Chapter 30.

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Tyler stood behind Joe, then put his arm around Joe's hips and kissed the younger man's neck, while Jeff stood next to Joe and tried to kiss Joe's lips. Tyler felt happiness warming up his heart. Jeff finally accepted that he also wants to be in a polyamorous relationship. Inviting Joe and Billie into their relationship will surely spice it up. Tyler could see that Joe cares about Billie, and it happens so fast, but he fell in love with Jeff really fast too, so maybe it's just who Joe is. Joe made a bunch of rules before they arrived at the concert, and it's all about protecting Billie, which Tyler felt was great for Joe to do. The three of them enjoyed the front row of Billie singing to hundreds of Blue Bays fans. Billie looks hot in a mini pink tutu and a skin-tight leather tank top that only covers his chest. Tyler saw Billie looking at them, and so he tried so hard to make Joe take off his top and make Billie horny while he's performing. So far, Tyler has failed miserably. Towards the end, Billie told the audience that he wrote a new song for a special person and that he would like to give the audience a sneak peek of the song. Someone brought chairs and an acoustic guitar for Billie. Billie sat, and his bandmate picked up a tambourine and a box drum that the crew brought to the stage. Billie started to strum his guitar and hum some notes.
"This song is called I love you, Joe." Billie smiled before he started to sing the song.

They said it is not a love song if it is sad
But my life has always turned out so bad
We met yesterday and brought him to bed
And he gave me the best night I ever had
I never thought the love of my life 
Would bring you to me
Never said these words for a while
But I love you, Joe
Wildly, there's nothing sexual that we did
He just told me something that he forbid
Stop hurting yourself that's what he said
He's not the first one to make this demand
Though I think that is all I ever wanted 
Man who understands why I'm so jaded
Though this feeling is not what I planned
It's my love song although it sounds sad
I never thought the love of my life 
Would bring you to me
Never said these words for a while
But I love you, Joe
Billie ended the song by jumping down the stage and running to Joe, then kissing him in front of everyone. Joe's face turned terrified, and he pushed Billie away. He ran away after that. Tyler realized one thing: Myla is in great danger now. If anyone of Lewis's men saw that video and realized that Jax is still alive and very gay, they would torture Myla. Billie looked confused and sad when he saw Joe run away.
"Billie, I will explain the situation, but I am afraid Joe and Myla are in danger because of what you did. I'm sorry. I need to go for now, and I will call you. Please keep Jeff safe." Tyler explained.
"Tyler, please don't leave. You are not Joe or Myla. You are not trained for this." Jeff pleaded.
"I'm the reason that you guys are in this mess in the first place. I promise I will be careful." Tyler kissed Jeff's lips one last time before he started to chase Joe.
He found Joe at the entrance, calling someone. He waited until Joe finished the call; it seems like Joe was calling Myla's handler. He was irritated a little because it seems like the guy that he's talking to said that they could not do much. After about five minutes of yelling at the other guy, he hung up in frustration.
"Fuck!" Joe almost threw his phone, but Tyler grabbed it from him.
"I'll go with you. We'll make sure Myla is safe." Tyler bit his lower lip.
"We can't do anything. They have a few dozen men on that compound. Myla is pregnant with my baby,  Tyler. Joe wiped his tears. "I fucked up."
"Captain Jones told me he owes me one for bringing Lewis back. I can ask him for a favor. Look, I want Myla to save too." He hugged Joe.
"He can't do anything, Ty. She's in Texas." Joe shook his head.
"We'll figure it out. Okay?" Tyler held Joe tighter.
Suddenly, Joe's phone was buzzing. He picked it up once he saw the name. This time, he listened to what the other person was saying for a while. His face changed not long after that. He mostly agreed with whatever the guy told him. He finally hung up the call after the longest five minutes of Tyler's life.
"So?" Tyler waited for Joe to spill the news.
"They will save Myla because the files I copied to the thumb drive tie the cartel and the homophobic group to a famous politician. But they want me to be there, and I might never come back. It's a dangerous mission." Joe sighed.
"You'll come back." Tyler kissed Joe's lips.
"I don't know about that, but I need to save Myla. Please take care of Billie, Jeff, and Myla if I don't come back." Joe rubbed Tyler's face gently. "But I am going to end this once and for all."
