The Other side - Steve x F!Reader

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Requested by: @dreqmyvintqe, the video above is basically what happens to the reader. I hope you like this one! This might not be as good as the other Steve one so I'm sorry. Reminder to all readers that requests are welcomed! If you have a request, put it on my request page and I will gladly write it out for any character!!! Thanks for reading!!! (The image above is so true though)

You watched as Dustin placed Eddie's mattress on the ground, or in your perspective, the ceiling. Eddie was explaining how he had no idea why it was stained. It was obviously urine. You watched as Eddie, then Robin both exit the upside down. Steve volunteered to let you go before him.

"See you on the other side?" He asked you. "On the other side." You responded before snaking your arms around his bandaged waist and pecking his libs. You then turned to grab the tied sheets.

You climbed through, but you didn't hit the mattress, you were in the upside down! At least, you thought so... You finally fell, hitting the cold floor that was the entrance of Hawkins Lab. 

"Y/n...HEY Y/N! Y/N WAKE UP, HEY! COME ON STAY WITH ME! Y/N!" You hear Steve as an echo in your ears, but it was an echo that was barely audible. Vecna got a hold of you, and you were terrified.

Were you going to be the next Chrissy? The next Fred? The next Patrick? Will you be able to escape like Max did or should you be saying your goodbyes? Even if your words fall on deaf ears, even if Steve couldn't hear you, you muttered to yourself how much you love everyone.

But just then, you heard the voice of only who you could assume was Vecna. You could no longer hear Steve's pleads to return to consciousness, to return to his arms.

"Do you remember what you did, Y/n? Or have you already forgotten?" There was pounding at the nearest door and a pool of blood formed on the floor in front of it. "When I kill someone- "I saw a figure walk towards me from the lab. "-I never forget..."

The figure got closer and closer until I realized, it was Bob Newby... You had watched him die that day in the lab. You remember it all too well, the sound of the demo-dogs pounding through the door and biting- no- ripping into his chest. The sound of Joyce screaming while Hopper pulled her away. The feeling of her fingernails cutting your arm as she dragged you along with her.

If you were only a moment quicker, you could have saved him. You could have helped. You could've possibly changed that outcome. You could have saved the life of Bob Newby. The figure collapsed in front of you. Bob was now lying in that pool of blood and the pool growing bigger, hear him scream and beg for his life as tears flowed down your face like waterfalls. There was a hand on your shoulder and another on your wrist, it was Joyce flipping you around to face her.

"WHY?! WHY DIDN'T YOU DO ANYTHING?! Y/N WHY?!" She screamed in your face, and you saw Hopper appear behind her, holding the same gun as the night Bob died. You pulled yourself out of her grip as Hopper aimed his gun at you. You ran out of the doors to the lab, dodging the bullets Hopper fired at you. You hopped into Jonathan's car, luckily, the keys were there, and drove off to the trailer park.

The voice of your boyfriend panicking returned along with the other voices of your friends. You then see in the middle of the road, those same friends telling you to wake up, now telling you not to. They all stood in your way of the car, and you served all over the place, trying you best to not hit them. Although they aren't your real friends or your real boyfriend, would you run over Steve Harrington and his friends? No, didn't think so.

"Y/N WAKE UP, HEY!" Steve's echo of a voice was loud but not loud enough to work as what Kate Bush did for Max.

Back with the others, they watched as you floated off the floor of the upside down, out of Steve's reach as you went through the small gate in Eddie's ceiling. As you were fully through, your body didn't adjust to the new gravity, making you float upside down in front of everyone. Steve went through the gate and landed on the mattress. Much to his dismay, he again hurt his waist, but you weren't here to help him get patched up again. Blood soaked through his bandages while he quickly stood up to access the situation clearly.

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