Chapter 4 - Someone

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It felt like hours have passed, I found nothing at all. The roses only led me to dead ends or almost making me get caught in many traps. Who even put the traps there?

I sighed in disbelief, I was expecting to find something useful like diamonds or coal but I found nothing at all. Only lava and stones.

What was very weird, was that there were no mobs. There would be many mobs down there but.. not a living soul was in here with me.

I started returning back to where I came from, already feeling too tired. My legs were barely dragging me.





Someone is here with me.





I can feel their presence nearby. Whenever someone looked at me with their eyes, I would feel cold a bit, I thought I was alone in the cave the whole time.

Suddenly I felt someone running.. running.. 'THEY ARE RUNNING TOWARDS ME FROM BEHIND' I screamed at myself in my mind and started running to the exit. They started to run even faster while I was still in pain, trying my best to outrun them.

The sunline was slowly forming as I got closer to the exit, I quickly ran outside and looked behind me.. A zombie..

Luckily, I quickly slice the zombie in half with my Enchanted sword. Good thing that I was prepared. My breathing became heavier and heavier after all that running.

I quickly got out of that place and finally stood on the soft grass again. The sun was still shining high in the sky, I still had time to do something before night.

Maybe it wouldn't hurt to explore even more since I am clearly lost now. I started walking to the other forest, moving away from the burnt forest. There were a lot of fruits.

My eyes shined very brightly as my mouth was drooling. I quickly took the towel off my eyes and threw my backpack and towel at a tree, I ran to the fruits and started eating them, I'M STARVING!

My mouth was full of delicious fruits. Hopefully I don't eat all of them since I'm gonna need some fruits for food. A quiet grumble was heard from the distance, making me stop in my tracks.

I sneaked to the location of the sound, I peeked through a tree to see a person laying on the ground, not moving at all, it was like they weren't alive at all. I moved closer, slowly crouching in front of the person, my eyes slowly inspected his body.

He had hair like my but more lighter. He was wearing an aqua t-shirt and ripped jeans. His body was muscular, I didn't even notice my face heating up just by thinking about it.

The grass was stained with blood, I quickly realized that he was full of scars and needed help immediately! I quickly ran to my backpack and took my med-aid out, I ran back to the unconscious man. I took his shirt off and he was literally RIPPED.

My body was heating up, my eyes couldn't look away from his muscular upper body. I quickly shook my head before I inspected the wounds. He had a big wound on his chest that seemed to have few dirts inside since he was laying on his stomach.

I took a tweezer out and slowly started taking few stuff out of the wound, he only groaned in pain. I wasn't a doctor so I am not good at this.

After taking few stuff out of the other wounds too around his upper body. I wrapped few bandages around the wounds to prevent any bacteria from getting in the wound again.

Soon I realized that blood was coming out of his pants. I am not a pervert to take his pants off but he is hurt, BADLY!

I closed my eyes as I started taking his pants off. I moved my hand around to find the wound, quickly finding it. I opened my eye a bit to see where are the bandages.

I took the bandages out and started wrapping it around his leg while keeping my eyes shut. After few minutes, I finished it and quickly put his pants back on. After doing so, I opened my eyes.

He looked soo pretty.. I just wanted to stare at him forever.. I took few fruits nearby and placed them beside him. I took a paper out and wrote..

" Please be careful next time! Here are some fruits to make you feel better! :D "

I placed the paper beside the fruits. I wonder if he is still alive.. I checked his pulse and he was breathing! I sighed in relief.

Before I could do anything else. He started groaning as his eyes were about to open. I quickly closed my med-aid and ran away. I quickly ran behind the tree with my backpack. I peeked out to see what would happen.

The man slowly sat up and rubbed his head, his eyes slowly opened, making me gasp. His eyes were glowing white! Does that mean he has the same condition like me!? I was quietly giggling to myself to finally meet a person who had the same condition as me.

His eyes locked on the paper that I wrote for him. He grabbed the paper and read it, he immediately started eating the fruits, his smile formed in his face and it was too adorable. I was too happy, I didn't even notice my little happy hops.

I quickly grabbed my backpack and started running away, giggling. I finally made a person happy! Now I just need to find a place to stay at and hope I meet him again! I happily ran away, thinking about his smile made me feel even more happy.

My hands quickly grabbed the fruits nearby and stuffed them in my backpack. I saw a village nearby! Time to ask for a sweet house! Everyone get ready!

Here comes the mighty Y/N!

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