The ideal date - preference

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Would take you to the movies, but not before he teaches you how to use his wrist-rocket. When you finally get to the movies, you end up sharing a coke with each other. He would then start teasing you, talking about how sharing a straw is indirect kiss. You would then shut him up with a real one.


Scoop's Ahoy at the mall. You would spend a lot of time at Starcourt. Two reasons. 1. He knows that you are absolutely obsessed with ice cream. 2. He'll excuse himself from time to time to, " go to the bathroom. " Really, it's to go to Steve and Robin to update them and ask for advice.


If his mom would ever stop taking his picture and actually leave to go and pick you up, you would be found at the arcade. He would steal all of Nancy's change, most of it being Johnathan's anyway, just you could stay together longer. He would also take you on a walk through Mirkwood, where he first kisses you.


Hopper won't really let El leave, but he trusts you enough to let you come over to see and hang out with her. You would go over and take a bunch of snacks and board games. You feel bad about her past so you gladly teach her how to play all of these games. After awhile, you end up watching one of your favorite movies that she hasn't seen yet. Hopper falls asleep on the couch, giving you the opportunity to cuddle and get close while still keeping the door open 3 inches.


Since he had completely wrecked Castle Byers out of anger towards Mike, you decided to rebuild it. You had to have help from Johnathan since he helped build it the first time, of course. But it came together in the end. Will was forever grateful that you fixed his safe space and decided that that had to be the location of your first date. You had a picnic and sleepover there. It was unintentional, but you both had fallen asleep after cuddling for warmth when you both forgot your jackets. Johnathan came to check up on you guys and found you. There are definitely a lot of pictures for you to remember that night.


She would take this opportunity to teach you how to skateboard. You have mentioned wanting to learn how when you first met. You would fall a lot and Max patched you up. To make up for your scraped knee, she took you to the mall for shopping spree. Of course, like Will, you'll have a lot of pictures to remember that day from the photobooth spent most of your time in.


Steve wanted to take you swimming since it's normally hot out. He tried to take you to his house, but Tommy H. and Carol kept trying to come. He wanted to take you to the public pool, but Billy kept watching you from the lifeguard tower. That of course pissed Steve off so that was a no. You ended at your house. Your parents were home and got a chance to meet Steve. Let's just say mama Steve got the seal of parental approval. 


After his internship at Hawkins Post, he'll take you to the cliffs for a personal photoshoot. He thinks you're photogenic and loves the face you make while being amazed with developing the pictures. It's not normally something you do a lot and it amazes you every time.


Her house to study while babysitting little Holly, then you'd stay over for dinner with the rest of the wheelers. Karen would give you a photo album full of baby pictures of Nancy and Mike. You make fun of them both and things Karen tells you become inside jokes between you and Nancy.

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