"Fine, I'll take care of them. But I really want you to come back. Jeff and Billie need you." Tyler sighed again.
"I'll try.." Joe smiled bitterly.
Joe put on his vest and helmet, then pulled out his phone. Jeff took a picture of Billie, Tyler, and himself and sent it to Joe with the wish that Joe would come back to them safely. Joe put that picture as his phone's background. They took Joe to the operation because he was there before and he knew a lot more than any other people on the team. It's been one of the longest days that Joe has ever had. He had more than ten briefings just to get to that point. He just wished that Myla was still alive. Myla can't report regularly to her handler, so they don't actually know if she is alive or not.
The first team started with a truck that would ram into the guard gate in the front. Joe will sit inside that truck and lead the people in with his knowledge. The truck speeded up as it was half a mile away from the gate. They managed to break the gate, and some of the agents started to shoot people down. Joe managed to shoot one of the guards in the shoulder. Once the truck stopped, they got out of the truck, and the second team drove inside.
Joe split up people as instructed on one of his briefings; he's basically a civilian there, so he had to go in with two other agents. He took the two agents to the building that he knew was used as Lewis' gang base. Joe felt a little bit relieved when he saw Myla there. She's shocked, but she also looks happy to see the team barging in. Suddenly, her face changed because Reed grabbed her and pointed a gun at her.
"That's fucking Jax!" He yelled. "Oh, you are so dead, Jax! I'll kill your wife and your baby!" He pointed his gun at Myla's stomach.
Joe was terrified when he saw that. He ran towards Myla, but before he's even there, Myla kicks Reed on the crotch and grabs the gun from Reed. But she didn't see that someone else pulled out his trigger, and a bullet hit Myla's shoulder. Joe shot those men down, then hit Reed in the face before he managed to grab Myla again. Myla fell to her knees from the pain. Joe finally went next to Myla and checked her wound. It was not that bad, but the bullet is still inside her, and she's bleeding. Joe grabbed her and carried her out of the building.
The third team that just arrived is the medical team. He brought Myla to the ambulance right away. He wants to go back, but Myla grabbed him and told the paramedic that she's not going anywhere if Joe is not there with her. She told them that Joe was her baby daddy. They let Joe ride to the hospital with Myla.
It took them two hours of surgery to get the bullet out. They said the baby is okay, but she really needs to rest in bed rest for at least the next two months.
The FBI congratulates Joe for the successful mission; they offered Joe a job, but Joe doesn't want that anymore. He's going to have a baby with Myla, and he wants to spend most of his time with Billie and Jeff. He still can't figure out how he feels about Tyler.
Myla woke up half an hour after the surgery, and she punched Joe really hard. She cried right away after that because she felt so lucky that her baby was fine. Joe hugged his ex-partner tightly. Joe rubbed her back gently and told her that she did it; she finally got the person who funded Lewis. Joe also promised that he would be next to Myla forever to raise their baby together. Myla felt such a relief to get out of the dangerous undercover mission alive and with her baby still with her. After she lost her baby with Billie, she kind of swore that she would never get pregnant again, but she was happy when she finally had this one with Joe.
"Hey Myla, I have something to tell you." Joe suddenly pulled away.
Myla rubbed her eyes and wiped her tears. "What is it?" She felt so bad for crying like a baby.
"I know this might not be the best time to ask you, but do you want to move to California with me?" Joe knew that if Myla said no, that meant he would stay in New York, far away from Billie, Jeff, and Tyler.
"Why do you want to move there? I don't think I can; my life is in New York." Myla asked.
"I'm dating your ex." Joe hesitantly revealed his relationship with Billie.
"Tyler? I mean, he's not exactly my ex." Myla still doesn't understand where this is going. "And Tyler can only practice law in New York, so I don't see your point."
"I'm dating Billie." Joe sighed.
Myla shoved Joe away. "Get the hell away from me! I don't want you to see the baby!"
"Myla, I'm sorry. I want to raise the baby with you,  please. Joe pleaded with Myla.
"No! Fuck you!" Myla yelled at Joe. She felt a sting on her shoulder that just got shot.
"Myla.. I'll leave for now. Please don't hurt yourself; you're still recovering. You need some rest. I'll be here again tomorrow. I care so much about you, Myla." Joe backed out, so Myla didn't yell at him again.
