Chapter 16.

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Jeff and Tyler cried all night, and they fell asleep next to each other again that night. Tyler didn't have his nightmare that night because he knew the real life Jeff was there for him. This conversation might have been a decade late, but it convinced the best friends that they needed each other. Tyler woke up before Jeff, so he pushed Jeff away.
When he walked out and tried to make coffee, he saw Joe sleeping on the couch. So he turned around and grabbed his stuff from the nightstand. He can't mess with Jeff's relationship; he doesn't want that. Jeff and Joe seem like a great match, so he needs to know his place. But before he managed to quietly sneak out, Joe grabbed his arm.
"Tyler.. did you have sex with Jeff last night?" Joe looks so upset.
"I didn't.. he's your fiance. I'm not going to steal him from you. That's why I'm leaving now.." Tyler pushed out a smile. "And congratulations on the engagement. He deserves someone like you."
"I'm sorry for what happened to you in the past. If you want to sue someone, I can get someone to take your statement." Joe handled a lot of rape cases all this year while he served as a police officer.
"It's not your jurisdiction. I'm fine. I'm a lawyer, and I know I do not have a case. I'm starting to do therapy again, but.. I don't know.." Tyler shrugged.
"Tyler, I'm here to say goodbye to Jeff. Well.. temporary goodbye. They found Lewis and the rest of the guys. But they are not in New York, so we don't have jurisdiction. They want me to go back as Jax and bring them back to New York." Joe looked down.
"No.. you should not do that. They could kill you!" Tyler shook his head. "How can they send you back? Myla was right, your cover was blown!"
"Could you keep your voice down? I volunteered. I need to do this. I'm a gay man, and I don't want them to hurt more gay men. This is my job, Tyler. Keeping you and Jeff save." Joe smiled bitterly.
"You can't do this.." Tyler shook his head. "Did Myla know?"
"Of course not.." Joe chuckled. "She's more protective than you are.."
"Joe, it's a suicide mission.." Tyler pressed his lips.
"Could you take Jeff to the city for a few days? I will ask someone to check on you and Jeff." Joe smiled bitterly.
"Joe, could you not leave Jeff? He loves you.." Tyler still tries to persuade Joe.
"I'm going to break up with Jeff, so you need to be there for him.." Joe knew that Tyler was right. But this case is really personal for him. Myla knows why this case is personal for him, but no one else knows about it.
"No you are not. Look, you are endangering yourself, and please think about your future and not whatever the past you have with this case. Jeff loves you and you deserve him." Tyler sighed. "Please don't leave him.."
Joe dragged Tyler out of the house. "I will tell you why I need to do this. But I hope you will never tell Jeff about it." Joe pressed his lips. "I was engaged to another man before Jeff, about three years ago. He was in the fire department, and we were both still in the closet back then. One day, he was called to a fire in a gay bar. He died saving all the people from that gay bar. You know who the arsonist was when we investigate?" Joe raised his eyebrows.
"Wait.. but there's no arson charge against Lewis.." Tyler scrunched his forehead.
"Because the DA decided that there's not enough evidence!" Joe clenched his jaws.
"Can you hand me the case file? I can help you to find evidence." Tyler asked.
"You don't need to do that. He killed a man and has already been sentenced to life in prison. But now he escaped, so I need to capture him and put him back in jail." Joe sighed.
"Then let me find him. I can't let you do this." Tyler looked at Joe with a hopeful stare.
"I'm a cop, and our lives are always in danger, Tyler. I am not going to be a coward. I will face Lewis and his gang." Joe smiled bitterly.
"Can you at least not break up with Jeff? He really loves you.." Tyler sighed.
"And I love him. So, maybe I'm not going to break up, but I need to leave New York and go undercover for a few months. It's not fair for him to wait for me." Joe smiled. "I'm going to talk to him. Just pick up the phone when he calls, okay?" Joe sighed and turned back to the house. He slammed the door and left Tyler outside.

"Wait, so you are okay with him leaving you this long and putting his life in danger?" Tyler scrunched his forehead.
"He's a detective. His life is in danger all the time. He also told me about his ex. So I really understand how this is personal for him." Jeff smiled.
"Why you never give me that kind of chance?" Tyler stared at Jeff.
"Because I know you don't want me. You want a sexy lady. I saw your girlfriends all these years." Jeff sighed.
"I only want you. But you were always busy with some boy that barely wants you." Tyler got a bit angry.
"So you think Joe barely wants me?" He raised his eyebrows. He hates Tyler when he's like this. "Sure, you are Mr. Perfect. But I don't want your perfection." Jeff rolled his eyes.
"That's not what I meant.." Tyler sighed. He hates this conversation already. "You can sleep in the bedroom with Logan. I'll sleep here." He patted the couch. Joe told Jeff and Logan to stay with Tyler and Myla, and he would check on them every day. So, in conclusion, Tyler's life has gotten really complicated at the moment. He is still in love with the man that currently stays in his bedroom and the woman that hates his guts but had sex with him once and will be there at his place every day.
