Chapter 08.

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Jeff woke up sad and alone. His boyfriend hadn't talked to him for three straight days. Maybe he deserved it, but he just felt so lonely. And that morning, he finally decided that he would book a flight to Appleton, then drive three hours back to his hometown of Black River Falls. He needs to see his best friend, and maybe Tyler will forgive him somehow. He texted Oliver about his plan, but, of course, got no reply back from him. His flight is tomorrow, but he really wants to talk to Oliver before heading out. So he booked a hotel room close to Oliver's apartment in the city and bought a dozen roses. They bring those roses to Oliver's office to surprise Oliver. But he's the one that got the surprise, because as he entered the exam room that the nurse said Oliver was in, he found Oliver kissing a woman there. A pretty woman that he would never be able to compete with.
"Oliver.." Jeff called out softly just so his boyfriend realized that he had successfully broken his heart.
Oliver jumped away from the woman and pretended to straighten his clothes. The woman stared at Jeff, then laughed.
 "I'm Lara, his ex-wife." Lara winked and offered her hand.
Jeff awkwardly accepted the handshakes. "I'm Jeff.. I don't know what I am to Oliver now.." He looked down and avoided eye contact with Lara or Oliver.
"I'm just here for child support. I just got a divorce, so he needs to pay up his child support again. You know.." Lara winked again at the wave of the check that Oliver gave to her. "I'm going to go.." She kissed Oliver once again and left the room.
"I'm here to give you this, but I guessed you moved on.." Jeff kind of tossed the roses on Oliver's desk. "I'm going to fix my relationship with Tyler tomorrow. And I just wanted to talk it out with you before leaving. But I guess the bed was already made."
"She always does that. I'm not in love with her or even want her. Please, can we talk like adults tonight? In my place at 8 pm? Dinner is on me. Please?" Oliver sighed. He grabbed the flowers and fixed them up. "And thank you for the flowers."
"I'll think about it.." Jeff walked out. He is a fool. He knew that. He had his chance with Tyler, and he blew it. At least Tyler has the decency to tell him that he wants a polyamorous relationship, unlike Oliver, who just lightly made out with his exes any chance he got. Apparently, Oliver chased him and grabbed his wrist before we walked too far.
"Jeff.. I am sorry for what you just saw, but I still love you. And I really want to talk to you before you leave. Please give me a chance?" Oliver begged.
"You hadn't talked to me for four days, and I found you kissing your ex. Does that sound like you love me?" Jeff is angry now. He wants to yell at Oliver, but since he is in a clinic, he can't do that.
"I was busy with my kids. I didn't mean to stop talking to you. I'm sorry.. I'm tired and busy, I'm not reaching back to you because I just don't have the time. Lara just dumped our kids at my apartment and left. I'm just overwhelmed, okay?" Oliver sighed. "They are at my home. You can meet them."
"Oh gosh.. No.." Jeff shoved Oliver away.
"Why not?" Oliver looked so confused.
"Why not? Really? Our relationship is rocky and we barely know each other because you kept jumping into this. We dated for barely two weeks, and then you stopped talking to me for almost a week. Then you asked me to meet your kids. That's just.. No.. I can't do this.." Jeff shook his head and walked away from Oliver. And this time, Oliver didn't try to hold him back. Why did he reject Tyler? Just because he's scared of Tyler's poliamorous lifestyle? Tyler might not even do that to him. He just dumped his best friend for someone that barely cares about his feelings. This is why he is still single. It is always the wrong choice of men to date.

The room was dark and damp. He was so scared. He wants to cry. But Jeff knew no one would save him now. Oliver hates him and Tyler, but he is happy with that young man. Jeff just trembled in the corner of that room and hoped that someone would help him.
Some guys grabbed him when he was heading back to his hotel. They blindfolded and stuffed his mouth, then tied his wrist. And now he was locked in a dark room alone. He doesn't know what to think, and he doesn't know what these guys wanted from him either.
Suddenly, the door popped open and some guy came in. His face looked familiar, but Jeff couldn't remember where he had seen this man before.
"Hey Jax, remember, don't get too close! You might have caught the gay from him!" The other man shouted and laughed from outside the room. But Jax just slammed the door.
"Jeff.. you are in big trouble, dude.." Jax shook his head. "Why are you here? You were completely safe on your farm!" Jax whispered now.
"What?" Jeff got really confused.
"I'm Chris' ex! I have been undercover with this gang for a year now. Why the hell are you here?" Joe whispered.
"Oh.. fuck.." Jeff now remembers that he saw this guy after the police caught Lewis and Chuck. He was different back then. He looks like a police officer, but he didn't really take part in most of the sting.
"Yeah, that is right. Oh fuck.. I need to punch you so they don't know who I am. Sorry.." Joe went straight to the cheek and punched Jeff. 
Jeff screamed in pain. "Call Tyler, please.." He sobbed.
"Sure.. Just stay alive, okay?" Joe slapped Jeff, and Jeff yelped. "That's not staying alive, Jeff.." Joe rolled his eyes.

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