Chapter 32.

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"Baby, good morning." Tyler kissed his new husband in the neck. Billie already started sucking his dick a few seconds ago, and he wants Jeff to wake up and see him cum on Billie's sweet lips.
Jeff just mumbled, then he turned around and hugged Joe. There's a lot of time that Tyler was jealous of Joe, because the truth is, Jeff and Joe are still pretty much the most compatible out of the four of them. Tyler felt like he and Billie were just some additional men in Jeff's and Joe's relationship. Even though Jeff finally agreed to marry him, he knows that Jeff's main partner was never him. He told Billie to stop giving him a blow job because he lost interest. He grabbed a robe and walked out of the bedroom. He touched the black metal ring that he exchanged with Jeff yesterday. Last night, he saw Jeff and Billie fuck Joe with passion. He didn't manage to fuck anyone else that night after fucking Jeff in his childhood bedroom. He remembered how he fell in love with Joe decades ago. They did kiss for the first time in that bedroom.
Myla came from the other bedroom with the baby. She kissed Tyler's lips gently. "Are you sad again this morning?" She asked.
"I don't want to, but I am sad." Tyler sighed.
"You're still jealous of Joe?" She gave the baby to Tyler. The baby smiled and then farted toward Tyler. Myla chuckled.
"Oh my goodness, how can a baby this cute smell so badly?" Tyler carried the baby with his arms away from his body.
Myla chuckled, but she's sad to know that Tyler still suffers. Because her feelings had changed significantly for Tyler. She hated what Joe and Jeff did to Tyler. Tyler told her multiple times that he doesn't want to be with anyone else but Jeff, but Jeff has decided that being with Billie and Joe was the best thing he ever did. There's a lot of nights where Tyler moved to Myla's bedroom and just took care of Eli instead of sleeping with his partners. He has always been sweet and caring to Myla. When Myla looked away, she saw Billie awkwardly stare at her. She still refused to forgive Billie, and Billie tried his best to avoid her.
"I'm sorry, I was looking for Tyler. He seems upset." Billie tried to cover his hard on, but it's hard when he wears nothing but a pink jock strap.
"Go fuck yourself, Billie!" She grabbed her glass of water and walked away. As she entered her room in the suite, she could see that baby Eli enjoyed Tyler taking care of him; he was giggling while Tyler kissed his tummy. "You are going to be a great father, Tyler." She smiled.
Tyler cocked his head and smiled bitterly at Myla. "You know I can't have a baby, Myla."
"Less likely but not impossible, that's what the doctor said. Besides, you never even told your partners about it." Myla shook her head.
"What's the use of doing that? None of them actually wants more babies in their lives except for this little guy." He gently tickled the baby as Myla sat behind him.
"Maybe you should leave them and just be with me and baby Eli then." Myla bit her lower lip.
Tyler scoffed. "I'm in love with a man who doesn't really love me, even though a beautiful woman who is way too amazing wants me. Yet it's so hard for me to leave that man. I'm sorry to drag you into this, Myla." He shook his head gently. 
"You didn't drag me into anything. I am here for you because I love you. I understand why you married Jeff." She wrapped her arms around Tyler's hips.
Suddenly, Jeff popped in the door. "Why did you marry me?" 
Tyler looked at Jeff and then shook his head. "Are you really picking up a fight on our first day of being married?"
"No, but I want to know because you left me in bed to be with Myla." Jeff sounded upset.
"I went out of bed because I wanted to order you some breakfast in bed, but I need to change Eli's diaper first. Can we just not fight about silly things like this? Joe and Billie were next to you. Besides..." Tyler almost slipped out of his anger, but he stopped himself.
"Besides what?" Jeff stared at Tyler.
"Besides, you are in love with me, not him, babe. That's what made him mad; it's always the same thing." Joe wrapped his arms around Jeff's hips and put his chin on Jeff's shoulder. "You married him, but that's not enough for him."
"I'm not saying that; don't put words in my mouth." Tyler grabbed Eli and carried him in his arms.
"That's my baby, Tyler." Joe walked and tried to take Eli from Tyler.
"You are being ridiculous, Joe. He's not yours. He's mine and Tyler's." Myla blocked Joe from taking Eli away. She took him instead.
"You are the one that's being ridiculous; I still don't get why you chose Tyler as my son's father!" Joe raised his voice.
"Because you date me, baby. She still hates me. And I understand why she lost her baby because of me." Billie sneaked in from behind. 
"Tyler, can we talk in private, please? I really don't like this." Jeff started to sob.
Tyler wrapped his arms around Jeff's shoulders and took him away from everyone else. He took Jeff to the pool deck. They sat on one of the seats, and Tyler held Jeff's hand. "Tell me the truth: why did you marry me?"
"Joe told me to do it. He wants to be close with Eli. He knows if you stayed with us, Myla would stay too." Jeff bit his lip. 
