It's Been Arranged

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Present Day

Breaking News:

The Aira Medical Center and its committee members are underfire for a case of malpractice.

A doctor at Aira Medical Center gave the wrong prescription to a patient, almost killing them!

The downfall to the credibility of the Aira Medical Center

It has been a few days after Mira's welcome back party and that whole kissing fiasco. Gorya is still mortified over kissing Thyme, while me and Kaning are having the time of our lives—trying to lighten the situation of course.

I looked through the tabloids about the Aira Medical Center. I bit my lip looking through the articles, I wonder if they're ok. Mom explained a new doctor did the deed. He was only a year in working at the hospital. It was a mistake but a detrimental one for his license and the hospital. As I sipped on my juice I got a text from an unknown number:

UN: It's Mira, can you come to my house later?

Me: Sure

This time, I drove Uncle Ken and I to her house. My driving has improved but, Uncle Ken is still too worried to let me drive by myself. Once I exited out of the car, said good bye to Uncle Ken, I walked towards the entrance. Mira greets me, "I'm glad you could come, come in." She had on a yellow dress, that made her look absolutely gorgeous.

I stepped into her house and I pointed at her new hair, "You cut your hair?"

She touches it and nods, "I did. It's to signify new beginnings, and force me to not give up. Come with me to my room." I followed after her to her room. Once she let me go in, her room was beautiful. It had its own entrance, a modern Victorian style with sheer drapes and white furniture. I looked towards the ground and saw luggage; she was in the middle of packing.

"Where are you going?"

Mira turns to me and says, "I'm going back to Paris."

"Didn't you just get back?" I joked. She comes back from her room, holding a small box, "I know but, my time in Thailand is over. I feel it's time I should follow my own path and dreams."

I went over to her dresser and looked at her childhood photos. I picked one up of her family and asked, "How did your family take it?"

"They were against it but, they knew once I set my mind to something, I was never going back. Plus my brother will continue with the company."

I chuckled and put down the frame as I picked one up of Ren and Mira, "You were always a nomad. How did Ren take it?"

I turned to face her after putting their picture down and she shrugged, "He was...against it as well. It kind of surprised me because he was always supportive of me."

"He loves you."

Mira looks up at me in surprise and I pointed at the picture with them together, "Ever since we were kids, he loved you. He doesn't want you to leave, we don't want you to leave." You are his first love.

I continued, "Whenever he's with you, he is the happiest he could ever be." I looked at the picture of a smiling Ren and said, "You're the only one who could ever make him smile like that."

I turn to face her and she had a soft expression on her face. She tells me, "You know that's not true." Mira steps closer to me and places a box in my hand. She opens the lid for me to reveal a gold, adjustable, corded, fine chain bracelet. I looked up at her and she brought her wrist up to show she had a similar one but in a silver form. "This is to solidify our friendship."

Unrequited II F4 ThailandWhere stories live. Discover now