Aggravating Vengeance

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"Ren. Ren." A hand shook his shoulder, stirring him to wake. Ren's eyes strained as he opened it as if there was a weight lying on top of it. MJ appeared in his view, with concern written on his face, "We just found you on the ground, your car was open so, we just put you in the back seats. Are you feeling okay?"

Ren looked around in his car, Nova's bag was in the passenger seat, and her heels were on the ground below the seats. He panicked, "Where are they?" MJ said, "We think that Nova and Gorya were kidnapped."

Kavin hears Ren panicking as MJ tries to calm him down. Kavin turns his back on them as he dials Thyme's number, "Pick up."

Thyme sped through the streets of Bangkok after leaving prom and Lita. He tugged at his tie, loosening it up until it released its hold around his neck. He wiped his palm against his hair, as his knuckles turned white from his tightening grip on the steering wheel. His center system rang as Kavin's name appeared on the screen. Thyme pressed the green button, dialing him in.

Back at the vacant parking lot, MJ and Kavin aid a helpless Ren. Kavin pats Ren's back as he tells him, "Thyme, Ren got attacked. They took Nova and Gorya."

"I know. Talay sent me a text and a picture of them when I was at the venue. He told me to come alone," Thyme explained. Kavin glanced at Ren as Ren abruptly took Kavin's phone from him, "Thyme, send me the address." He closes his eyes, his conscience guilting him, his mind ridden with anxiousness for Nova's safety above all.

"I can't. Talay told me to go alone. If I bring any of you along...I don't know what he'll do to Nova and Gorya." Thyme said. Ren groaned and yelled into the phone, "She's my fiance Thyme! How could I ever face her mom or myself if something happened to her?"

MJ touched Ren's shoulder but he shrugged it out of his hold. Thyme's hands tightened around the steering wheel, "Ren, I'll bring her to you. This is my fault, this situation wouldn't happen if I hadn't Don't follow me. I don't want you to get hurt any more than you are."


Kavin asked, "What happened?" Ren gave him his phone back, "He hung up." Ren's blood pressure spiked as he shook off a wave of nausea and migraines erupted from the side he was hit. He staggers against his car and Kavin licks his lips, "Ren, come on man." He takes deep breaths, laying his head on his car.

MJ said, "We should take you to the hospital." Ren shrugged them off and went back inside his car, locking the door and turning the ignition. "Ren!", Kavin said angrily. He knocked on the door, "What are you doing?"

MJ said, "You heard Thyme–"

Ren rolled down the window, "I don't care about what Thyme said. I'm finding Nova no matter what."

MJ looked at Kavin as Kavin sighed, "Let me drive."

"No, I'll drive."

Kavin rolled his eyes as he said seriously, "Ren."

"Let Kavin drive. He's faster than you, especially with your concussion." MJ said. Ren looked between them, and their faces were solid and stern. He rolled his eyes as he unbuckled and moved to the passenger seat. Kavin sat in the driver, while MJ sat behind him.

Kavin asked MJ, "Do you know where I'm going?"

MJ sent the location to Ren, "I had my men track the IP address of Talay's phone, I sent you the address Ren."

As Kavin drove out of the parking lot, at full speed. MJ dialed a number as Ren looked at him in wonder, MJ said, "I'm calling for backup."


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