He told Tyler a half lie. Even though it's true that Joe wants Jeff to marry Tyler so Myla can move with them to California, the truth is that he wants the marriage to happen. But he knew that Tyler would always think he was only in love with Joe. All these years, Jeff has always had a monogamous relationship, and it's hard to convince Tyler that he wants to be with both Tyler and Joe. This morning, he got tired of Tyler, who keeps doubting him. He pulled out some half truths about the man he just promised he'd love forever.
It took Tyler a minute to recover from what Jeff said. "Do you want to annul the marriage then?" Tyler sighed.
"Of course not! I married you because I fucking love you, Tyler! Why is it so hard to convince you that I love you?" Jeff pushed Tyler away.
"I'm just not used to having you. I used to see you with someone else. I can't believe you finally chose me." Tyler pulled Jeff closer and kissed his cheek. "I'm sorry, baby." He apologized.
"I know you love Myla and you love me. I love you, but I also love Joe. Joe loves me and Billie. While Billie loves Myla and Joe, I know this is super complicated, but please believe me that I truly love you. I am fully yours now." He kissed Tyler gently.
"I know. I'm sorry for being such an insecure husband." Tyler sighed.
"You shouldn't be insecure because you are handsome and kind. You can have someone better, and you choose me. I am here to stay with you." He squeezed Tyler's hand.
"I can't have someone better, because you are the best part of my life. I have secretly loved you for more than a decade; it feels surreal that you finally married me." Tyler gently kissed Jeff's lips.
"I love you so much, Tyler. I know it can be hard for you to see me intimate with Joe, but he's my partner too. I really hope that this arrangement will work because I want our relationship to finally  work." He nuzzled his head on Tyler's shoulder.
"Why did you have sex with him yesterday morning?" Tyler sighed.
"You told me you're okay with that!" Jeff protested.
"I'm fine with that; I just want to know why you did it." Tyler sighed again. He doesn't want to fight with Jeff again.
"I was so nervous; I wanted that sex to be with you, but you believed superstition." He rolled his eyes.
"I just want to know that you didn't just have sex with Joe because you were having a second thought about our wedding." He hugged Jeff.
"I didn't, but my parents didn't make it easy for me. They told me that there's a lot at stake if I fail my relationship with you." He chuckled a little.
"Jeff, do you mind if I sleep with Myla every once in awhile? I mean, she had Eli, and I am sure she needed the help. I know we just got married, so I wanted to make sure you are fine with that." He stared at Jeff.
"Can I sleep with Joe and Billie when you are with Myla?" He asked back.
"Um, yeah, sure." Tyler was taken aback by Jeff's response a little, but he should have known that Jeff would like to be with Billie and Joe when he's not around.
"Did you really get mad at me earlier because I didn't wake up when you said good morning?" Jeff asked again.
"No, I..." Tyler sighed gently. "I do get jealous of Joe sometimes because he's just so hot." He rubbed his face.
"I can stay alone when you stay with Myla. I can't hurt you anymore, Tyler. You are my husband now. You are my priority. If I have to break up with Joe and Billie, I would do that in a heartbeat." Jeff pulled Tyler's face and rubbed his stubbles before kissing his lips. "I love you so much, Tyler." He stared at his husband.
"I'm not saying that; please stay with them. I want you to be happy, too. I love you too, baby." Tyler hugged his husband.
"I just want to make you happy, Tyler. You were raped because you tried to make me happy. I can't let you get hurt because of me again. I did so many horrible things to you." Jeff sobbed a little.
"It's not your fault, baby. I am happy if you are happy. Please don't cry." Tyler kissed his new husband.
"Hey, I hate to intrude, but Joe and Myla are fighting now. Could you please talk to them?" Billie suddenly appeared. Tyler can see that Billie was panicking. 
Tyler ran back to the room and found Myla pinning Joe to the floor. Tyler knew that Joe would not fight Myla physically, but this is as bad as it could be. "Myla, baby, come here; please release him." Tyler pleaded.
"I'm not your baby! You just got married! You are as bad as these guys!" She yelled at Tyler. 
"I never told you otherwise. I know I am a bad person, but I really care about you, Myla. Please let him go." Tyler walked closer and tried to grab Myla, but she elbowed him in the face. Tyler got out of balance and fell to the floor. "Myla, please stop," he begged.
Myla realized she messed up when Tyler fell. She knew that Tyler cared for her so much. She moved to help and checked on Tyler. Tyler said he's fine, and he hugged Myla gently. But Myla saw Joe getting up, so she pushed Tyler, shoved Joe back down, and slapped him in the face. "I'm not done with you!"
"Myla, please stop." Tyler grabbed her and hugged her tightly.
Billie helped Joe up once Tyler held Myla. "You hate me, not Joe. So if you need to hurt anyone, please hurt me. I am the one that hurt you." He said this as he hugged Joe.
"Billie, I don't want anyone to hurt you. I'm fine. Besides, it's my decision to be with you even though I knew that I would hurt Myla by doing so." Joe sighed.
