Chapter 31.

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Tyler tried to straighten his tie for the millionth time when he looked himself in the mirror in his childhood bedroom. He looks like any nervous groom, but he shouldn't be because he's going to marry his best friend. It took them eight months to finally set everything up for the wedding. They wanted to get married in Los Angeles, where Billie lives, but every single person in their family rejected that idea. When he turned around, he saw Billie in a pink dress laying on his bed with his crotch wide open, exposing his pink jock strap. Billie demanded that he be the flower girl, and he forced Joe to be the ring bearer. Tyler was tempted to fuck Billie there because, obviously, Billie was trying to tease him.
"Billie, can you behave? I am marrying Jeff, not you." He smiled, but then he approached Billie. Billie pulled him to the bed and tried to tease Tyler some more by rubbing his crotch against Tyler's. "Billie.."
"Well, I am still going to fuck you and Jeff tonight!" Billie pouted.
"You are going to fuck us? You are a cockslut; you love playing with all of us, and let us all fuck you well. That's not going to happen, Billie." Tyler chuckled.
"I want to fuck you, please?" He pouted and pleaded.
"Jeff fucked me every other day, but that privilege is his only. Billie, please don't make me upset because you know this." Tyler sighed.
Billie's face changed when he saw how upset it made Tyler. "I'm sorry." He apologized.
"It's fine.." Tyler sighed again before kissing Billie on the lips.
"I didn't mean to remind you of your dark past." Billie lost his smile.
"I know you don't. Hey, please smile for me. I want you to be the cutest flower girl that ever existed. Okay?" Tyler kissed Billie again.
Billie finally smiled again, knowing that Tyler needed him to look cute.
On the other house that's a few miles away, Jeff was still naked; Joe just fucked him really hard. Jeff hoped that Tyler would not be mad at the fact that he had sex with Joe before their nuptials. Tyler never really mind that Joe and Jeff fucked every once in a while; sometimes he watched Jeff have sex with Joe. But Tyler never really had sex with anyone without Jeff. Jeff tried to encourage Tyler to do it if he really wanted to, but he never did. Jeff knew that Tyler tried to prove to Jeff that he could stay faithful, even though Jeff never asked him anymore. Joe was still cuddling with Jeff when Myla barged in.
"What the fuck?" Myla yelled at the guys. She slammed the door and locked it. "You are getting married, Jeff!" She sounded upset.
"I don't think Tyler would mind if I fucked Jeff one last time." Joe grinned. He stood up and let his junk hang for Myla to see.
"Ew! Put some clothes on!" She smacked Joe's arm.
"Hey Myla.." Jeff covered his naked lower body with the blanket. "Can you sit here with me?"
Myla sighed, but she sat next to Jeff. "What is it now?"
"Do you think Tyler will be mad at me if he knows about this?" Jeff bit his lower lip.
"Of course, but he is also stupid enough to marry a man who doesn't love him. So he's probably fine." Myla rolled her eyes.
"Myla, please don't be mean to Jeff." Joe just put on some underwear.
"I don't get the two of you. Why are you dragging Billie and Tyler into your relationship if you want to be with each other?" Myla shook her head.
"I want to be with Billie, and he wants to be with Tyler. We just occasionally have sex with each other." Joe shrugged. "Come on, Jeff, time to get dressed. Myla has seen me naked a hundred times, so she can deal with seeing you naked once." Joe walked to Jeff while putting on his shirt and pulled Jeff out of bed.
"I need to clean myself up." Jeff blushed while he clenched his buttocks.
Myla rolled her eyes, and she stood up. "You need to be ready in ten minutes." She walked out.
Jeff and Joe rushed to get dressed and clean Jeff up. They were finally done twenty minutes after Myla was there. Which means that Tyler and Billie will wait for them anxiously for a good ten minutes or so now. Joe drove Jeff to Tyler's house, then scrambled to find parking because, as big as Tyler's family farm, they invited a lot of people to come at once to the farm. He ran after finding some dark spots and saw Tyler crying in the waiting area.
"Hey, baby, what's wrong?" Joe rubbed Tyler's shoulder.
"I invited Jill here, and she said she didn't want to come because I left her in New York." Tyler rubbed his eyes.