"Fuck you! I don't want to see you again! Get the hell out of my room!" She yelled again.
Joe left Myla after that because he didn't want to make things worse for her. But as he was about to leave, he bumped into Tyler and Jeff. He texted Jeff a few hours ago that Myla was in the hospital; he didn't expect Tyler and Jeff to be there within hours of his text.
"What are you doing here?" Joe asked. When he looked away, he saw Billie chatting with some fans. "You brought Billie here? Fuck.." Joe wanted to go towards Billie, but Jeff pulled his wrist.
"Joe, we were worried about you." Jeff rubbed his tears away.
Joe felt bad, and of course Jeff would ask Billie to fly them there because Jeff was worried about him. "Jeff, I need to stop Billie from meeting Myla." He rubbed Jeff's back but told him the truth.
"He doesn't want to meet her. He wants to meet you. He loves you so much." Tyler sighed. "I do want to meet Myla." He gently kissed Jeff and walked away.
When he got to Myla's room, he saw Myla crying on the bed. "Hey, pretty girl." Tyler smiled; he knew Myla hated it when he called her that.
"Fuck you too, Tyler. Why did you let Joe date Billie?" Myla sobbed.
"I'm sorry; it's just kind of happened. Billie told us about what happened." Tyler sighed.
"Come here, you ass. I need you to hug me." Myla tried to grinne.
Tyler came and sat next to Myla. He hugged her gently. "I'm just glad you are okay. I know you are a strong lady, but I'm still worried about you." He chuckled.
"I don't want to see Billie." She wiped her tears. "Not right now. And I hope he didn't know I was pregnant again." She sighed.
"I didn't tell him, and Jeff didn't either. I am not so sure if Joe told him or not." Tyler kissed the top of Myla's head.
"I just threw Joe out because he's dating Billie now. I know I am being unfair, but I never thought they would date. I mean, I knew that Joe always idolized Billie. I just never thought that Billie would want Joe." She shook her head.
"Have you seen Joe? He's like a hot male version of you. Of course, Billie would fall for him. He literally wants to fuck everyone." Tyler chuckled.
"Are you fucking him?" Myla pulled away a little.
"Not yet. But I almost made Jeff fuck him." Tyler chuckled again.
"You gay guys are all about fucking each other around. I can't keep track anymore." Myla shook her head.
"I can stay with you in New York. I'll let Jeff go with Joe and Billie." Tyler knew that Myla needed someone to help her with the baby.
"You want to let Jeff go? For me?" Now it's Myla's turn to chuckle.
"I realized last night that Joe was right. I will never make Jeff happy." Tyler tried his best not to break down, and he cried again. The night before, Jeff finally came clean and said that he was not happy with Tyler letting Jill stay with them. He gave Tyler a choice: stay with Jill or him.
"Fucking Tyler, what the hell did you do now?" Myla stared at Tyler.
"Jeff, give me an ultimatum so I can choose him or raise Jay and Jill's baby. I choose Jill and her kids. Jeff dumped me again last night. He pretends that's everything okay in front of Billie and Joe, but we are done for good, Myla." Tyler sighed.
"Why wouldn't you pick Jill? Are you fucking crazy? You have loved Jeff for more than a few decades. Stop sacrificing your happiness for someone else for once,  please."Myla shook her head in disbelief.
"I can't do that. Jay and Jill need me." Tyler sighed again.
"What the fuck is wrong with you gay guys, huh? Like every one of you is very smart in your job and yet so fuckin idiotic when it comes to love." Myla rolled her eyes.
"Tell me who sexually abused you before, please. I need to know it's not Billie." Tyler changed the topic.
"Of course not that fool loves me way too much to realize that his old manager raped me." Myla clenched her jaw. "Quinn fired him when I told him what happened."
"Billie didn't know?" Tyler asked.
"He always got too drunk every day after we lost the baby. I told Quinn and Kyle what happened. They fired him. Billie was raped by him too. But of course Billie couldn't remember that; he was drunk." Myla leaned her head against Tyler's shoulder.
"Will you allow me to be there for you and the baby?" Tyler changed the subject again.
"You can.." Myla smiled. She pulled Tyler closer and kissed Tyler's lips. "Maybe we are too broken for other people."
