Jeff Preference Catch-Up

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My highest ranking on this story is Jeff but I realized that Jeff wasn't even on here! So here you go! Jeff preference catch-up! Also, the requests are pending, I have so many ideas and there kind of stressing me out. I sound like a broken record, but you CAN still request just know it might take forever...

The ideal date –

You two would drive out of Hawkins and tour the surrounding cities. You basically do whatever you normally can't do while in Hawkins.

What age you meet them – 14

Hogwarts house – Gryffinpuff (Like me! If you don't know, this means he's a Gryffindor, but could still be sorted into Hufflepuff!)

You are missing/ stuck in the upside-down – 

He would think that it's a prank. Dustin was the one who told him so he wouldn't take him seriously. It took the whole Hellfire club to convince him to muscle up and help find you. 

You're related to another character – 

"Oh my god, have you SEEN Y/n Cunningham? WAY hotter than Chrissy man..."

Your Disney couple – Felix and Calhoun

Who shipped you – Gareth, Dustin, Eddie, Chrissy, and Mike

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Who shipped you – Gareth, Dustin, Eddie, Chrissy, and Mike.

PDA level – 5/10

Jealousy level – 7/10

Dating _____ would include –

· Making each other laugh constantly.

· You are stealing all his vests.

· Thinking his lisp is adorable.

· If you get braces in the future, then you are getting the same color as his braces to match.

· Cuddles as soon as possible and for as long as possible.

Nicknames - For Him: Romeo/ Jeffery/ Lover boy For You: Juliet/ (Your middle name – as a joke)/ Lover

How many kids you have in the future – 3 (all girls)

Things I watch that you watch together – Space Force, Attack on Titan, The Office

Favorite Horror movie – Friday the 13th

How you hug each other –

How you hug each other –

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Your cuddle spot – 

Jeff throws little pebbles at your window and climbs up to your room. You cuddle until the sun comes up and sneaks back out your window.

You're drunk –

He is so confused as he watches you dance on top of tables and his lap. You are a complete different person.

Meeting their parents/exposing your relationship -

His parents love you! But I feel like he would have the kind of parents that are like, "How did my son ever find a partner like you?" They wouldn't get how Jeff was able to manage getting you to date him. 😂

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