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My fingers were sticky from the dough as I kneaded my hands through. Kaning stirred the frosting mixture while Gorya went and found a box to hold the cookies in. The three of us were working on Gorya's meaningful gift for Thyme while Glakao munched on the chips I bought for him in the living room; immersed in a tv drama

"I'm done with the cookie dough," I said as I looked at my creation.

Kaning shot me a thumbs up and I yelled, "Gorya! Help me mold them! We can't be doing all the work for your boyfriend's birthday gift!"

Gorya descended the steps from the second floor, waving the box–wrapped in the white and gold striped present paper, "He's not my boyfriend." I cast a knowing look with Kaning as Gorya evaded the topic, "Anyway, I wrapped the box, is it cute?" I took the box from her hands and inspected it, "It's nice, add some kind of rope to tie it as a bow." Gorya nodded and Kaning said, "I'm done with the frosting, let me help with the cookies."

I set the bowl in the middle of the counter and we all got to work, rolling the sweet dough in small circles. We spread them throughout the parchment paper on the baking tray, my fingers sticking to the dough. "Do you know what you're wearing for tomorrow?", I asked.

"I did have this beautiful dress. It was from P'Tia. But, last night Glakao spilled sauce all over it." Gorya rolled up a tissue and threw it at his head, "I'm still mad about it."

Glakao zipped around to look at us and whined, "Sorry, ok? Let me be." Gorya rolled her eyes and I suggested, "Do you want to borrow one of my dresses?"

She sighed, "Thank you, friend, but I took it to the laundromat to get it cleaned, it was so expensive for a simple stain."

I went back to rolling as she continued, "But, thankfully someone offered a loan for me."

"Oh yeah? Who was it?", I asked as I rolled another. She shrugged, "He was just a random guy, he didn't tell me who he was."

Kaning and I shared a glance between us as I said, "That's weird." Gorya responded, "Maybe it was just a fleeting moment...I don't know he was nice and he helped me and made sure I wasn't scammed for my money."

I suggested, "I could've had your dress cleaned, Aunt Cel would be glad to do it." Gorya smiled as she set two circles of cookies on the tray, "Thanks friend, but I don't want to be indebted to you." I rolled my eyes and groaned, "You won't be indebted to me. I swear Gorya, you need to let us help you."

Gorya looked at Kaning for help but she shrugged and placed the tray inside the oven. I wiped my hands with a towel and set aside, "So...will you let me help you get ready for tonight?"


Glakao and Gorya's shared room became a hurricane in just a few minutes. Makeup bags on Gorya's bed, straighteners and curling irons on the floor, and our dresses (steamed and prepped) hung on the door. I carefully walked around the items I'd brought as Gorya blended her foundation and Kaning watched as we got ready. I sat next to Gorya as I looked at Kaning, "Are you sure you don't want to come with us?"

Kaning shook her head, "Dad wouldn't let me, and I wasn't invited."

I bat my hand, "You could've been Gorya's plus one. I'm Ren's."

Gorya blended her foundation with her fingers as she asked me, "Why aren't you going with Ren? Shouldn't you two show up as a couple're engaged?"

I touched the curlers on my hair to ensure it was in place as I answered, "Oh we are. He's our escort to Thyme's party." Gorya nodded as Kaning hiked her legs up onto Glakao's bed and sat crisscrossed as she watched us. "How are you and Ren?", Kaning asked.

Unrequited II F4 ThailandWhere stories live. Discover now