"I thought you were crying because Jeff and I were late." Joe bit his lower lip.
"Why would I be upset with that?" Tyler chuckled a little.
"Look, Oliver is alive and living with her in your apartment that Billie paid for every month. Just forget about Jill, please? We all love you, and we are here to see you get married to your best friend. We can adopt or find a surrogate after the wedding if you really want to have a kid. Just please stop crying over her. She hurts Billie a lot, and I really don't like her." Joe shook his head.
"I thought you were going to be the father of my son." Myla nudged Tyler from the other side.
Tyler chuckled a little. "I will be the best father out of these fools for your baby, Myla."
"Hey! I mean, I know you will be, but please don't rub it on my face!" Joe rolled his eyes and laughed after that.
"Joe, we need to walk in together." Billie grabbed Joe's arm.
Joe stared at Billie in his pink dress, which barely covered anything. He never thought that he would ever be with a man who likes to wear a dress, not that he's against that because Billie always looks so cute and amazing in the dress. But he thought his sexuality was strictly gay, and Billie just got him into a lot more kink than he ever thought he had. He loves Billie so much, and he is proud to call Billie his main partner.
"You know I love you so much, right?" Joe kissed Billie's forehead.
"I don't know. Maybe? But what's important is that Tyler and Jeff are getting married now, so we need to do our job! Come on!" Billie dragged Joe away.
Myla wiped Tyler's tears and kissed his cheek. "Are you ready?" She asked.
Tyler decided that Myla would be the one who walked him down the aisle because he has such a loving family that he couldn't choose one over another. They understand Tyler's reason, and they have been so nice to Myla. The funny thing is that Billie likes his dress, and Myla likes her manly looks. She just had a baby, and she is rocking a tuxedo nicely.
"I think I am." Tyler stood up.
On the other side of that space is where Jeff is waiting anxiously with his mother. Ben, Tyler's older brother, told them to go out soon because Tyler is walking down the aisle with Myla now. Jeff still feels so guilty that he had sex with Joe before his wedding. But he was so nervous, and the sex helped him with that. Mel enthusiastically dragged Jeff along and started their walk. Jeff stared at Tyler, who was waiting for him, with a smile. His brain is still bad at recognizing the face, but he can sometimes concentrate on a specific part of the face and remember who that part of the face belongs to. He remembers how sweet Tyler's smile is. Once he got next to Tyler, he told the officiating officer to let him talk to Tyler for five minutes. He dragged Tyler away, and everyone started to get worried.
"Um, Tyler, did you just cry?" Did I do something wrong?." Jeff told Tyler right away why he dragged him away.
"I did, but Joe talked to me, and he convinced me I shouldn't feel upset about it." Tyler smiled.
"About what?." Jeff sighed.
"Jill and her kids. I invited her to the wedding, and of course she didn't show up." Tyler sighed. "I also invited Chris and Rene and heard nothing from them. Everyone from New York hates me." He shook his head.
"And I'm in love with Joe. I did the thing that makes me scared of having relationships with you—fell in love withtwo men at the same time. Look, we are not perfect, and I'm sorry I pushed you away from your friends in New York. But Jill is a different story, and you know that." Jeff shook his head.
"Come on, Jeff, let's get married. I know you still love Joe, and I am fine with that." Tyler rubbed his best friend's cheek.
"How can you be fine with that when I denied you the right to have Jill in your life?" Jeff looks upset.
"Jeff, she's back with Oliver. She doesn't even want to attend our wedding. Joe was right; I need to forget about her. Come on, please; let's get married. I really need you naked next to me sooner rather than later. The faster we do this, the faster we can go back to the hotel and have sex with Billie and Joe." He grinned.
"Thank you for everything, Tyler." He kissed Tyler's cheek, and they went back in front of the officiant.
