You're drunk - Preference

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I'm underage and I have never drank alcohol before. I had to literally look up the different types of drunk people for this. 😅 Hope it makes sense. Today was my third day a sophomore! School is going to slow down updates even more so those one-shots that I have been requested won't be on here yet. BUT! I will post more preferences so you still have something to read. Sorry if this annoys any of the users who requested but it is so hard to think of original ideas sometimes. You can still request one-shot ideas, they just won't be up for a little while. Hope you like this one!

Lucas: You are a Mary Poppins, you're always cheerier and you're more helpful when you drink. Lucas is grateful that this is the way you are, it's makes it easier to take care of you.

Dustin: You are a Nutty Professor; you have an extreme boost in confidence, and he thinks that it is absolutely adorable! You are a little more childish and you are also super cuddly too so Dustin loves taking advantage of that.

Mike: You are a Hemingway, meaning that your personality doesn't really change from what it is while you aren't drinking. Mike likes that you aren't any different and he would never admit it out loud, that he is grateful that you aren't a handful.

Eleven: You honestly don't feel comfortable drinking in front of Eleven because you wouldn't know how to answer all of, he questions. Besides, Hopper would probably kill you.

Will: You are a Mr. Hyde, also known as a mean drunk. You know this and know how Will suffer from his mom and dad's fighting while they were drinking. You try not to drink or at least drink only a little bit. Not enough to get drunk at least and Will thanks you for that.

Max: You aren't really a Mr. Hyde, you're just EXTREMLY over emotional. She'll comfort you while your tears are flowing and will watch a lot of movies with you and help you sober up.

Steve: You don't fit into one of the 4 types of drunks really; it just depends on why you started drinking. If you had a bad day, you'll be upset. If you're at a party, you'll be super charismatic. Either way, Steve is there for you.

Jonathan: You both don't really drink much, but when you do, you're just super cuddly.

Nancy: You are a Hemingway; you stay the same and you normally take care of Nancy while sees drunk while you are drunk.

Eddie: You are a Nutty Professor for sure. You and Eddie are party animals! He wouldn't be able to take care of you because he needs to be taken care of too. Either Dustin or Steve would have to come over and help with your hangovers.

Robin: You don't drink because you have to worry about her when she's drunk.

Argyle: Same as Robin, you don't trust yourself to drink if he is also drinking because you have to make sure he doesn't do anything he regrets.

Gareth: You are a Mary Poppins. You are so over affectionate and caring. You are also very flirty which always leaves Gareth in a flustered state.

Billy: You are a super wild Mary Poppins! The real life of the party! Billy finds it funny but on the inside in generally concerned, so you won't leave his side. Especially because your hands have a mind of their own and are very flirty. That side of you is reserved for Billy only, so he will always be nearby. 

Let me know if there is someone in Stranger Things that I didn't add that you want to see in these preferences and I do a character catch-up! 👌

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