What's the point? - Dustin x F!reader

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This picture made me sad. He just wanted to impress the ladies... His hair was awesome...

Warning: Might be terribly written and rushed

The snowball dance. After all that has happened this year, you would think that this is something to look forward to. Well, not you. You didn't think like that because there was still something wrong, you couldn't go with Dustin. You weren't oblivious to the huge crush both Dustin and Lucas had on Max when she moved here. You thought of yourself as just their dumb friend, knowing each other for so long, you were friendzoned. At least that's what you thought.

"Y/n!!!" You turned your head to see your friends staring at you since you zoned out. Max, Will, and Lucas were staring at you funny. You had zoned out of the conversation that you were in with them. You weren't in the mood to tell Max embarrassing stories from before she moved here, or taking about the new mall that would be opening up in the summer. They ignored you and kept talking so you ignored them back, dreading tonight. Yeah, it was tonight. You weren't mentally prepared at all for anything like this.

Nightfall came round and you got ready. Your guardian took you dress/suit shopping a little less than two weeks ago. As you were getting ready, your radio was turning on and you could hear the party talking about how they're on their way and how they would see you soon. You turned it off and left to go to the school. When you got there, you were immediately looking for your friends. You hated large crowds and the only exception you had to that is if they or your guardian(s) were with you. You find everyone except Dustin and Eleven that are there. You approach with a huge smile on your face.

Y/n Point of view:

"Hey guys!" I shouted at them. I guess I scared them because they all flinched. They didn't see my coming. "Damn Y/n! How do you just pop out of nowhere like that!" Max shouted at me and punched my arm lightly. "She does it so often but we just are still too stupid to see it coming." Lucas said. "Emphasis on the stupid part!" They all frowned at what I said. "Except you of course, Max. Anyways you guys look great!" I told them, not knowing that Dustin was outside with (mama) Steve.

Dustin Point of View:

"Alright, you're gonna knock 'em dead. Those girls are gonna be all over you, but focus on your goal, alright? Girls like attention, and don't give attention to Y/n completely, your gonna blow your shot." Steve said. He's been giving me advice on how to get with my crush, my best friend Y/n. I know that I'll probably never stand a chance, but it's still good to try. "You have to make her jealous first, then make you move, and she's not gonna be able to resist you!"

"Of course, Y/n's not be able to resist this!" I did my growl to show Steve what I mean and his smile disappeared. "Okay, maybe don't do that alright? I know she's your friend but she's gonna wanna stay that way if you keep doing that." I nodded and got out of the car. I felt Steve's eyes on me as I walked through the doors. "Good luck, man!"

Narrator point of view:

Dustin approach quietly while you and the others were still taking. Once you all saw Dustin, he did a little spin. As the others were insulting his hair, you couldn't help but blush at his looks. Just like he couldn't help and blush at yours. After awhile of hanging out, the party started to fan off. Eleven arrived and took Mike to dance. Max and Lucas started dancing too. Will got asked dance by another girl who you didn't know the name of, leaving you and Dustin. "This the perfect time to execute my plan." Dustin thought.

He left you alone as your fears came true, he was asking other girls except you. You felt like your world was falling apart, even if you knew that was going to happen. That's why you didn't want to come in the first place. You sat on the bleachers, watching Dustin's failed attempts. After the third girl he got rejected by, you went outside. Steve was still out there because he was watching Nancy, and saw you.  You found yourself walking home until you heard Joyce and Hopper calling out for you to join them. Dustin didn't even notice I was gone yet, you thought as you saw him through a window before going to sit with the smoking adults.

Dustin point of view:

Okay, I asked the girls, and they thankfully all said no. It would awkward if they said yes, but I can't find Y/n. I sat on the bleachers and Nancy approached me. "Hey Dustin, everything alright?" Nancy was being nice, for once. "Nothing going good so far. Have you seen, Y/n? Did she go to the bathroom or anything?" I asked. She was about to answer me but Steve came in and beat her to it. 

"Dustin, what did you do?" He asked out of breath. "What do you mean?" Steve was still panting a lot but he still answered my question. "I mean, why is Y/n out in the cold, being comforted by the chief of police and Joyce! You did something wrong man!" I ran out the doors to find her and once I did, I'll I heard was-

"What's the point?!" 

I knew listening in on a conversation that I am not apart of isn't right. But this is the girl of my dreams, if I really did something like Steve said, then I want to know what it was so I could fix it. I mean, this is Steve's fault anyway. He was the one who gave me the terrible advice. I feel so bad, I had a crush on her ever since I moved here in the 4th grade. Did I really blow my chance?

"You know, I didn't even want to come here! I only came because my guardian(s) made me. They said I should do something normal for once! But the guy I like won't even look at me! Do you know how many girls Dustin asked already? He most likely hasn't noticed I'm not in there!"

Okay, maybe I did mess up but I can make this better, right?

She started to walk away, I'm guessing to go home. I run after her, Hopper gives me a look and I run even faster. She's walking extremely fast for someone in nice (heels/shoes). "Y/n!...son of a bit-Y/N!!!!!!" She turned around quickly. "WHAT?!" I  grabbed her wrist and pulled her in for a hug and she squirmed in my arms. I held her until she stopped freaking out. 

"You know, I've always liked you. Like-liked you, I mean." She didn't seem to believe to me so I did what felt right, and just like that, I had my first kiss.

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