After the longest five minutes, Tyler finally had to read his vow to Jeff. He took a deep breath before he started. "Jeff, we were only ten years old when we first knew each other. You were the new boy in the class and a shy one. I never regretted that I said hello that day and made you my best friend. I think I fell in love with you three years later, but I don't know anything about bisexuality since I was just a child. I shoved my feelings inside for years. I dated a lot of women, just trying to deny my feelings for you. Until we kissed for the first time when we were in college. I'm always scared that I would lose my best friend if something bad happened to our romantic relationship. That's why I shoved my feelings for you back for almost a decade. You can't imagine my feelings now to see you so handsome in that suit, and I'm about to make a vow to make you my husband. You are the best thing I ever had in my life, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you as your husband." He ended it with a smile. He saw some of his family start to cry. He even saw that Myla tried to hold back her tears.
Jeff took a deep breath before he read his vow. "Tyler, I'm sorry that I kept pushing you away because I always feel like I don't deserve you. You are perfect and handsome. I put you in so much misery all these years that you heard me mope for some loser who dumped me. You have been through hell for me, and I couldn't imagine anyone else but you being my husband. I never forgot that first day I started at the new school, and there's a cute boy who wants to be my friend, and he kept his promise decades from that moment. I have loved you for most of my life, and I will love you even more from this moment on because you will be my one and only husband until my last breath." Jeff held Tyler's hand tightly.
The officiant told them to say, I do, and they put the beautiful rings that Joe and Billie picked for them. Tyler was so overwhelmed by joy that he almost missed when he was about to kiss Jeff for the first time as his husband. He could feel the tears running down Jeff's cheek as he grabbed his face and pulled him for another kiss. He whispers to Jeff how much he loves him, and Jeff tries to be sassy and tells Tyler that he loves him more.
The party seems to take forever for Tyler and Jeff, and I'm just looking forward to all kinds of sexual things that they will do with Billie and Joe after the party. Their first dance was amazing, but their second dance with Billie and Joe was even better. Tyler picked Joe as his partner, and Jeff happily took Billie as his. Their relationship was not conventional, but they loved each other deeply. There's a time when Tyler put a distance between him and Joe because he thought of Joe as his love rival, but he grew closer to Joe over the past three months than ever. Joe is the only one who would protect Billie and Jeff with all that he has, and Tyler appreciates that. Joe opened up about his dark past to Tyler, which made them connect deeper than before. Tyler and Jeff tried to hold themselves so tightly when it came to their affection for Billie and Joe. Because most of their families have already tried so hard to accept their sexuality, they don't want them to struggle even more to understand their complicated polyamorous relationships. They just said Billie and Joe were their best friends.
Tyler and Jeff decided to get done with the party around three hours after it started. They sneaked out to Tyler's old bedroom and started kissing there. It's funny that they spent so much time there all these years, but they never really had sex there. Tyler really wants to enjoy his fun time later on with Billie and Joe, but he really wants to fuck Jeff there for the first time.
"Jeff, do you want to have sex right now?" Tyler asked as they fooled around in his small bed.
"I'm your husband. We can have sex at any time. But I thought you were excited to fuck Joe and Billie tonight?" He grinned.
"I do, but you look so amazing. I just want to be selfish and enjoy you for the first time as my husband." Tyler went in for another kiss.
"Oh.. wait.. I have something to show you. This is the one that made me and Joe get late to the ceremony." Jeff stood up and locked the door. Jeff smiled again. He unzipped his pants and pulled them down. He wore Billie's blue lace thong. "It's something blue, something borrowed, something new, and something old. Well, the new thing is that I wore this thing for like hours; I had never done that before and am a little sore now down there. How can Billie do this every day? I can't even imagine." Jeff stopped because Tyler pressed his lips to his.
"I love you so much. This is the most beautiful wedding gift I got today." Tyler kissed Jeff again. "Can I please fuck you right now? I can't wait anymore. You look amazing."
"I'm all yours, forever." Jeff unbuttoned his shirt, then took it off with his suit with one swift move.
Tyler grabbed Jeff and carried him to the bed. He is not as easy to carry as Billie, but Tyler still does it every once in a while. Jeff is basically naked, with just his blue thong on him now. Tyler dropped him on his bed and climbed on top of Jeff. He praised how amazing Jeff is and how handsome he is. Tyler felt warmth creeping into his heart. He's been waiting to marry Jeff for years, and it finally happened that day. He gently kissed Jeff and unbuckled his pants. Jeff helped him unzip his pants, and Tyler slipped it down with his briefs, exposing his dick, who's getting excited with all the action the past few minutes. Tyler sucked on Jeff's nipple, and Jeff moaned softly. Tyler teased the other nipples and pinched them a little. Jeff moaned harder, and he arched his back from the sensation.
