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   The taxi drove off as I carried a black plastic bag and walked to Dad. 

"Hi, Dad."

   I looked at my dad's headstone, and all that greeted me was stone-cold silence. Silence. I hate this feeling, this lack of sound. It was all Dad could offer me, and I loathe it every time. I took my dad's picture from my bag, and set it on the stone. I sniffed as I laid a can of beer and opened my own, clinking the can with his can before chugging it all at once.

   I tsked from the bitterness and drunkenness I was sure I would be in a few hours. I fished another can from the bag, clinking with his can before drinking. I looked at Dad's picture and scowled, "I know you would disapprove, but I need this, so please...let me get drunk with you just this once," I took another swig, finishing the can before crushing it and throwing it in the plastic bag.

   I looked around the graveyard, as I was the only one there. Even when it was dark, the plot was hauntingly beautiful. Lit with only candles, and the moon and stars illuminated the place. I played with the charm around my neck, my most prized possession and sighed, "Can you believe how dysfunctional I am without you, Dad?"

   "I feel like all the control I barely had is slipping through my fingers. I feel like everything I do, and everything I say is wrong. And everyone hates me, everyone is angry with me."

   Wind only whistled as a response, and, I continued, "This place, this city, makes me feel like I can't find my home. The home I felt...left with you," my voice broke. I looked at Dad's smiling face and I chuckled, "Gosh, I wish I could hug you right now, Dad. I really need you."

   My phone vibrated and my heart quickened as I took it out from my pocket. My anticipation dissipated as I saw Mom's contact on the screen. I let it ring as I wiped my tears and sniffed through the cold as I opened his can, "I can't leave this with you, sorry Dad. So I'll just finish this for you. Shield your eyes because I know you would hate this."

   My hand touched his stone as I drank the can of bitter, cheap beer. I sighed as I placed the empty can and said, "Thanks for spending my birthday with me, Dad.."







   "Not that dress."

   I looked at my appearance, I was wearing a pure white gown, trying to find an appropriate dress for the party. The poor attendant nods, "We have other options Ms. Sansithorn. I'll get them ready for you."

   I smiled as she walked to the dressing room, "Just pick a dress Mom. I don't care what I wear. This dress is fine." I wore a mini dress that had plumpness to it, it had no defining lines or curves, and a long black bow tied to the neckline.

   "We're not picking a dress that doesn't suit your figure. Look at that, it's an absence of a dress," Mom said as she looked through the catalog. I rolled my eyes as the attendant motioned for me to return to the dressing room.

   After countless samples, I walked out to my Mom in a stunning gown's off-shoulder dress. The sleeves gracefully hang off my shoulders, I take note of the gleaming, glittery material of the gown. One long slit down the thigh of one leg makes this dress an elegant yet bold choice, and the form-fitting fit of this gown fits perfectly against my figure. The glittering material of this gown has me glimmering in the light and seemingly making my Mom clap.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2023 ⏰

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