"Could you guys just stop, please? I can't take this anymore." Jeff sobbed. Tyler's heart broke into a million pieces because he needed to hold Myla, but he also wanted to hug his beloved husband.
"Can everyone just please stop?" Tyler slowly let go of Myla and stood up to hug Jeff.
"Why does your lip bleed, Ty?" Jeff asked as he wiped the blood off Tyler's lip.
"I'm fine, baby." Tyler hugged him.
"You are not fine. This is not fine! If you want to be with Myla after this, I just can't do this anymore." Jeff pushed Tyler away.
"Jeff, please don't do that again. I left Jill for you." Tyler felt the frustration again. He just wants to be a father.
"Then go! Be with her! She doesn't even want you! Myla doesn't even want you! You pushed away the only person who loves you!" Jeff walked away after yelling at Tyler.
Joe chased Jeff, and Billie followed him. Tyler helped Myla up, and he kissed her cheek. "Would you be my girlfriend?" He asked because he felt like Jeff was done with him this time. He knew that bringing up Jill would piss Jeff off.
"You should chase your husband. I'm not going anywhere; Eli is yours, no matter what those guys said. And of course I want to be your girlfriend, but you are a married man." She kissed Tyler's lips gently.
"I'll take care of Eli. You can use my credit card, and I want you to go have fun in the city." He grabbed his credit card and offered it to Myla.
Myla had to give up her FBI career because she has Eli now. She did it hesitantly, but she has to stay alive for her baby. She became a full-time stay-at-home mom who lived in her ex's house. Billie's house is so big that she never really sees Billie most of the time. Myla did have sex with Quinn a few times just for fun, but Tyler is the closest she could call her boyfriend. She never imagined that she would hate Joe and fall in love with Tyler, but that's what happened.
"I can't keep taking your money, Ty." She pushed the credit card away.
"Good morning, Myla." Quinn suddenly popped in. "Are you ready to go?" He smiled. He wore an adorable pink shirt and beige shorts.
"Can I bring Eli with us?" She asked.
"Yeah, I love hanging out with this little gentleman." Quinn smiled. "Where's his bag?"
Myla pointed at the bedroom, and Quinn went inside the bedroom. Tyler stared at Myla for a few seconds. "You know that he loves you, right? You should try it with him. He seems like a nice guy." Tyler rubbed Myla's back.
"I am not ready to date anyone, Ty. But thank you for the encouragement." She giggled. "Now, you should go and be with your husband." She pushed him away. Tyler nodded and kissed Myla.
As Tyler entered the bedroom, he saw Jeff pinning down Billie while Joe was sucking his dick. Tyler felt so upset seeing that because these men were in love with each other but not with him. He turned around and quietly slipped out again. He saw Myla kissing Quinn before they left the suite. Tyler decided he had enough of everything and booked a ticket to New York, then turned off his phone. Everyone seems to get their happy ending except for him. He doesn't even know why he booked that ticket, but he knew that he had to leave as far as he could from Jeff. He knew that, as much as it hurts him, Jeff would be happier if he disappeared from his life.
He didn't turn his phone back on until late that night; he was just landed, and he needs to call Chris and ask if he can crash on his couch for the night.
His phone was full of messages and voicemail from the guys and Myla. He ignored all of it and scrolled to Chris' numbers. It didn't take long for Chris to pick it up.
"Ty.." Chris sounded upset.
"Hey, I need a favor from you." Tyler sighed.
"Yeah, sure. What's up." Chris sounded like he tried his best to be polite.
"Well, um.." Tyler felt like this was a mistake, but he had to do it. "I need a place to crash for the night."
"I heard you got married. Did you bring your husband with you?" Chris was obviously upset at that time.
"Can I please explain it once I am there on your couch? I just need some rest." Tyler sighed again.
"Fine, I'm still in the same apartment. You can come here and explain it to me then." Chris sighed too.
"Is Rene going to be there too?" Tyler asked.
"No, she lost the baby, and she's Renee now. She transitioned back to a woman. So, obviously, I broke up with her because I'm gay. Can you just come here? I don't like to talk about it on the phone." He sighed again.
"I'll be there, but I'm riding the subway. It might take a while."
"It's fine. I'll wait."
"I'll see you soon."
"Bye." Chris hung up after that.
Tyler sent a quick message to Jeff and Myla that he's fine, and then he took the subway to Chris' apartment. Myla and Jeff both tried to text him and called him after that text, so he turned his phone off again. It was almost midnight when he finally got to Chris apartment. Chris let him in right away and hugged him. It's been almost five months since he last saw Chris. Chris is losing a little bit of weight and looks very sad. Tyler hugged Chris and offered to sleep next to him that night. He said that they could talk tomorrow morning. Chris agreed to that and dragged Tyler to his bedroom. Tyler rarely went to Chris' apartment, and it kind of makes him sad to see that the bedroom seems like a mess. Chris doesn't like mess, so something really bad happened to him. He wants to find out about it, but he figures that they both need sleep.

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