Heat (18+)

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Zoe couldn't stop smiling on the ride back to campus.
This was probably the best date she's ever gonna be on, nothing could top this.
She squeezed Kai's midriff like a tight hug.
Gosh she was hot and sweet too somebody shake her awake.
They pulled into parking lot closer to Zoe's dorm.

Kai put the bike in park and leaned on it as she stared at Zoe who had small smile on her lips as she exaggerated stretching her limbs.
Kai chuckled.
"Try riding long distance you'll get off the bike and walk like this," she did an imitation of the zombie walk making Zoe laugh.
"Yup. I'm glad you agreed to going on a date with me. Did you enjoy it?"
"Yeah. Very much actually. You send me some of thosee pictures yeah."
"I will."
They looked at each other and just smiled.
Zoe decided to bite the bullet. She put her helmet in Kais' hands but didnt step away. Looking at those shiny silver eyes that seemed akin to mercury at the moment, heat spread across her face as she stood on her tiptoes and kissed Kai, right on the month.
Kai didn't expect the kiss. But her lips were so soft and supple. Their lips were just connected neither moved away or tried to further it.
Zoe pulled back slowly but Kai followed her and kissed her.
This time they didn't hold, Zoe put her hands on Kais jacket to anchor herself as Kai held her waist and pulled her closer.
Kai could taste the peaches on her lips, remembering how her pink tongue swiped on that lip to lick the peach juice as she ate. All she could do was tug her lower lip and suck on it.

Zoe moaned  as Kai pulled on her lower lip and suck on it. She could feel her body responding to that scorching kiss. Her knees shook when she felt something velvety soft invade her mouth to tangle with her tongue.
Kai tasted every inch of Zoes mouth and sensually suckled her tongue.
The kiss winded down as the need for oxygen increased.
Kai swore as she looked at Zoes kiss swollen mouth, so pink and inviting.  "Well fuck."
"That about summons it up." Zoe could bet twenty bucks her somewhere on her body she was moist, just from a kiss.
"You have ruined me Zolana. Ruined."
"I haven't done a thing."
Kai didnt want to let go but if she kept pressed up she will end up feeling certain throbbing parts of her and she wasnt ready to go there yet.
Kai created a little bit of space between them but didn't let go of her. She locked the extra helmet under the seat and turned to stare at Zoe again.
"Fuck this."
Zoe yelped a little as Kai lifted her up and placed her on the bike.
She could get with this, Zoe put her arms around her neck and drew her close. Kai leaned into her then pecked her lips once, twice then looked into her eyes again. Zoe blushed crimson and tried to look away.
Kai held Zoes chin and tipped her head back up so she could see those bright emeralds flashing in the night. She leaned in slow gave her ample time to move away but her eyes just fluttered shut, those long lashes scattering shadows below her eyes so dark and long. Lush lips begging to be ravished and who was she to refuse this goddess in front of her.
She kissed her, long and soft with vigor.
Zoe felt that kiss to her toes. She couldn't stop the moans that spilled from her throat, Kai was spurred on by those lewd sounds she tried to suppress but let loose anyway.
It wasnt a question now Zoe was sure she was wet and was a minute away from puting Kais hand into her jeans.

She was hard and throbbing. This wasnt going to end well if they kept this up.
Like Loki was whispering in her that Kai was gonna reign this in and stop the makeup session, Zoe hooked her legs around Kais waist and drew her closer. Kai hissed as her hardon melt Zoes thighs and a little bit of the bike. Zoe took advantage of that and plunged her tongue into her mouth. Kai couldn't help but wish she was sucking on something else.
Kai separated them fast and took a step away from Zoe. She made sure to face away as she put her hands on her head.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah just give me a minute."
"Or you could come with me," Zoe got off the bike and approached Kai. She ran her hands on her back and Kai leaned into her. Her hands went round her waist but kai grabbed them before they went further.
"Baby please no."
"What? What do you mean?"
"I would love nothing more than to lay you down and worship your body from top to bottom till you are shuddering and all spent out from orgasming but not today."
"Why not, you seemed into it."
"but i didn't ask you out so i could have sex with you today. I want more than that."
"Are you serious,"
"Fine. now kiss me goodnight so i can go touch my wet pxssy."
"I wont suffer alone." Zoe was horny sooo horny but happy anyways.
"Goodnight Zolana." Kai kissed on her the cheek and hightailed it to her bike.
"That was cheating."
"Oh i know. Now go inside and be naughty. I'll be thinking about you when i cream myself tonight."
"Fuck really Kai."
"Not the only one who can play dirty baby girl. Go on in."
Zoe walked into her dorm and looked back to wave at Kai before she closed the door.
She fast walked to her room and was very thankful she didnt have a roommate yet. She closed her door and leaned on it to fan her face.
"Ugh this girl will drive me nuts."
Zoe undressed down to her panties and true to the letter she was soaked. "Really kitty from a few kisses? But there where good kisses so there's that."
Zoe laid down on her bed and closed her eyes. She remembered that toe curling kiss and how Kai held her as she sucked on her lip or tongue. She moaned as she palmed her breast and the other hand cupped her slicked womanhood. She didn't need much stimulation with how hot she already was. Tweaking her nipples and rubbing her clit mostly she could feel that orgasm pooling in her stomach. The thought of Kais hands buried in between her thighs pushed her over and a long drawn out moan came from her as she fell over the edge.

Kai was still hard as she walked into her room. Seems like lee wasnt there. There was no way she could sleep like this.
In the bathroom she undressed for her shower and looked down at herself, hard and ready to go.
She pulled on herself from root to tip once, twice and she was throbbing. "Fuck." Kai squeezed the head a little making her hiss then soothed it as she thumbed the slit there. She wondered what her tongue would feel like there with its softness and her hot mouth wrapped around. She had to brace on the wall as balls quivered. Those green jades as they looked upto her with her mouth wrapped around, that image made Kai swear as she came violently. She started the shower and set it to scalding hot. The water washed away evidence of her orgasm.

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