"I would never say you are broken because you are the strongest woman I have ever met. But I can't say the same for myself." Tyler smiled.
Myla kissed Tyler again on the lips, and that's when Joe walked back in. He was furious to see that. He doesn't know why, but he did. "What the fuck are you doing, Tyler?" He yelled at Tyler.
Tyler looks at Joe after he is finished with the kiss. "Jeff broke up with me for good. I'm single, and she's single." He didn't want to take Joe bullshit anymore since he's losing Jeff anyway.
Joe walked to Tyler and grabbed the collar of his shirt, then punched him in the face. Myla was so angry about that. "What the fuck are you doing?" She tried to stand up, but almost lost her balance. Tyler shoved Joe and helped Myla.
"You know that he's actually a good person compared to you!" Myla yelled at Joe again.
"Myla, it's fine. You don't need to defend me." Tyler helped Myla get back to her bed.
"But you are my boyfriend; of course I need to defend you." She blushed as she said that.
"Since when?!" Joe yelled back.
"Since you left me for that drunk man!" Myla yelled back at Joe.
"Joe, please let Myla rest. You can punch me all you want after this." Tyler gently pushed Joe away from Myla.
"Get your hands off me!" Joe pushed Tyler away. He grabbed his phone, which he left on the couch in Myla's room. "You will not touch Myla or Jeff ever again!" He clenched his jaw.
"I'm not your property, Joe. I will have sex with Tyler again because he is going to be the father of my baby." Myla gave a stern look.
"Myla, you can't possibly do that." Joe felt defeated. He knows that Myla has every right to be with Tyler, but he wants to be the father of the baby.
"It's my baby. You're just the sperm donor!" Myla yelled at Joe. But Billie barged in at the same time as Myla said that.
"You are pregnant with Joe's baby?" Billie looks so upset.
"Yeah, so? Why are you even here? Get the hell out!" Myla was about to get out of bed and shove Billie out when Tyler hugged her and held her back.
"Myla, you just got shot; think about the baby, please?" Tyler sighed gently.
Joe knew Tyler was right, so he pulled Billie out of the room. Billie slapped Joe when they were out. "How can you do that to me?" He cried. Jeff grabbed Billie and hugged him.
"You can hear that she's only thinking of me as a sperm donor. Why would I tell you that? I have a baby with your ex, and she hates me for that? It's not like we did it on purpose. But you know everything is always about you, right? You didn't even ask me if you could kiss me at your concert, but you did, and you put Myla in danger again!" Joe yelled at Billie.
"You fucking lied to me! You got her pregnant! You fucking lied to me!" Billie tried to hurt Joe again, but Jeff held him back.
The security came and had to drag everyone out of there. Tyler stayed inside with Myla. He felt bad for everything that happened, but he can't leave New York because he promised these women that he'd take care of them, and he will keep his promise.
"I'm sorry I lost my cool." Myla apologizes.
"You can lose your cool anytime, but now. You need to recover from this first, okay?" Tyler held Myla closer.
"Will you stay the night here next to me?" Myla asked.
"Of course, anything for you." Tyler kissed Myla's cheek.
The next morning, Tyler went out to grab himself some coffee, and to his surprise, he saw Jeff sleeping in the waiting area. He doesn't really know what happened after Billie and Joe went out of the room. He's too busy taking care of Myla. He let Jeff sleep and grabbed some breakfast and coffee for Jeff to drink. When he's back, Jeff is still asleep, so he whispers to Jeff to wake him up. Jeff looks so tired when he opens his eyes.
"Good morning, Jeff." Tyler said it gently. Jeff rubbed his eyes and just stared at Tyler. "I brought you some coffee and a sandwich for your breakfast." Tyler offered the cup of coffee to Jeff.
"Just go away. I don't want to see you again." Jeff said.
"Jeff, you are my best friend." Tyler sighed. "Why do you keep breaking my heart like this? I don't want to choose you or Jill."
"Because you don't love me." Jeff tried to pull away from Tyler.
"I love you so much more than anything in this world. I don't know how much more I need to prove that to you." Tyler stood up, and then he put the sandwich and the coffee on the bench Jeff slept on. "I don't want to fight anymore. I hope you and Joe will be happy forever. I wish you would still be my friend, but I know you hate me for some reason."
