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"You went to the mall?", I asked Ren as I curled my hair, getting ready for prom tonight. "Yeah, I had to get something for my mom and return a couple of things," Ren said through the phone. I looked at the time and read 5:40 PM, I have time. I put the curling iron down and touched the curlers on the top of my head, which curled my bangs.

"Are you getting ready," he asked. "Mhm," I mumbled, pinning a strand of my hair back. "I'm almost done with my hair, I just need to do my makeup," I said as I grasped the handle of the hot barrel, twirling a strand of hair around it.

"Ok, I can't wait to see you tonight."

I smiled, "Me too. Bye, I'll see you in about an hour."

"Bye, love you," Ren said before hanging up. I glanced at my phone and shook my head as I continued doing my hair, he'd always hang up after saying that before I can respond. Too embarrassed to hear my response. After curling the final piece, I ran my fingers through my curls and sprayed hairspray to keep it in place, at least for a few hours. My hair is so thick, my curls only last a fraction of the time.

I went to my bathroom to get my makeup bag and eyeshadow palettes. I looked up at my mirror to check my styling. A knock came at my door and I called out, "Come in." Ali peeked inside and she gushed, "Ms. Nova! You look beautiful." I smiled as looked at the mirror before looking at her, "I didn't even do my makeup yet."

She shook her head, "You're going to be the most beautiful girl there." I smiled, "Thank you P'Ali."

She opened the door wider and showed me my dress, packed in a clear zip-up dress cover. "Here's your dress, by the way," she said as she went to my bed to lay it on top of the blanket.

I rummaged through my makeup bag and said, "Thank you, P'Ali." She hummed and closed my door as she walked out of my room. I sighed as I sat in my chair and put some primer on to start on my makeup. My idea for makeup was to keep a glowy, dewy base and a dark red lip. My dress was a smoky grey color, off-shoulder, with short tulle sleeves draping the arm. The dress was an a-line silhouette with a voluminous tulle skirt, its length barely covering my toes.

After I finished my base, I went to do a simple brown eyeshadow look to emphasize my big, doe eyes. I did my eyeliner with a brown pencil and applied mascara before gluing on separate wisps of individual false lashes–to make my eyelashes appear fuller. I finished up by putting on a lip stain and a gloss on top, to make them shine under the light. I took my bangs out of the curlers and smooth them down with my hands, parting them to frame my face.

I stood in front of the mirror, satisfied with my look, and went to take off my satin robe. I dressed in my undergarments and took out my dress from its cover. My hands ran through the fabric and I was mesmerized by how fairy-like it looked. I carefully stepped into it and put my arms through the sleeves. I smoothed my skirt down and spun while looking at myself in the mirror.

I took the earrings Ren bought me, and wore my engagement ring–with a few other rings to wear on my fingers. The dainty, silver bracelet I wore was from my mom a few years back. I took of my dad's necklace and replaced it with a silver chain and diamond pendant. As I hung dad's necklace on my jewelry tree, I wondered if he could see me, I wish you were here dad. I smiled as I looked at the picture of us, which sat on top of my desk.

Before I left, I spritzed some perfume on and took my small clutch with me that only held eyelash glue, lipgloss, and my phone with my wallet inside. I put on my silver, open-toed, stiletto heels, bound to give my heel pain for a of couple days. I walked out of my room, turned off the lights, and closed the door. I looked to my right at mom's office and saw that it was closed. I didn't know if she was home, but if she was it wouldn't make a difference anyway.

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