Saving Grace

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TW: This chapter features a scene in episode 1 where Gorya is forced into a room, so keep in mind there will be cursing, harassment, and bullying. 

I woke up in a playground, confused and lost. I felt the uncomfortable feeling of sitting on bark, and I looked down at my hands to see that they were two times smaller than normal. My yellow gingham romper was dusted with bark, and my white sandals had a few barks inside. I stood up and shook my whole body, brushing away the remnants. I frantically look around to see little kids running around the park. My body moves on its own as if I am trying to find someone. I run towards the monkey bars, the swings, and the play structure. I run towards the open grass field and stop at a tree. All of a sudden, I feel the need to cry, and I plop down on the grass, crying hysterically. This must be a dream; I couldn't control anything.

Then a soft voice says to me, "Hey, are you okay?"

I look up, confused, and see a little boy sitting on the tree–about my size, black, overgrown hair, with a cute nose, and brown, soft eyes. He wore a maroon sweater and dark blue denim. I shake my head, and he carefully climbs down from the branch he's sitting on. I make some space for him to sit as soon as he climbs down. We sat together on the grass–my sniffles filling the silence. He asks me, "What's your name?"

I sniffle, "Daddy says not to give people I don't know my name."

He thinks for a moment, and he angles his body towards me and asks, "How about a nickname? I'll share mine first. My nickname is...Rui. What's yours?

I wiped my nose with my arm and a snot trail formed. I start to think for a moment, about what my nickname shall be, and I remember what my dad calls me, Ara.

I look at him nervously and say in a quiet voice, "My nickname is Ara." He smiles with his teeth, and I see he is missing two front teeth. I gasp, "I'm missing teeth too!" I open my mouth wide, and he peeks inside, "Wow! That is so cool."

We both giggle loudly at our silliness, and because of this new person, my tears have stopped. After a moment, he asks me, "So, why were you crying?"

I think for a second, and look around the field, "I can't find mommy or daddy." I start to wail, "Wahhhhh!" 

"Woah, don't cry." He says and he cups my cheeks in his hands, brushing my tears with his tiny thumbs. I hiccup as he smiles, "Maybe we can find them together." he offered.

"Really?", I asked with expectant eyes. Rui nods and takes his hand out in front of him. 

Hesitantly, I put my small hand on his, and we started walking back to the playground.

"Is this your first time getting lost?" he asks me. I nodded as we continue making our way back, 

"Daddy always made sure I was stuck to him at all times. But, I don't know what happened."

"Well, can you see your parents now?" he asks, and I look up to see my mom and dad calling my name–looking all over for me. I let go of Rui's hand and bolt to them, waving my arms, "MOMMY! DADDY!"

My dad spots me first and takes me into his arms when I crash into them. He shushes me as I cry, and my mom rubs my back comfortingly. "Ara, don't walk away like that, didn't I tell you to stay at my side at all times?", mom reprimands. I look down, ashamed, and my dad says, "It's okay, she found us. Just don't do this again ok, Ara?"

I nod, and he carries me back to the car, with my mom following by his side, wiping my face. As I rest my head on his shoulder, I see Rui smiling at us, and I send him a smile back with a little wave. I hope I see you again.

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