"Joe and Billie had a huge fight last night. They broke up, too. But Joe also got mad at me for breaking up with you because now you stole Myla from him. I'm alone here, and I don't even have any money to go anywhere. I am a loser." Jeff cried.
Tyler pulled out his wallet and gave Jeff his credit card. "Just use this. You can buy anything you want; the limit is pretty high. You don't need to return it." Tyler walked away with his coffee after that.
Jeff hesitated for a moment, but he really doesn't bring any money, and money has been tight for him for a while now. So he put the card in his wallet. He ate the sandwich that Tyler gave him. But before he finished his sandwich and coffee, Joe came there and sat next to him without saying anything for a good five minutes while Jeff finished his sandwich and coffee.
"What are you doing here?" Jeff finally asked.
"I'm sorry about last night. I should have taken you to my hotel. I forgot about your financial situation." Joe admitted his mistake.
"I'm here because I expected that Tyler would come out of Myla's room last night, but he didn't. I fucked up." Jeff rubbed his face.
"I fucked up too. You know, I do love Billie. I thought that I had finally moved on from you. But I didn't. I still love you. I cried last night, but not because Billie was upset with me. I cried because I knew Myla would not let would not let me raise my kid. And I cried because I still want you in my life." Joe sighed.
"You have to get back with Billie; he loves you so much. And I need to get Tyler back, but I just don't know how yet. But I am flying back to New York today. Tyler is letting me use his credit card to get a plane ticket. I need to book one now." Jeff pulled out his phone and started to look for a plane ticket.
"Where will you stay in New York? At Tyler's place?" Joe asked.
"Yeah. I just need to sort myself out. Jill knew we broke up, and she's so happy for that. But I am not letting her win." Jeff smiled bitterly.
"You need to talk to Tyler before you both go back to New York. Look, Jill will have two kids without a father or a job. She's staying with Tyler for his money; you can't let that happen." Joe shook his head.
"Everyone knows that except for Tyler. I want to protect him, but he's just too kind." Jeff grabbed Joe's arm. "We are back as a reject, aren't we?" He rubbed his head on Joe's shoulder.
"At least this time we won't give up as easily, aren't we? Because Billie, Myla, and Tyler are more important than ever for us." Joe put his arm on Jeff's shoulder.
"I don't know; I mean, you are hot, and I don't mind settling for you." Jeff gently kissed Joe's cheek.
"I missed seeing you naked and fucking you so good, Jeff." Joe rubbed Jeff's shoulder.
"But we need to fix everything with everyone first before I can have sex with you again. You know, for once, before Billie kissed you and everything exploded, I thought that Tyler and I would be happy finally." Jeff sighed.
"You can still be happy with him, baby. He loves you so much, and there's nothing that he wouldn't do for you. He will change his mind about Jill, I promise you." Joe kissed Jeff's lips gently. "I still love you so much, baby."
"I don't have anything for Tyler. I used him for money as much as Jill used him. Maybe I am not better than her." Jeff's tears run down his cheek.
"Jeff, please don't cry. I don't think you are using Tyler. You got the brain injury because he did stupid things. He should have known that he needed to take care of you after all he put you through." Joe rubbed Jeff's cheek.
"So that's what you think I should do? Take care of Jeff forever." Tyler suddenly appeared.
"Yeah, what's wrong with that? You gave him the brain injury." Joe challenged Tyler.
"You are not wrong, and I want to take care of Jeff forever. I know that I was the one who gave him that brain injury. I just wish that he didn't make me choose between him and Jill again. Because he should have known that I don't want to choose Jill, but I have to. I promised Jay that I would be his father, and I can't just go back on my words to a child. I just told you that I chose Jill because I knew you would forgive me one day. I want you, Jeff." Tyler sighed after his long speech. He kneeled in front of Jeff. "Please just let me make you happy."
"I'm sorry I made you choose between me and Jill. I just feel like she doesn't like me, Billie, and Joe. All she wants is your money and for you to take care of her kids. Oliver is the father of those kids, not you. Why are you the one who has to give up everything for those kids?" Jeff held Tyler's hand; he's still crying, but Tyler wiped his tears and kissed him.
"Jeff, would you marry me and make me the happiest man that would take care of you forever?" Tyler rubbed Jeff's cheek gently. Jeff didn't speak; he just nodded and started to cry happy tears.

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