Just in case - Eddie Munson x F!Reader

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This was requested by: @dreqmyvintqe (sorry if you don't want a female reader but I thought it would be cute if it was Dustin's older sister.) Thank you so much for requesting and I hope you enjoy! Remember that requests are welcome for any character as long as you put them on the request page!!! I couldn't think of a good ending for this one-shot and that's why I took so long... Sorry if the ending is rushed. If needed, it could be rewritten in the future after I finish my other requests. 

Request page is the chapter titled "Request are welcome!" 

After a run in with the Basketball players of Hawkins High School at Warzone. Everyone went out to an open field. Everyone was preparing a weapon of some kind. The Sinclair siblings were making spears out of sticks and switch blades. Nancy and Max were cutting off the barrel of a shotgun. Eddie and Dustin were making spiked shields with garbage can lids and nails. You were with Steve and Robin making Cocktail Molotov's by the stolen trailer.

You knew that Steve and Robin were talking about something, but you were not paying attention at all. You were watching your brother, Dustin, and Eddie Munson fooling around with their now finished shields. It was almost as if Dustin wasn't your brother, but his instead. Their friendship was so strong and so damn adorable.

You have had a crush on Eddie ever since Dustin asked you to sub in for Mike and Lucas with Erica. Lucas couldn't abandon his basketball game, so they asked Erica. Mike still had some last-minute packing and a few other things to do before his trip to California to see El, Will, and Jonathan. For that reason, Dustin asked you. It had been a while since you played Dungeons and Dragons, so you said yes right away. You would never admit it out loud, but you missed it. You've seen Eddie in the halls and in the cafeteria and thought he was hilarious. Plus another thing, you couldn't really say no to your brother, Dustin's adorable stubbornness made it impossible.

"Y/n?" Robin called out your name. Steve turned to face you and you turned to face them both. "Yeah?" A feeling of fear and guilt turned in your stomach. They were probably going to mention something about you not paying attention to them, by the look of Robin's face, it was serious too. You didn't even realize that you and Robin feared the same thing, probably because you didn't hear her say so... But you were both terrified of losing the people around you. "I don't think all of us are going to make it this time..." That was the last thing you chose to hear as you spaced out again, only to have Steve snap you out of it and changed the subject. No one noticed, but from a distance, Eddie was staring at you too. Actually, someone did notice this. And it was no other than Dustin Henderson.

"Eddie, what the hell, man?" 

"Eddie, what the hell, man?" 

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Eddie looked at him with confusion. He was oblivious to his obliviousness and how you could clearly tell he had a crush on you. Apparently, you couldn't tell ether. "What is it, Henderson?" Dustin started to through a fit. "What-What-What do you mean 'What is it, Henderson?' Are you retarded or something?!" Eddie shrugged. "IT IS CLEAR AS DAY THAT YOU HAVE A THING FOR MY OLDER SISTER!" Eddie was taken aback by the sudden tone of his friend. Eddie jumped out of his skin.

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