Wreaths and Bouquets

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People around us began taking their phones and whispering in disbelief at this colossal proposal. It was a sight to see, Thyme's now-fiance-he-never-knew, falling on top of his "unofficial" girlfriend.

Lita moved her hand that rested on Gorya's shoulder and she gasped as her bracelet rips the satin fabric of the dress, "Oh! I'm so sorry!"

Gorya looks at the rip and shakes her head, "It's ok, no worries." Lita smiled regrettably as I went by their side and Lita looked at me as I helped her stand. She smiled, "Thank you."

I nodded and immediately went to help Gorya up. Roslyn spoke again, "I want to introduce to everyone that this girl is Lita, Lalita Empicca. Thyme's fiance." I covered Gorya's shoulder as Lita stood in front of us. Gorya's face was riddled with confusion and I could sense a bit of hurt laced with utter embarrassment. Roslyn seemed content with her actions as she stood high and mighty on the top of the stairs. Reporters and paparazzi began swarming around her and Thyme, begging for answers for their inside scoop and magazines. White, abrupt camera flashes shot hundreds of pictures toward our group, blinding us. Kavin and MJ ran towards the side of the house where the gift table sat and tossed car keys toward Thyme. He immediately runs towards us after catching the keys yelling, "Let's leave!" He grabs the wrist of someone, but I felt Gorya was still by my side. Now, I as well as everyone else would've thought he'd leave with Gorya but, no.

Thyme covers his eyes from the camera as he foolishly grabs Lita by the wrist, dragging her towards the car he got as a birthday gift. My mouth gapes in shock as we all watch them run inside the car and drive off. I groaned, "What a dumbass." Ren and I met eye contact as he quickly takes off his suit jacket and drapes it on Gorya's shoulders. He nods towards her, "We'll take you home, come on."

I looked towards her out of worry as she slowly began to walk with me, her hand still resting on her left shoulder, shielding her heart from this ordeal. I kept my arm around her as Ren led us away from the paparazzi who followed after us. MJ appeared by my side as Kavin took Gorya's side, taking his suit jacket and covering her face with it—yelling for the cameras to give space for us to leave.

All I heard was:




I hugged Gorya closer to me as I shouted, "Give us space!" Ren looked back at me and slowed his pace a bit to change places with MJ, keeping a gentle hand on my lower back. Ren's car appeared before us and the valet opened the driver's door, letting Ren hop in. Then the valet opened the door for us, Gorya entering first and then me. Before I closed the door, Kavin yelled, "We'll talk to Thyme. Get home safe." I nodded, "Thanks, you too, text us when you leave the party." Kavin nodded and closed the door, slapping his hand against the door.

Ren drove out of the driveway and onto the street, away from the mansion. He looked at me through the rearview mirror and I glanced at Gorya who silently looked at the cookies, surprisingly intact in the crumpled box. I rested a hand on top of her hand and she looked up at me. I smiled in silence as I rubbed my thumb against her skin. She reciprocated with a small smile before turning her head toward the window.

We were silent during the car ride to Gorya's house. Thirty minutes or so passed by and sooner than later, Ren parked in front of Gorya's home.

I stepped out of the car and walked with her to her gate as she braved a smile, "Thank you for taking me." She waved to Ren, "Thank you P'Ren!" He waved back as I patted her shoulder, "Are you sure you'll be okay? I can stay over if you want."

She slowly shook her head, "No thanks, I'm fine. Oh, here." She took off Ren's jacket and handed it to me. I folded the black jacket over my forearm before hugging her. I hugged her tightly as she rested both arms against my back, "Text me if you need anything."

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