"You know, Joe said he gave me a hall pass. Maybe I could use it with Logan." Jeff giggled. "I'm heading to the bedroom!" He just completely ignored Tyler and ran to the bedroom.
Jeff's mom was upset to hear that Jeff was engaged to someone who was not Tyler. But she talked to Joe a couple of times, and she gave her blessing. Tyler's parents are fussing over why Tyler did not try to get Jeff back either. But no one knows that Tyler had a constant nightmare that included Jeff in it. He is still handling his nightmares from the rape and is still in therapy. Jeff was very apologetic when the subject came out, but otherwise, Jeff had stayed faithful to Joe. He always dismissed it when Tyler tried to bring up their relationship.
Tyler gave his relationship with Jill one more shot, and he planned to take Jill to stay at a fancy hotel in lower Manhattan tomorrow. Unfortunately, Jay would be coming too. So he probably won't have sex with Jill. Jeff just said good for him without anything else when he told Jeff about his romantic getaway. Tyler wanted some jealousy from Jeff, but he didn't get it.
It's funny that Jeff thought that Tyler's life was perfect because it's far from perfect. He was raped and the only person that he loves is going to get married to someone else. Sure, he has a great, fancy job now, but the cost of it is losing the only man that he ever loved. Maybe if he moved to the farm a few years ago and just belonged with Jeff, things would be different. But he had to insist on being a successful lawyer while hiding his sexuality all these years.
Jill and Jay were impressed by the suite that Tyler had booked. They had a fancy dinner, and Jay was so happy with Tyler that he asked if he could sleep with Tyler that night. Jill felt torn between happiness that Jay finally got along with the man that she dated and sadness because she knew that her relationship with Tyler would never work.
After Jay fell asleep in the bedroom, Tyler snuggled up with Jill in the living area. He knows that it's less likely that Jill would finally have sex with him, especially with Jay around. But he still wants to try to do it with Jill. Jill, apparently willing to reciprocate his teasing. Jill admitted that she wanted to have sex with Tyler. So they started with a hot making out session on the couch. Tyler put Jill in his lap and devoured her.
He took off Jill's clothes within the first ten minutes, slowly but also with a sense of urgency. He had to take a break to record Jill's consent, as usual at the beginning and end of sex he had with anyone. People usually laughed at him, but since Jill knew about his rape, she knew it was important.
Jill hadn't had a man in a long time, and a man as good-looking as Tyler piqued her interest. Feeling his touch on her body teased every nerve she had on her skin. She wouldn't even mind if Tyler skipped the foreplay and jumped into fucking her. But she wants this to feel good for Tyler too. She dropped to her knees and opened Tyler's zipper. Tyler's cock bounced out happily without the restrictions that it was under before. Jill never expected that a man as good-looking as Tyler had also had a perfect dick. perfect length and girth, which makes Tyler irresistible. No wonder he's one of New York's most eligible bachelor. As Jill started to suck on that beautiful dick, Tyler moaned and his body tensed up. Jill teased Tyler's dick more enthusiastically seeing how responsive and sensitive it is. She never could have imagined that a man like Tyler would actually want to have sex with her.
Tyler didn't let Jill tease him for too long. He wanted to make her feel good, like he was too. He pulled Jill up and laid her on the sofa. He swiftly took off his clothes and dropped his pants. He opened her legs apart and climbed her body. He kissed her passionately and then started to suck her neck, which made her pull his head closer and suck it once more. She kind of led Tyler to her breasts, which Tyler happily sucked on. Tyler rarely had sex with someone that had a kid before, but all things considered, he still felt like Jill's breasts were still very attractive. And it's not at all that he was against breastfeeding, but women with children usually scared him off very fast. But ever since Jeff got engaged, he doesn't really think anything matters anymore.
When Tyler finally got down to the good part, he sucked on Jill's clit, which made her moaned and she pulled his hair a little. Tyler licked around her hole and opened her legs wider. Jill had not had anyone pleasure her like that for a long time. Tyler seemed to take his sweet time pleasuring her, which made him even more attractive. Tyler kept switching between his tongue and his fingers to tease Jill's hole. She felt so great and she probably orgasmed once already from all the teasing.
Tyler knows that he is ready for the climax, but he's not exactly ready in the condom department. So he asked for a few seconds and started to rummage through his duffle bags. He found a lone condom and he just tore it out of the package without thinking. He slipped it on and slipped himself inside Jill. They enjoyed the slow teasing that built up to a faster pace as they both chased the orgasm. Jill was pretty certain that for once, unlike most men she dated, Tyler hit her G-spot pretty well and made her orgasm during the penetration.
Until that night, Jill had never believed Tyler's reputation as a playboy who woes women in sex. And now she had to live with the fact that this one-time fling would ruin her future flings with other men. Tyler is a gentle and caring lover, but when they climaxed together, he made her so hot.
