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The ring felt like a foreign object on my finger. I couldn't help but stare at it instead of looking at the whiteboard during lectures. Many people looked at my finger as I walked into class and around the hallways. Teachers, faculty, and students alike gave me curious looks and unwanted whispers. It's rare for a 17-year-old to have an engagement ring or be engaged at all.

During the passing period, Gorya and I met at our lockers. She closed her locker as I kept looking at my finger. "How long are you going to stare at it?", she teased. 

"Hmm?", I mumbled, not paying attention. Gorya shook her head and hooked her arm around mine as she led us away from the lockers. I felt people staring at my hand and couldn't help but cover it from their view. "You're a trending topic on the socials."

I groaned, "I've been avoiding looking at my phone this morning. I silenced the class chat. I know they're talking loads of shit about me." 

"It's not that bad," Gorya reassured. I narrowed my eyes at her, "Even though I don't look at the internet, I can hear what they say about me." 

I counted with my fingers, singling out every word, "Gold digger, whore, mommy's money. And I heard they think I'm with Ren to help me further my mom's career. As if she needs higher recognition as Thailand's #1 neurosurgeon." Gorya only shook her head as I exclaimed, "AND some rumors said that Ren and I are expecting. As if I'm pregnant."

I slapped my stomach and kept my hands on both sides, "I may be bloated after one bowl of rice but, I'm pretty sure there's not a single child here."

Gorya laughed and patted my arm, "Maybe it is bad but, you know they're not true." 

"I know, but it's frustrating. I almost want to take this off so people can stop speculating." 

She looks at my ring and says, "I would be more worried about getting robbed than speculations. It's a beautiful ring."

I sighed and brought my hand in full display in front of us, "It is, huh? Ren doesn't want to pressure me to wear it but, I love wearing it." 

"You guys make me want to throw up," Gorya said, and I pushed her shoulder. "How's it going with Thyme?" 

We reached a bench in the quad and sat together. Gorya sighed, "Well, my parents moved out a few days ago. You know, Roslyn came to my house with a vendetta and a cheque."

I shook my head, "I can't believe she tried to bribe you to stay away from Thyme. She hasn't been so present in Thyme's life because she was obsessed with Parama Group. I feel bad for Thyme." 

"How about me?" 

I kissed her on the cheek, and she looked at me with wide eyes, "You know I care about you." She smiled, "Me too." I smiled back and she continued, "Anyway, she took my dad's investors, and now they're going back to the province to help my relatives and make some income there. I might have to start working. Luckily, Glakao is still home but, he's going to live with them for the summer." 

"You'll be alone?" I asked. 

She nodded, "Crime has increased in our area because of inflation. Hopefully, by the time Glakao goes to our parents, it won't be so bad." 

"Move in with me. I'll talk to mom. We have a lot of rooms sitting vacant at our house," I offered. Gorya shook her head, "I don't want to burden you."

"But you wouldn't. I'm more concerned over your safety," I said adamantly. Gorya thinks about my offer, "I'll think about it."

I nodded and slumped in my seat, "Have you talked to Thyme?"

Unrequited II F4 ThailandWhere stories live. Discover now