet in but I could slip or die. I shrugged to myself, slowly getting up.

I grabbed onto the nearest hole and slowly started climbing up with each hole. Sometimes even slipping and even hanging for dear life. This lasted for hours.. I fell tired..

《 Time Skip 》

Purple light started to glow from the distance, I was finally going to get out of this hell and take my revenge on him!

Giggles started escaping my mouth, my body was too excited to finally get out. I missed the nature very much.

After climbing onto few more holes, I grabbed on the last stones before slowly lifting myself up, only to see it was another cave and a.. "Purple Portal?" I mumble to myself. I haven't seen a portal in years and never been in one!

I slowly stood on the heavy ground, catching my breath. The climbing really tired me down.. The purple portal continued to shine, there were sounds coming from it.

It looked.. welcoming..

I don't know why but it feels like it wants me to go in it. "Nope!" I tell myself "I am going back to the nature!" I started walking back to the hole and looked up to see that the light of nature was very high.

How deep is this hole..?

I don't wanna go in the portal but.. It's better than being stuck in this stupid cave! I started walking towards the portal, feeling even braver than before but still scared about what would happen if I went through it.

"Portal! Here I come!" I yell at it before running through it and being transferred to a completely different world. Everything was spinning and very purple.

Too purple..





The Light In His Eyes (Herobrine x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now