Tyler hugged Jill after they finished their haphazard cleaning. His heart desired Jill to be Jeff because that one night he spent with Jeff was more magical than any other night he had spent with anyone else. Jill is a wonderful person who does not deserve Tyler's forced affection; she needs someone who adores her. Tyler adored Jill, but all he could think about was Jeff.

"Myla.. what are you doing here so early?" Tyler rubbed his eyes.
"It's nine o'clock.." Myla raised her eyebrows.
"What?! Shit!" Tyler jumped out of the couch. His alarm was messed up again. He had a meeting early this morning at eight, so he's in trouble.
The weekend passed by so fast and it's already Monday. He had fun with Jill and Jay last weekend, and he wondered if Jill would love to spend another weekend with him. He still had not moved on from Jeff, but he felt like Jill made him feel like a part of her family, which no one that he had ever dated made him feel before.
"Heard you are in some kind of relationship now?" Myla moved her eyebrows and gave a teasing look at Tyler when he emerged with his work clothes.
"I'm not.. I just like to hang out with this one girl." Tyler rolled his eyes. "You shall not judge me because you are as non committal as I am."
Myla started to warm up to him after she heard from Joe that Tyler had been raped when he was younger. She had not picked a fight with Tyler again after that and tried her best to be Tyler's friend. She at least thought about Tyler differently after she knew why he could be an asshole sometimes. Myla said to Tyler once that she had been through the same without elaborating more. And Tyler knew that he didn't want to open up those kinds of memories for Myla, like his sudden nightmares that came back after telling Jeff about his past. Myla visited Tyler and Jeff every morning to keep tabs on them because Joe told her to. Myla is a few years older than Joe; she's in her thirties and has been partnered with Joe for two years.Joe is one of the very young detectives. He got promoted so fast because he's so bright and a fast thinker. Myla has always been like an older sister to Joe at work. And they are really good at working together. Myla knew how personal the case was to Joe and she only tried once to stop him from being undercover again. But it doesn't mean that she was not worried about him. It kind of comforts her to know that she is still protecting the people that Joe loves.
Myla thinks that Joe is a wonderful human being to accept Jeff's and Tyler's friendship. Myla knew that the two would eventually end up together and for Joe to accept that at some point in his marriage would end because Jeff realized that he wanted Tyler all along. But, their job as detectives usually ended up getting them a divorce anyway, so maybe that's why Joe doesn't mind.
"Well, we can still have fun once in a while then.." Myla winks and nudges Tyler.
"Can I use your car to get to my office faster?" Tyler gave a teasing smile.
"That's a crime, buddy.." Myla smacked Tyler's back.
"Hey, um.. Thanks for being cool with me. I know I can be an asshole and I'm really sorry for that." Tyler sighed.
"Joe has never been in a serious relationship since I knew him. And since you are part of the package that Jeff wants, I'll tolerate you." Myla twitched her eyebrows to tease him.
"Jeff is a great guy, and Joe is a great guy too. I'm happy for them. But jealous of Joe, of course." Tyler smiled bitterly.
"Well, you can still have sex with me. I'm free every weekend.." She winked. She grabbed Tyler's wrist. "Come on, you have to go, right? I'm riding my motorcycle, it would be faster."
"I can still grab your hips tightly, right?" Tyler chuckled.
"Sure, you are a coward. I already assumed you'd do that." She grinned at Tyler.
"Tyler, wait!" Jeff suddenly called Tyler as he was about to step out.
"Yeah?" Tyler looked at Jeff. His dick was twitching because he saw Jeff only in his underwear. Jeff could tell Tyler a million times that he is not an attractive man, and Tyler still got his dick twitching when he saw his best friend half naked.
"I can text you this, but I want to talk to you in person. I want to cook for dinner tonight. But.." He felt like a loser. He was about to ask Tyler for money.
Tyler knew what happened right away. He reached into his wallet and pulled out one of his credit cards, then handed it over to Jeff. "Just use it. The pin is your birthday. I need to go. You can just order food with that too. I don't mind. Just use it and take a rest. You need lots of it, because you look like you haven't slept for a week. Bye.." Tyler nodded. He walked out with Myla.
Logan peeked out of the bedroom. "So.. you can't afford me anymore, right?" Logan chuckled.
"The money is tight, Logan. I'm sorry. I do not mind if you look for a job. I'm sorry.." Jeff sighed.
"Um.. I'm just joking. I don't need your money. I just want to protect you. You gave me food and a place to live. I do not need more money." He walked closer, then grabbed Jeff's hand. "I just want to take care of you. And now let me use that to prepare us breakfast, lunch, and dinner." Logan kissed Jeff's cheeks gently.
Jeff just chuckled and rubbed his cheeks. "Thanks.." He is thankful that he had a lot of great friends that would help him.

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