"Fuck me, please," Jeff begged Tyler.
Surprisingly, Tyler didn't need a lot of foreplay when it came to Jeff. Especially when Jeff begged him to fuck him. Tyler's dick knew it's an order for it to get solid hard. "Fuck, you know that my dick really loves it when you beg for it? Jeff, you are amazing." He moved a little to grab some lube.
He poured some into his dick and rubbed his dick a little. He lifted up the back part of the thong and licked Jeff's hole while he rubbed his dick with some urgency. He can feel that Jeff's dick is trying to escape the confines of the thong, so Tyler took the thong off and let Jeff's dick spring out of it. He fingerfucked Jeff a little, and Jeff moaned even more when he started to slide his finger in and out of Jeff's hole. After a while, Tyler asked if Jeff was ready, and he nodded enthusiastically.
Tyler slid his dick inside. Jeff grabbed the pillow and eased up his hole so Tyler could fuck him. Jeff feels like he's so full when Tyler fully slides his dick inside him. But it was when Tyler started to move his dick in and out that Jeff felt the great sensation that did to his prostate. He let out a moan, and he could feel his dick getting harder. Tyler grabbed Jeff's dick and started to rub it in the same rhythm with his penetration. Jeff moved his hips so Tyler could push his dick deeper. Tyler grunts as he knows he is close to orgasm. Tyler got a few deep thrusts, and he came inside his husband for the first time. Jeff came almost at the same time as Tyler did. Tyler grabbed some tissues and cleaned himself and Jeff, then slid behind Jeff and hugged him.
"Fuck, Jeff. That's like the fastest I've ever had an orgasm. You are perfect, and I love you so much." He kissed Jeff's cheek.
"Best sex ever for me." He giggled.
"I'm glad you finally agreed to marry me. I am the happiest man on earth." He rubbed Jeff's chest while kissing Jeff's neck.
Of course, their sweet moments didn't last long because Billie knocked and called their names from the other side of the door. Jeff covered himself with Tyler's blanket, and Tyler put his pants back on. He hesitantly walked to the door and opened it.
"What is it, Billie?" Tyler put out an annoyed face at Billie.
Billie pushed his way in, and Joe followed behind him. He gasped as he saw Jeff naked on Tyler's bed. "Oh my goodness, you have sex, and you didn't include us in it! That's so offensive!" He protested.
"We're here to tell you that we are heading to the hotel to fuck, but I guess you already did that." Joe smirked.
"Don't blame me; Jeff is just so amazing that we need to have sex as soon as I get some alone time with him." Tyler winked at Jeff. He saw Jeff blush.
"Okay, come on, put your clothes on. I need to play with all of you!" Billie demanded.
"I think I need some breaks, Billie." Jeff bit his lower lip.
"Nonsense! You'll get your break tomorrow when you are not a newlywed anymore." Billie gathered Jeff's clothes and started to put them on Jeff. "Oh, you wore it!" Billie smiled as he saw his thong on the floor.
"Come on, Billie. I need to fuck you soon or else I'll get grumpy." Joe grinned.
"I know, but Jeff is slow. Come on, Jeff!" Billie tried to throw stuff at Jeff.
"Billie, he's the groom; please be nice to him. Besides, I just used his hole." Tyler bit his lower lip.
"I can carry him." Joe wrapped his arm around Tyler's hip, then kissed Tyler's neck.
"Hey, no one knows about us here. Please don't give our parents a heart attack." Tyler nudged Joe away.
"Fine.." Joe rolled his eyes like a child.
Tyler helped his new husband up and put clothes on him. "Do you want me to carry you to the car?" He smiled.
"I'm not a virgin, Tyler." Jeff chuckled.
"Come to think of it, I think I did take your virginity back then, aren't I?" Tyler grabbed his husband closer and kissed his forehead.
"Yeah. But it was years ago. I'm not that guy anymore." Jeff held on to Tyler and kissed his lips. "But I still love you as much as I did back then."
"I love you too, baby," Tyler said before they left to face their happy ending.

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