Reunion - Suzie x Gn!Reader

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It has been 6 months since this was requested and I am so sorry! I am finally going to continue the already requested oneshots, including a Gareth x Gn!Reader VERY soon! I am also going to write another Suzie one that is platonic since I couldn't pick what kind of one-shot to write either. Anyways, this is for oscarlovesyou. Sorry this took so long and that it is short...

You had been dating Suzie for a couple of months ever since you met at Camp Nowhere. The long distance relationship was hard for you to handle, but you managed. You wrote letters and talked using the radio tower you and Dustin made at camp. You talked about all of your friends in Hawkins and she told you all about the chaotic culture of her siblings. You would always laugh when Suzie told you these stories, despite how much it made you not want kids in the future. You were truly happy with your life, but there was one thing that was constantly bothering you.

No one believed that Suzie was an actual person...

Well, Dustin knew for a fact that she was real. You both had no idea why no one believed you or Dustin. It kinda upset you that your friends thought you were making her up, but there wasn't really a way to prove it. 

It had been a year and you were going on your trip to see your friends in California. Of course, because life always finds a way, you were in trouble. You were stuck in the back of the Surfer boy's pizza delivery van owned by Argyle with Mike and Will. You all were looking for Eleven at this Nina thing? You weren't really sure what that meant. Jonathan finally pulled over after what felt like years on the road. The backdoors opened to show Jonathan looking through the map to make sure they were driving in the right direction. You weren't paying attention until you felt eyes on you. 

"What?" You asked the group. 

Will rolled his eyes. "You think of all people here, you would get it, Y/n." You blinked. "Wasn't paying attention, sorry Will." Will turned away from your direction and started singing Never Ending Story. (This scene is down below for a refresh of memory.)

"Will, I'm trying to put that part of my past behind me." You said jokingly while everyone started to once again pile into the van. Will smirked and sat next to you. "Fine Y/n, I'll drop it," You sighed.

"Thanks, Will-" "If you sing it again for us..." You looked at him as if he were the dumbest person in the world. (But of course he isn't! Anyone who says otherwise, send them my way so they may face my wrath!🤺) "Will! I am not singing that song!" He groaned. "Whyyyyyyyy???" You lightly punched him on the arm. "Because my vocals are for Suzie's ears and Suzie's ears alone!" Mike scoffed. "Not what  happened last year, you sang it on the radio for everyone-" "NOT FOR EVERYONE, FOR SUZIE, AND TO GET PLANK'S CONSTANT! TO SAVE THE WORLD, MICHAEL!" Mike started laughing at you. He always thought it was funny how easily you got angry. 

"Dude, they don't want to sing so can you just drop it? You're all giving me a headache." You rolled your eyes. "You probably have a headache because of all the weed you smoke. Makes me feel bad for Argyle, we haven't not once seen him not high." Jonathan wanted to get upset but it was true. Argyle was too stoned to get offended, plus he wasn't paying attention.

Time skip because I want to hurry up and get this posted because I haven't done this in awhile and more beautiful people are requesting😘

It took a while but you gave your best directions to find her house and you then finally arrived. You all approached and Mike knocked on the door. The door opened to a small boy in nothing but jean shorts and covered and warpaint. "Uh..." Mike looked to you and you shrugged. You were trying to remember his name. Suzie told you about all of her siblings. "Tatum? No that's not it..." Mike looked back to the kid. "Uh, hi? Were looking for Suzie?" You rub your temples. "Sterling? No he's the movie director one..." 

The little boy pulled out his bow and arrow. He aimed and shot an arrow and it stuck to Mike's forehead and the boy ran inside. "Ow..." You gasped loudly scaring the other boys. "Cornelius!" The boys all shook their heads. "What? I finally use my brain and this is the reaction I get? Unbelievable..." You all enter the house to see the indescribable hoard of Suzie's siblings. You finally run into who seems to be the eldest sibling, Eden, who tells you to go upstairs to her room. When you get to the room, you realize it's empty, which made you frown, until you saw that the window was open. You ran to the window and peeked out to the roof with the boys following close behind you. You saw a figure messing with the satellite dish. 

"S-Suzie?" The figure turned to face you and it was revealed to be your girlfriend. "Y/n? Who are those guys? And what are you all doing in my room?" Mike took the opportunity to speak up. "Hi, were friends with your partner, and Dustin too! We came here-" You pushed him out of the way and continued for him. "We need your help Suzie-poo. Can you please help us poo-bear?" Will whispered in your ear, "You did not just call her poo-bear right? That was my sickening imagination?" You rolled your eyes.

Suzie got away from the Satellite and came back into her room. "Anything for you, deliciae." She kisses her cheek and leads your group to her Dad's office. Will comes up to you again. "What did she call you?" You sighed loudly. "It means Darling in Latin." You pouted. "Aww how adorable!" Will sang out. I shushed him when your girlfriend looked back at you. You smiled at her, she did the same back and she blushed. 

Once you had the coordinates you needed, the boys went to see if Argyle was still in the house before leaving, so right now you were alone with Suzie. "I am going to miss you, Y/n...I-I love you." You smiled brightly and gave her a hug. "I'm gonna miss you too..." You both pulled apart slightly, still embracing but you can still see each other's faces. You both leaned in and your lips touched. You were having your first kiss... You pulled away when you heard loud music from outside. You ran out there hand in hand. 

You saw smoke coming from the back of Argyle's van and him and Eden (Suzie's older sister) walking out of it. Suzie was so confused but you explained that everything will be alright. Everyone once again piled into the van as you gave Suzie once last kiss goodbye. "Don't you worry Suzie-poo...

We'll have another reunion again someday..."

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